Chapter 2- Calling of the wedding?

Elders of Joshi family members were standing there with hanged face and their hands in a namaste form in front of the Chavan family in the drawing room of Chavan Nivas. The marriage of Patralekha Joshi and Samrat Chavan is within 3 days. Guests have been invited the preparations and rituals have been started. Kuldevi puja has been done already

Engagement is scheduled for the next day. Relatives will start to arrive from that dau evening and now Patralekha ran away after leaving a letter.

Aai and Baba,

I am sorry. I can not move on with this wedding. I get a scholarship for my dream course in Australia. I can not lose the opportunity. I am leaving to do that. I am sorry I had to sell the jewelry Aai gave me for my wedding to collect my passage money. I will come back after getting a good job.

Your Pakhi

Mrs. Bhabani Chavan read the letter twice and handed it to her daughters-in-law Ashwin and Sonali. all were devastated by the news. now it's about the reputations of these families, especially the Chavan family. What they will tell society is that there would be daughter in law ran away that's why they have to call off the wedding.

It would be really embarrassing for them to call all guests and inform that the wedding is canceled, then they have to say it to the media also who made all this a hype. What a nuisance the girl has been reated.

The Director and CEO of the company Virat is worried for the company share. This group of companies are his companion, his baby, he loves his company a lot, he works hard honestly and ca not tolerant that a dumb girl's selfish action can put down the value of their company share and goodwill. He said finally "wh the hell Patralekha did this? She could have come to us regarding this. We never said that she cant pursue her career after marriage."

Her mother Vaishnavi told "Actually she said to me that she is waiting for the result of her admission test of the institute. She also said that she wasn't interested in marriage now her first priority is her career. But I liked Samrat and the opportunity of her bright future so I convinced her and didn't say anything to anyone"

Sonali becomes angry "She wasn't interested to marry my son and here he was fighting the whole world to marry her. What the hell she think of herself and what she will do after doing this course we could have sent her to the best institution and established a great boutique for her. But no your daughter is dumb and immature." she started crying after saying all this and her sister-in-law Ashwini supported her.

Ninad told, "if she was not interested then you should have said us instead of convincing her but you all see that this is a good opportunity to be relatives f Chavans so you did it."

Vaishnavi cried and said "No Mr. Chavan not for your reputation and money I convince her because of Samrat and his love for her. I thought that she will not get this kind of love from anybody else." all understood her maternal instinct and stopped blaming her.

On the other hand, Samrat is broken after listening about Patralekha's elopement. He knew that it was his love a first sight, she was not as affected as him towards her. She old him that her first priority is her career and he promised her that he will allow her to pursue her career after marriage but she literally left him alone on the alter.

Other family members were worried about their future steps to managing this situation at that moment Devi come up with an idea. 

Guys, please check out my other Sairat stories also and tell m what you think about them.

A triangle Love Story

As new generation take charge

Hidden affair

My protector


Starting from scratch

Tere mere love story


Where life is leading us

Complecated life

Complication and confusion

Falling in love again

Its between us

Jab we met again

Love and light of their life

Secret relationship

The mysterious girl ad the handsome guy

Virat's realization and Sai's love

When she retuned

Your support means the world to me

Virat's letter to Sai
