Chapter III

I know this chapter is small. But still, I wanted to make this somehow related to the storyline, idk. Anyway, here we are!
Mike's POV.

Today it's a week since I got out from the hospital. Now I can slightly control my robotic side. Chester was there everytime I needed help. I still haven't seen the rest of the guys.

I noticed one thing since that crash. I became overly depressed, I guess thats only because my body is now made of steel and schemes on 45%... Many people could be happy if they survived, even if they are Cyborgs now. I don't know. I'm not like them. I won't be happy again. Noone can deny it. All this time Chester tried to cheer me up. I wanted to say that he can stop trying, but I couldn't.

-A day later-

Since the doctor said that I need to work on my robotic side, I decided to do a small walk in the park. I can't sit home forever. The park was nice, peaceful, beautiful, it looked alive. Suddenly, even if the park was empty, I heard someone running.

"Hey Mike!", it was Chester, "How are you today?"

"Hello Chester", actually, I had noticed that I'm not that sad when Chester is in my company, "Could be better, I still have to train this stupid junk".

"Mike, this "Stupid Junk" is your body now", he sighed, "Look, I know, it hurts to accept that you're now a Cyborg, but you need to accept it, there's no way you can return everything".

"I know", I said, "I hope that one day I will live a normal life, just like you, and the others".

"You will Mike, You will", Chester whispered.
