
In a world where people have powers; or quirks as they were called, those who don't have such abilities are usually looked down by the rest of society.

Those people are called 'quirkless'.

One girl in particular was unfortunate enough to be labled as such.

Her name was Midoriya Izuka.

For the first twelve years of her life, she was told that she couldn't be a hero. That it was a job for those who have quirks. It didn't help that there weren't a lot of jobs for the shrinking quirkless population either.  Everything seemed to be dependent on quirks now, which now that Izuka thought about it, was stupid. 

True she liked heroes because she admired them for their work for the public, but there were only a few she liked because they honestly helped the defenseless because they wanted to. 

Right now she was on the swings after all the kids had left, they probably wouldn't play with her because of her status. To be honest, she was an adorable thing, even if she didn't know it. Long jungle green hair that was in cute curls, yet was still straight in a way, her cheeks had freckles that made her more endearing, large peridot eyes, and she had a white sundress that fluttered a bit as a slight breeze blew by. She also stood at a 5'5, making her taller than most girls her age, which would result in teasing from her peers, and she developed especially in the chest area; she was a B, nearly a C.

Before she could leave for home, she heard a voice. 

"Excuse me miss!" A tall black haired man jogged up to her. He was dressed in a fancy suit, with an expensive watch. 

"Yes sir?"

"Pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice your appearance. Has anyone told you that you're adorable?"

"Um, uh, only my mom, but, not really..."

The man seemed shocked at this. "No one told you?! Well, that settles it! I would like to help you become a model! My name is Alfafred Jinzo, I'm the manager in charge of Japan's Modelling Industry." He said as he gave her his card. "You may be a novice right now to the world, but think of yourself as a jewel waiting to shine. With some time and my help, I can guarantee that you'll be a very well-respected model in the near future."

Izuka was surprised by this. He wanted to help her, despite her quirkless status. She thought about this. This may an opportunity that she couldn't throw away, not to mention her widowed mother was working very hard to support Izuka and herself. She didn't want to be a burden. She could do this to help her. 

So she gave an answer that would change her life forever.



Eleven years later...

A young woman was just finished with another long day of swimsuit photoshoots and went into the bedroom of her villa. She overlooked her view of the park as she gazed at the sunset.

'I may not be a pro-hero or anything, but I'm able to get a sufficient lifestyle. And a nice house.' Now she grew to become one of the most successful models, with a fortune above the trillions as she kept winning things in life. She even got her mom a comfortable life. She had found a run-down place on what used to be Imperial Property before she had it fixed up.

If only she knew what fate would throw her way next.


Here's a new femizuku story for you all, I hope it's good. This story is going to be inspired by Model Behavior on archiveofourown, which is another femizuku story, but I'll try to make it as original as possible.

Thank you!
