𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 π’‡π’Šπ’—π’†

Ani's POV

I had just gotten out the shower when I saw Jinny sitting on my bed.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked with the classic 'Isabella' voice.

"Mom was yelling at me so I went in here to get away from her after she finished. I'm pretty sure if she sees me she's gonna find another reason to yell at me." She replied. (Are you guys proud of me? I didn't say said or answered lol)

"Okay..." I shrugged dragging the last letter of my word on. "Well can you hide in someone else's room? I'm pretty sure that Diesel will let you in his room."

"No I won't!" My brother yelled back.

"Just let her in your room unless you want to get in trouble along with her!" I groaned.

"FINE! Hurry up before she's come back inside the house you loser!" He snapped.

Mom came back inside after 10 minutes and went into her room then went to sleep. I got dressed and was putting my hair in a messy bun when I heard a knock on my window.

Sarcastically I commented, "Oh. What's up?"

"Just help me in the window." Henry said.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes.

I tried to help him get into my room trying to be as quiet as possible, but he knocked over my fan.

"Dude!" I whisper shouted. "Are you trying to get caught?"

"That's not my fault. You just suck at sneaking people in."

"Well I'm sorry I don't usually sneak people in." I snapped with a slight giggle.

He was sitting on my bed while I was putting my hair in a bun when he popped the question.

"So why DID want to sneak out?"

"My parents are getting a divorce. That's why he had his bags when we went to pick up Hyojin. I think he's coming for my birthday but I really don't know." I mumbled.

"I'm so sorry. Is there anyt-" He attempted to continue but a small tear went from my eye.

"Nah, I'm good man. I'll shak-" I said wiping my eyes.


"What do you mean by no. I just said I'm fine." I said reassuring him with a chuckle.

"No as in sometimes you can't just laugh it off. Sometimes you need to cry. You can't have your emotions bottled up forever. That gets nobody anywhere."

Smiling I said, "Yeah thanks but no thanks. I'm not bottling up my emotions I just like to deal with them on my own."

"Yeah well you don't have to deal with it by yourself. You have a bunch of caring friends. AND ME!" He responded.

"Hey I'm gonna go out with Niall instead, do you think you could convince Sully to cover for me too?" Hyojin said walking into my room inter.

"Why didn't you do it when you were in his room?." I laughed.

"Basically we were talking about kindergarten and he started talking about horse girl Sally and one thing lead to another we got into an argument." She chuckled.

"I'm guess I'm gonna go convince him to cover for us." I told Henry.

I was walking towards Sully's room when I heard mom's bed creak. She was getting up. I turned around in front of my door and mouthed for them to go hide.

"What are you doing?" She asked coming from behind me.

"Huh? Oh I'm... just playing this game! It's a teen thing!" I stuttered.

"Oh cool! I wanna try." She added while trying to swat her arms the way I was doing it.

"Yep! That's how ya do it! You should probably go back to sleep. It's almost 10:00 o'clock and you have to get up early for work. Goodnight!"

"Oh yeah! I forgot what I came out here for anyways. Love you!" She said kissing the top of my head.

While she was walking back to her room I went into my room and locked my door. "Where are you guys?"

"Under the bed." Hyojin responded.

A muffled noise came from my closet, I opened my closet and Henry fell out.

"I said 'in the closet'."

I giggled like I always do, "I'm gonna go try that again."

I walked to Sully's door and barged in. "You need to cover for us." I whisper yelled.

"What's in it for me?"

"We'll do you chores for a week."

"2 weeks."


"Deal." He said closing the negotiation.

I walked out of his room and went to mine trying to make it seem like he said no.

"I'm sorry." I said trying to not to laugh but I failed. "he's gonna cover for you." I giggled .

"Alright, We're gonna go. No drinking please and thank you. Buh bye!" I told Hyojin.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever." She responded pulling out her phone obviously not listening.

I grabbed my packed backpack then Henry and I hopped out my window as quiet as we could. Thankfully this time he didn't make any noise. We were walking down to the end of my street when Henry just stopped.

"What are you doing? Why'd you stop?" I questioned him.

"Where are we even gonna go?"

"You can just drop me off at a hotel or something. I'm just gonna end up not going to school for like 2 days." I answered taking my phone out of my pocket and putting it my bag with a smile.

"You can't stay at a hotel." He said with a concerning tone.

With a reassuring tone I said, "Why not? I have my card and I can fend for myself."

"You can just stay with me. My parents are gonna be in Maine for 2 weeks for my cousin's wedding and my sister went with them." He offered.

"Babe I'll be fine. It's a hotel that's like a couple miles away so I could just walk back home." I disagreed.

"You're staying with me. That's final." He concluded.

"Nope!" I stated popping the 'p' noise.

"Well I'm driving." He said walking towards the car leaving me behind.

"Ugh! That's not fair!" I said rushing to catch up to him.

When we finally got to his car I went into the backseat knowing I would fall asleep because I hadn't slept since 2 am.

Henry's POV (Finally)

I was driving to my house even though she didn't want me to. Ani fell asleep in the back of my car so I stopped at a gas station near my house to grab some snacks for her.

Once I got back in the car Ani had taken my extra hoodie and beanie I had in my backseat. They were obviously to big for her tiny body. I drove off and when we got to my house I had to wake her up.

"Ani, we're here." I said lightly shaking her.

"What? Oh okay." She said in confusion while yawning.

Once she got out of the car I grabbed her hand,Β intertwining our fingers while leading her to my house while she was wiping her eyes.

"Wait, I said I wanted to go to a hotel. Why are we at your house." She asked whining.

"I drove. You slept." I answered back.

"Whatever." She said jokingly pushing me.

I grabbed my key out of my pants pocket and opened my door when my dog ran out.

"When did you get a dog? He's so cute and fluffy!" She said extremely amused.

"Like a couple days before my parents left. My sister's boyfriend needed someone to take care of his dog."

"So you don't get to keep him?" She asked with puppy dog eyes.

"I keep him all summer and then when school starts the little pupper goes back to his parents house." I replied.

We walked into my house then she went up to the guest bedroom and set her stuff down.

"So when do you plan on seeing your mom again?" I questioned Ani.

"I don't know. Maybe Wednesday. I have enough clothes to last me until Saturday. I was gonna stay at a hotel but you drove me here." She answered.

"Well I got you some snacks when we stopped at the gas station." I said handing her the bag of candies.

"Oh." she yawned "Thanks."

"Well like you told your mom 'you should be getting some sleep. it's 10 o'clock at night' and we have school and you have your birthday!" I stated.

"Okay. Well goodnight." She said giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Oh and Henry," she continued, "Thanks for helping me out."

"No need to thank me. I'm just helping my dearest."


So I'm thinking about discontinuing this because I don't know where to take this.

Of course that's not a finalΒ decision but that might be where I'm gonna go.

I'm gonna start doing oneshots and stuff like that.

I will take recommendations but I will not do anything I feel uncomfortable with.Β 

I'm also NOT doing angst. It makes me uncomfortable.

Other than that have a good day, week, month, year and life.

Hugs, kisses blessing and prayers are being sent your way

-Ur local XannyBabe
