Dillan sped up running towards the crystal, I couldn't just stand here so I chased after him.

"Dillan! Think about what you're doing! Stop it!"

We stopped by the crystal and he said...

"Oh maybe I will... or not"

He blasted a big explosion in the whole area, causing the crystal to crack. I was there, and I couldn't even do anything about it. What am I gonna do?

"Owh the crystal, it's cracking. Oh what should we do? Shall we just... break it?" said Dillan annoyingly with a smirk.

"Shall we make another crack over here?"

Before he could even cast a spell, I blasted him first without hesitation. I am so mad, I don't even care who he is anymore. I ran towards him and jumped for a punch, but he quickly dodged it by rolling on his side. I continuously kept hitting him, as he continuously blocked my punches.

"Is this the best you've got sister?"

He tried to hit me, and that's my ticket for a hit. I punched him directly on his stomach, he flew all the way to the corner of the room.

"Hmm, I guess not brother" I replied.

He sprinted towards me and tried to land a punch. I concentrated in dodging every single hit, but he was too fast. His punches hurts. I was laying on my stomach on the ground, when I see his feet walking closer to me.

"I guess this is the end sis, have a nice life"

He was loading his power to strike me down, it hurts to move. Wait! I can't move!

"You can't move? Well that's because I paralyzed you with that hit, am I a genius or what sister?"

I glared at him.

"Any last words sis?"

Oh I have plenty, but how am I supposed to say everything right now?! He makes me more pissed off than I ever was. He pointed his hands towards me and was about to shoot until...



Victor arrived at the right time. I could've died if he didn't come in time. He looks even cooler fighting off Dillan. Pull yourself together Sam! Concentrate...

"Victor, welcome to the party"

Victor grabbed the metal chains and used it as a weapon to fight Dillan.

"We it's not so much of a party is it"


"Are we late for the fiesta?"

Kath and Garther arrived.

"I thought it was a party not a fiesta" said Victor.

Garther jumped in to help Victor with Dillan, while Kath deparalyzed me.

"You guys are just in time" I said.

"Well timing is kinda our thing" smiled Kath.

She helped me get up and we both went and join in the fun. Now, how is Dillan going to deal with the 4 of us...

"4 vs 1, hardly seems fair" smirked Dillan.

We attacked him at the same time, but it was shocking that he kept up with us. Dillan isn't supposed to be this strong, but he is...

"Give up now Dillan!" Shouted Garther.

And finally we cornered Dillan after a few tricks here and there. But smart ass Dillan did this. He ran by the crystal and said...

"If you hit me one more time, the crystal is finished"

We all stopped and looked at each other. They were shaking their heads and nodding. I can tell that Dillan is happy, his grin widened as soon as we made eye contact.

"Good, now come here sister"

I looked at Victor, he was shaking his head obviously telling me not to go.

"If you don't want your precious crystal and beautiful world to turn into ash, come to me... now!"

I looked at them with tears falling down my face and said...

"I'm sorry"

I walked closer and closer to Dillan. But when I got closer to Dillan, he was acting weird...

"Aaaaaa!" Shouted Dillan.

What the hell is wrong with him? Is he shouting out of relief that he won or is it out of anger, or is it pain?

"Shut the hell up Dillan!" said Kath.

"Nooooo! It burns! Make it stop! Make it stop! Now!!!" Dillan shouted.

He wasn't kidding, I was looking around and saw Victor in flames. I saw the flames in his eyes, his anger lit up the fire inside him and was about to go out of control.

"Victor calm down, Victor"

I slowly stepped closer to him but before I could go near him he shouted out loud...

"Don't come near me!"

I stopped. But then again started to take a step closer to him.

"Stop! I'm dangerous!"

I still kept going forward.

"I know, but don't forget, I'm dangerous too... but do you know who's more dangerous? Its him, and he's in pain right now, because of you. You made him stop from destroying the crystal, and that's a good thing"

"No!" He stopped me.

I finally reached Victor and held his face with both of my hands. I looked at him and said...

"Look at me, stop looking at him. Look at me, look at me"

He looked at me, and the flames started to disappear.

"That's right, that's it" I said with a smile on my face.

"You think it's over sister? Well you're so wrong!"

He blasted his whole energy onto the crystal, but before it reached the crystal everything went slowmo. I ran and ran and ran, until I was in front of the crystal taking in all the power he released from inside him. I have to endure, for the world, for the people, for mom, Kath, Garther, Victor, and for myself.

I screamed my lungs out as I saw Victor looking at me like I'm gonna die. Kath was shouting so loud, she said stop, I don't need to bear the pain, so just stop. But of course, I didn't listen. It was my fault, everything was my fault, so I have to fix this myself.

"I'm not gonna die..." I said to Victor.

My tears fell down my eyes, to my cheeks, to the floor. Victor ran and ran and ran towards me as Dillan finished his last breath on that major blast. We dropped to the ground and he faded. My mind was blank as if I had no soul. Dillan gave his life to destroy the crystal, but it didn't turned out the way he planned it. The crystal was not destroyed, but it destroyed me.

"No no no talk to me Sam!" Shouted Victor.

I could see their faces filled with tears, I wanted to tell them I'm sorry and thank you...

But I guess it's too late...

"Sam don't you dare close your eyes!" Garther yelled.

I couldn't talk, all I could do was smile. At least I don't have regrets in my life, thank you everyone. Maybe it's time to rest, maybe it's time to let go, I did everything I can, but I guess it was kinda enough. I will somehow be in your life Victor, I will never let you go, ever. So please don't forget me, and please I hope in the next life, you're still here with me...

I closed my eyes and It all went blank. It's over, finally over...




I opened my eyes to see, a room, a hospital room. What am I doing here? This is...

"Omg thank goodness you opened your eyes!"

Mom? Wait, this is...

"I was so worried, I thought you'd die"

Is this? DILLAN?! No way, is this the other world? Or wait, did I just dreamed everything?! This is so confusing.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You came in late and the sun..." said mom.

So everything was a lie? I immediately started to burst put in tears. Dillan and mom started to panic and called the doctor. I couldn't speak, I was too sad to even think of talking. Victor! Are you real or not? I cried for the rest of the day until...

"Oh Sam this was beside you when you passed out"

Mom said while handing me a book entitled...

'Reincarnation of a Upside Down Story Book'

I opened it and read the whole thing without sleeping overnight. Everything happened in the book, was everything that happened to me.


If you can hear me or at least remember me in there Victor, don't forget that I will always love you. And you're always somewhere here in my heart. I miss you already. At that note, I lived my life loving Victor, even if he's just a fictional character...

