Chapter 66 - War Intentions and Speculations

Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo: National Diet Building

Chief Cabinet Secretary Takano left the Speaker's reception room and emerged into the plenary session hall. Entering from behind the Speaker's desk, he carried a black lacquer tray containing a dissolution decree wrapped in a purple fukusa. First, the Speaker opened it, confirmed its contents, and then politely handed it to the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

"I have just been informed that the Prime Minister has been issued an Imperial Decree, and I will read it aloud," the Speaker of the House of Representatives declared, and at the same time, everyone in the room rose to their feet.

"In accordance with Article 7 of the Constitution of Japan, the House of Representatives is hereby dissolved."


The members of the House of Representatives raised their hands and cheered three times, followed by thunderous applause.

At this moment, they lost their status as members of the House of Representatives. With the exception of a few who had announced their retirement in advance, they were transformed into a crowd of people who had won the election campaign and were now ready to gather here again. They shook hands with their colleagues and left the plenary hall one by one.

"Now, it's a two-front war," Kato, now the head of the Cabinet for the Execution of Duties, commented. "Let's all come back together... and we'll get back to normal."

"Get back to normal... that's quite a good line," Takano responded. "Isn't that a perfect slogan?"

"It's not that much different from what it was over a decade ago."

"I think it's fine. In fact, we need it now."

"I see... that might be true."

Kato nodded and looked somewhat far away.

A world that had been peaceful, albeit with some problems, may have disappeared somewhere beyond their reach. However, Kato was convinced that it was his duty to at least bring Japan as close to that time as possible.


Washington, D.C.: The White House

The chaos caused by the air raids on the mainland was sweeping across North America. Public offices, state governments, major corporations, and financial institutions, the backbone of the nation, had been blown to pieces, or were moving in different directions out of fear that they might be targeted in the future. Even if the government tried to control them, it was difficult just to understand the situation, as the people in charge had been killed in the bombing and phone lines were not working. In the meantime, the next important facility was being obliterated.

"Are you telling me you can't see everything we're doing...?" President Truman snarled in contempt.

According to a written report of discussions among scientists, science fiction writers, and others who had escaped damage, the satellites launched by the Japanese military, although extremely small, might have a certain degree of reconnaissance capability. The reason for the unusual efficiency of the air raids was also attributed to this.

Fortunately, the report also stated the direction of the measures to be taken. It was estimated that Japanese satellites in low orbit could be shot down by anti-orbit guns with a speed of over two kilometers per second. The orbital calculations of the targets could also be done by electric calculators—even though the ENIAC at the Ballistic Research Laboratory had been dismantled. Of course, anti-orbit guns are just a pie in the sky, so they had to be designed and developed from scratch, but they were still a better part of the equation.


With a mouthful of coffee brewed thickly, Truman skimmed over the next report. This one was about evacuating some of the departments and research institutes to New York and Philadelphia, especially utilizing the seized subway stations. It was quite elaborate, including tailoring special trains and not fixing the whereabouts of important people.

'I no longer know who will be targeted... maybe even me?'

Since the White House has not yet been bombed, the Japanese may not have had that intention. Nevertheless, being the dastardly Japanese military, one never knew when they might change their minds. Furthermore, there was a possibility that the mysterious superweapon that had destroyed the Marines on Iwo Jima might be used again. They had expanded their underground air-raid shelters in case of emergency, but it was frustrating to feel as if life and death were in the others' hands.

"Mister President!"

An aide barged into the Oval Office at 15:00, as abruptly as ever. His face was truly puzzling. The right half of his face was full of sorrow and the left half of his face was gleeful.

"What is it... bad news and worse news again?"

"No, sir, it's good news and bad news," the aide replied excitedly.

"Then start with the good news."

"We've made contact with that Alexandrian or whatever they're called!"

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yes, sir! I will give you more details later, but it seems that the geostationary satellite belongs to the Alexandrians and that we can make contact with their spacecraft via it."

"Ooh, that's amazing... we might be able to do something about that."

Truman's face lit up. They have to consider the possibility that this could also be a ruse, but it could be a breakthrough.

"So, what's the bad news?"

"The Pacific Fleet has been wiped out off the coast of Alaska, sir."

"H-how many ships were lost?"

"Literally, every single ship was sunk without mercy."

"Ugh... uuhh..."

Truman was struck with an intense headache and shortly afterward he blacked out.


Moscow: Kremlin

The sound of gunfire echoed through the air. One after another, those suspected of having internal communications with Japan were being executed by firing squad. However, the current situation was becoming the sole responsibility of the chief of NKVD, Beria. Although the perverted bastard claimed that the purge had resulted in a sharp decrease in air raids on Europe and Russia, it appeared that the Japanese military had simply turned its attention to North America. In addition, even Beria seemed to be simply eliminating those who might stand in his way as much as he liked.

In the midst of these deadly purges, Molotov, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, was visiting General Secretary Stalin's office.

"Hmm... do you really think the aliens are helping Japan?"

Stalin, who had aged a great deal in the last two months, could not have looked more doubtful.

"Do you think it's time to make jokes, Comrade Molotov?"

"But Comrade Stalin, the Americans are beginning to take it seriously."

Molotov also looked perplexed and pulled out a classified diplomatic document from his bag. However unbelievable the contents, they were unmistakably authentic, stamped with the bald eagle insignia.

"The Japanese military operates weapons that do not exist in the known world, such as satellites, guided rockets, and long-range bombers presumed to be high-performance jets. It is difficult to believe that these were developed independently by Japan... Whether or not they are aliens of some kind, it is true that we must assume that they are the result of some external force acting on them."

"Surely, the presence of traitors could not have caused so much damage?"

Recalling the devastation of Moscow, which was burned with precision, Stalin looked puzzled. The full extent of the surprise bombing by the Japanese took a considerable time to be found out, especially since they had lost proper contact with the Far Eastern and Transbaikal armies. Moreover, if every high-ranking officer was killed in the war, it would be unnatural as betrayal or informal communication.

"Continue, Comrade Molotov."

"Yes. The Americans have apparently succeeded in making some kind of contact with the supposed aliens and have called for a summit meeting of the three countries to share and discuss this fact."

"Hmm... a summit, you say?"

He first expressed his concern because of his dictatorship, then took a sip of vodka and thought about it. Originally, he was prepared to discuss the international order after Germany's surrender—they finally found the square mustache bastard's dead body yesterday—and he would have to find out what and why the world has gone so wrong.

"That will be necessary, too," Stalin concluded, then continued. "However... at this point, we cannot take the word from the United States and Britain for granted. We must also consider the possibility that they leaked the Yalta Conference in order to divert Japanese troops from their targets."


"Comrade Molotov, proceed with the negotiations with Japan. It is annoying to talk about peace, but for now we need to buy time and gather information. In particular, as you said before, the ambassador to Japan, Comrade Malik, may know something, so at any rate, go and demand his extradition as soon as possible.

"I understand, Comrade Stalin. I'll do anything to get him back."

"I'm counting on you, Comrade Molotov."

Stalin looked at Molotov with a relatively benign gaze as he proudly took the oath. Just at that moment, a gunshot echoed. Stalin was the one who had ordered the executions to be carried out in a place where he could hear them, but it seemed rude in the current situation.

"Then I have a few words of small advice for Comrade Beria as well."


London: Prime Minister's Office

John Winant, the US ambassador to the UK, could only be described as a dead man walking. It had not yet been reported in the newspapers or on the radio, but the bulk of the Pacific Fleet, which had gone to Alaska to destroy the Japanese landing fleet, had sunk to the last ship in the North Pacific. The news was so devastating that it seemed to have shocked the diplomats into oblivion, as their proper demeanor had been shattered one by one by air raids on the mainland.

"As soon as we have separated Japan from the aliens, we must once again launch a counteroffensive. To do so, we must rebuild the Pacific Fleet as soon as possible," Winant spoke. "We need as many battleships and aircraft carriers as possible for the Pacific Fleet... right now, the only fleet that can be a force in the Pacific is your own. We are asking you to transfer them to us. We are running out of time, crew and all."

"I'm sorry to hear that, sir."

Prime Minister Churchill, who had led his country to victory in the war against Germany, was also perplexed by the situation and responded a bit snidely. Then, he suddenly blew out his cigar and realized something. Although it was becoming like a bat in a village without birds, the British Pacific Fleet had indeed become the sole carrier task force of the Allied forces. Still, the glorious Royal Navy had become the 'bat' part of that idiom. What a tragedy.

"It is true that the fleet was originally going to be under your command... but the skilled sailors in command of the ships have pledged their allegiance to the British Empire. This is not the same as giving them tanks and planes."

"We are asking you to do this because we know it is impossible."

"We have our own national defense to attend to, you know. Even if we no longer have a rampaging Germany..."

"Sir, how much are you going to charge us!?"

Immediately, Winant raised his voice before his face contorted.

"Ah... I am very sorry, Sir."

"I understand your plight."

Churchill, still blowing on his cigar, exhaled a breath of fresh air.

However, it was an undeniable fact that the Japanese have become monsters of a different shape, and to be honest, he had no idea how to confront it. Even if they gathered a hundred Spitfires and Meteors, they would not be able to shoot down even one of the jets in the photo. After all, the only reason they can still keep their cool was because the Japanese were strangely passive in Burma, and when he thought about that, he couldn't help but get angry.

"Well... I guess frankness is a virtue in the new world. Anyway, as for naval vessels, there are quite a few battleships and aircraft carriers that are scheduled to be canceled, so it would be quite possible for us to give them to you."

"We would like to have all those as well, along with the surplus vessels of your home fleet. At any rate, if you are willing to transfer your existing and future major naval vessels to us, we will consider doing so, including a partial waiver of our claims under the Lend-Lease Act."


Churchill chuckled inwardly at these words. This would probably avert a financial crisis that would plunge the British Empire into jeopardy. In any case, there was nothing better than to be able to sell off at a high price a military force that had ballooned to the point of being unsustainable. Of course, they can't send their men to death for nothing, but they should do something about it.

"If you say so, the British Empire, which has no equal in terms of friendship, will have no choice but to consider the transfer of naval vessels and other weapons."

"Ooh... thank you very much, Sir!"

Winant took the words head-on and rejoiced.

"I would like to bring your kindness, and that of your country, to President Truman's ears as soon as possible."

"I, for my part, look forward to meeting Mister President in Philadelphia."

As the meeting ended, with a courteous bow, Winant left the room.

Churchill then took a breath and wondered whether it would be possible to fulfill the premise of a counteroffensive, which would be a world crisis itself if it were not fulfilled.


In this Chapter 66, the House of Representatives is dissolved and the election is held on the same day. The leaders of each country are also upset by the absurdness of the situation, but are taking their own measures. Chapter 67 is scheduled to be updated on Wednesday, May 13. Thank you for your comments, bookmarks, and ratings.

The original anti-orbit cannon, the concept of which appeared in this work, is a high-altitude cannon manufactured by Dr. Gerald Bull's company. They succeeded in sending artillery shells to outer space (not into orbit, of course).

It was equipped with a fire control system that looked like a vacuum tube wacko (would an analog system suffice, given its nature?), a radar for aiming, and a large telescope, strapped to a gun that looked like two 16-inch guns connected together. If satellites had appeared in 1945, I think this kind of strange weapon would have been invented.

I heard that the most promising anti-satellite weapon in reality is a laser. The satellite can be irradiated with lasers to saturate the cameras and overheat its main body to aim for a loss of functionality. It is very difficult in space, where there is no way to dissipate heat outside except by blackbody radiation.

- Kujaku Aoi
