!Shiva imagines!

-Now you don't know how happy he was when he heard the news, he gave you tons of hugs and kisses.

-His three wives congratulate you and Ganesha was also excited.

-When your stomach grows bigger as time passes by, Shiva loves to talk with his unborn child and loves feeling the baby's kick whenever he touches it.

There's one time when he touched your stomach and you can feel the baby's hand on Shiva's big hand, you chuckle at the sight of him with his smirk when the small hand touched his as if wanting to hold his hand. 

"Ouch." Your stomach hurts a bit

"what happened? are you alright, did you get hurt somewhere?" shiva asked in worry

" I'm alright, it just seems the baby's really happy today that it kicked me to hard."

Shiva smirked as he started to touch your stomach and said " you got a high spirit little one! but, don't hurt your mother okay." he kissed your stomach

-he takes care of you every morning when you puke he tries his best to make sure you and the baby are healthy ( the wives don't exist anymore /j )

- Months pass by, as your stomach grew bigger so you started feeling uncomfortable fear not, Shiva will do his best to make sure you  are comfy.

-Massage you? check. Make sure you get rest? check. Make you happy 24/7? check, He'll do it without hesitation.

-He's actually confident enough that you'll be okay by yourself at first, however when he heard the news that you once fell down the stairs while protecting your stomach, which caused a great injure to your leg that you can't walk for a while makes him in a great panic and  dissapointed  in  himself.

After that day, hes been overprotective of you, hes still playful... But yet too overprotective.

" Shiva I can go to the bathroom by myself, as well as I can walk by myself."

"Then, I'll hold your hand, I don't want our child or you to be in danger again." He pouted, the incident back then indeed had  made you in a great pain in  both your stomach and leg, but you kissed him on his cheek to calm him and said, "I promise I won't hurt myself again, so wanna help me walk?"

Shiva would  talk to you about his future activities that he  planed  with his child, he discussed on how he'll like to teach his child how to dance, go  on a father and child's hangout, teach him/her on how to be a strong person, etc. You literally can see him like an exciting father having a long list of fun activities for both him and his child.

Sometimes, you'll sleep on his chest as his upper arm holding you and his lower arm gently touching  your stomach. If you got disturb by any deities who open the door loudly, then Shiva will glare at them.

to be continued?
