Chapter 41

I was done with my make up and had just put on my costume. I was quite excited. Talia was taking forever to get ready. I slid my feet into my black shoes.

I grabbed my wings and phone, and waited for Talia. After what seemed like forever, she was finally ready. She grabbed her keys and we were off to the Halloween party.

We reached the place, seeing all kinds of different costumes everywhere. I was a strange site and quite exciting. I grabbed my things, and put on my angel wings.

"Let's go!" She beamed, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside the house.

As we entered the place, I was handed a beer bottle and was expected to drink it. I held onto the drink still not sure if I wanted it or not.

I looked around for Matt, excited to see him. He wasn't in the house, so I would assume that he was in the yard. I pulled Talia to the yard and found Matt with the other boys.

His eyes met mine and then scanned me up and down. He grinned, approving of my costume.

Matt had a white shirt with 'blood' stains on it, than was ripped, showing his chest. He wore khakis and some vans. His hair was messy and he had colored contacts in. As for his mouth, he had fake teeth sticking out of it. I had to admit, he looked pretty good.

We walked over to him and Talia went to go talk the Jacks and Shawn.

"You look really nice Zoe. Did not quite expect you to wear this sexy costume." He had a wide smile plastered on his face. "You look pretty good too." I winked at him. "God, so many guys are going to be staring at you." He almost groaned, but then kept his arm around my waist.

"Now why does my little Zoe have a beer bottle in her hand?" He teased me. "Shut up, have you had any drinks?" I laughed. "No, last time I drank I acted like a total dick to you and my head was pounding." He replied.

I set the beer down on a random table and we joined the others. After talking about random shit, we went in to dance. Matt grabbed my hand pulled us into the crowd.

I was quite awkward with dancing. It wasn't really my thing, at all. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he rested his around my waist. We kind of just swayed and stuff to the music. Well that was until people around us began grinding on each other.

Matt looked at my reaction and laughed. He pulled us out of the crowd, which I didn't why he did. We were having fun.

"What's going on?" I said as we walked outside. "I don't want any guys grinding on you." He frowned. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek.

"Can we ditch this party please?" He said, clearly out of the mood of partying when nothing even happened. "Yeah sure." I smiled at him as we got in his truck.

"I'm kind of hungry." He spoke while driving. "I could eat." I agreed with him. "Let's go eat some wings?" He pleaded. I nodded as he turned towards some old restaurant.

I was really comfortable with going in a public place, dressed like a slut, so Matt offered to go and get them while I waited in the truck.

Talia: Where are you and Matt?

Me: Matt wanted to leave and eat somewhere.

Talia: Aw. Well do you think you'll be coming back to the party?

Me: Probably not.

Talia: I'll see you Monday, have fun :*

Me: You too, hoping that Johnson will ask you out (;

Talia: Hahaha me too (:

Matt cake back with the bag of wings. I was assuming we were going to eat them in the car. He had got us both some soda as well . "We aren't going to eat yet." He spoke, while setting the wings in the back seat.

"Are we eating at home?" I asked. "Nope, somewhere else." He smiled. Where were we going? What other place could we eat at.

Matt drove around town, finally stopping at what looked like a drive in movie. I was immediately excited. "I love you so much." I said, throwing my arms around him. "I love you too babygirl." He kissed my cheek.

"Wait here." He told me, while getting out of the car. Finally he opened my door and took me too the back of his truck. He had laid down blankets and set up our food.

He put his arm around me. "Aw Matt this is so sweet." I smiled. We sat down and the movie was beginning. The movie that they were playing was Hocus Pocus. I loved this movie so much.

We began eating our wings. I had not eaten since lunch at school, so it was nice finally get some food in my stomach.

"How do you do that?" Matt exclaimed.

"Do what?"

"Manage to eat wings without getting any sauce in your face?"

"I don't know." I giggled. "But, you've got sauce all over your face." I handed him a napkin. He failed to wipe the sauce on his face, and so I grabbed another napkin and wiped it.

He kept staring at me. I always felt self-conscious when he did this. "Matt." I stretched his name as I spoke. "You're amazing and beautiful. I just can't help but tell you that. I'll just look at you and I think how lucky I am to have my best friend be my girlfriend as well."

When Matt told me these heartfelt feelings, I had no idea in how yo reply. I feel like I love you would be an understatement. All I could do was just think how lucky I am to have him.

"You don't understand how lucky I am to have you though. Without you, I probably wouldn't be alive today." I said, laying my head on his chest.

"I would never do anything to hurt you." He said, as if something was going to happen. "Is everything okay?" I asked, concerned. "Yeah, just remember that okay?" He reassured me. I still wasn't convinced.

He could tell. "Babe, everything is okay." He rested his hands on my cheeks. "Promise?" I looked at him. "Pinky promise." He rested his for head on mine.

He leaned in and kissed me. Every time he did, I felt like I was having my first kiss all over again. "You've been getting really good at kissing." He smirked. "Why thank you." I beamed.


I,again, apologize for having such late updates. I am very busy with keeping my grades up. I hope you understand.

Hope you know that big things are gonna happen in the next chapters.

Anyways, thank you for everything!

My insta, twitter, and vine are @espinosacoast

