Ch. 9 - The lover next door

Ink and Error walked together in silence, until they eventually arrived to their homes.

"Alright uh.. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I hope not."

Error joked as Ink playfully punched him on the shoulder, Ink then walking to his own house with his keys in hand.

"Alriiight.. bye-bye Glitchy."

"Bye squid-face."

Ink pouted as he waved at the other, then soon locking the door while Error did the same.

- Inks POV

I jumped onto my bed as I sighed in relief, thinking about what happened today.

While staring at the ceiling, it had started to rain. I walked over to my window with my knees on the ground, admiring the rain just to see Error doing something, which I could see right through my window.

He was carrying a bunch of heavy boxes which seemed like he needed to unpack for his new home; my eyes then went to Error without knowing that I was currently staring at him like a creep.

While Error felt like he was being watched, he looked over to his window as he caught me watching him.

I quickly looked away in embarrassment, God! I really got carried away. I then pretended to look at the rain, which was what I wanted to do at the first place, until my eyes suddenly just went to Error.

Error placed the box down as I saw him writing something on a piece of paper. As he finished writing, he placed it on his window which is telling me to read it.

What are you looking at? It said.

I let out a loud gasp as I did the same. Error laughed at my shocked expression, which is telling me he enjoyed my embarrassment.

As soon as I finished writing on a blank page on my sketchbook, I showed it to Error through my window.

Not looking at you! I'm looking at the rain >:(

When Error finished reading it, the self centered side of him had started to take over.

Error shook his head as he wrote something on the back page.

I don't think so. You were admiring me because I am just SO handsome.

I cringed at the message on the paper as I pretended to look disgusted. Error laughed, I then soon returned back the reply.

Definitely not, Mister ugly man!

Error chuckled through the window, he then wrote one last message.

Good night, stalker.

He then closed the curtains as all I could see is the black shades on his window.


I then did the same to my window as I was getting ready for bed. Man, What a day. Wonder what will happen tomorrow.
