Theres not enough space in the janitors closet

You were leaving class when Alex stopped you, "Do you think you, you could meet me in janitors closet  after lunch?" he asked. He had been staring at you all day probably because the shirt you chose for today showed a lot of skin - it showed both of your shoulders you had worn it on purpose hoping to catch his attention. You were glad that it had worked and quickly accepted to meeting him after lunch.
. . . . . .
You get up from your lunch table and see Alex waiting for you in the doorway once you make your way to hum he quickly grabs your hand and drags you to the janitors closet.
Looking around you notice how very little space there is and say, "Alex, I don't think the janitors closet has enough space for us to do anything." "Oh theres more than enough space for what I'm about to do with you." he responds then he strips right in front of you .. or so you thought he has a jedi robe under his outfit?! and he pulls out a blue lightsaber handing you a red one you back away from him confused then he says "Are you ready to catch this light fade?" he swings the lightsaber at you and you quickly block him.
. . .
He quickly got tired of you blocking all of his attacks and finally knocks the lightsaber out of your hand before stabbing you right in the stomach.
He watches in victory as you fall to the ground and looks you dead in the eyes and says "I am your father."
Then he leaves you in janitors closet all alone as you bleed not able move or yell for help your just stuck laying on the ground bleeding out reminding yourself that this happened because you wanted your crush to look at you and now you're dead. </3
