
Grey and white clouds filled the sky but like always, I ignored them. They didn't bother me one bit. I assumed that the rain would hold out just a minute more. I stood in my black sweater waiting as she ran up to me with radiant energy flowing through her.

"What's up?" I questioned with a smile across my face.

"The sky!" She joked. I giggled, it's the same reply she'd always give me. We'd always tell ourselves how wacky and weird we were and, I agree. In the morning we're sluggish but as the afternoon rolls on, we're like crazy kids screaming in the streets. 

We continued our walk to school and by the time we reach the next crosswalk, a small drip bounced off my nose. I looked up at the sky then back at my friend. 

"You brought an umbrella?" She asked. Regretting not listening to the weather on the news, I chuckled.


"Guess we're running then!" I was shocked. Running?! This early in the morning? At that moment, it started pouring. Heavy raindrops began to beat my head as I groaned. Before I knew it, she started sprinting. 

"Stop raining!!" She screamed. I laughed as I dashed right alongside her. This is nuts! I thought we were just gonna wait for the rain to calm down. Guess not on her watch! We rushed into the nearest shop possible. Panting, my heart was pounding and I was hoping we could rest a bit before we go back running. Yet, I wasn't surprised when my friend started looking for socks.

Warm, wooly socks for when we get drenched in the storm. My shoes were already cold and soaked. We bought a pair and dashed right out of the store. We raced down the streets as the cold rain battered my head. At that moment, I felt free. Nothing worried me, not even my notes getting soaked by the heavy rain. Nothing was going to stop us! Not even the rain! Not even cold, soggy socks!

After running wild while crossing the streets safely, we took another pit stop. That's when she started taking off her prized possession, her shoes. I laughed as we started changing our socks and placed our feet back into our soggy sneakers. I grinned as she beamed back. 

It's as if the rain makes us more awake. More fearful of being late to school yet more mindless because we didn't care. Only a minute ago, all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. It was as if time stopped for a second and left us in the dark under some stormy clouds. As if she made my gloomy, rainy day better. Whatever it was, I'll never forget this moment racing with her.

"YOU READY?" She asked, all hyped up and pumped. I nodded my head and grinned from ear to ear.


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