Chapter 9


I soon made up my mind and slowly made my way to the castle of lions, not really wanting to see them after running away.


I put purple on autopilot. I needed to clear my head before I arrived at the castle. I looked out at the stars. They're still beautiful, even after ten thousand years. I looked down at my chest and lifted my shirt. It was covered in bandages but it didn't hurt. I slowly undid the bandages and looked at all the small scars that littered my body, but one stood out the most. The one that nearly ended my life that was given to me by Zarkon.  


Zarkon made his way towards Alfor, gripping his sword tightly. "This will be the and I will be victorious." He raised his sword, ready to swing at the man who was putting his daughter in a pod. He brought his sword down, so fast you could hear it through the air. Alfor closed the pod, ready for his life to be taken, but to his surprise, Zarkon's sword clashed with another. 

"Stay away from my king, traitor!" The h/c haired boy yelled. He took a fighting stance, ready to protect Alfor at any cost. 

Zarkon laughed. "What will you, a mere Altean boy, do? I've already won this battle, and soon the war." He launched himself at the boy, only for him to dodge the attack. The boy turned around to face the Galran leader. 

"You will not win. You will lose everything!" The boy ran towards Zarkon, gripping the base of his sword. Zarkon smirks and attacks, managing to draw blood on the boys face. 

The boy reached up and touched his stinging cheek. He looked down at his finger, the once s/c hand now red with his own blood. When he looked up, it was too late. Zarkon had already made his next move. 

Alfor turned to help, but his eyes widened at the sight before him. "M/n!" 

A smirk appeared on Zarkon's face once again as he pushes his sword deeper into the boys stomach until he can't anymore. He leans down and whispers into his ear. "It's a shame you won't ne around to se me rebuild the world."

The boy turned to look at Alfor, a small smile grows on his face, stained red by how own blood. "I-I'm sorry... My king..." He spoke his last words before Zarkon pulled his sword from his body. He falls unconscious before he hits the ground. 

Alfor rushes to the unconscious male. "M/n, stay with me... You can't die." The boy's blood stained both of their clothes. An idea comes to mind and he quickly lifts the boy up and rushes him to a healing pod while Altean guards keep Zarkon busy. He quickly puts M/n into the pod and shuts it, turning it on. He watches it sink into the castle floors. "You must live for us all..."

M/n POV (in the purple lion)

I open my eyes, jolting awake in my seat. I look at my surroundings, letting out a breath of relief when I see I'm still in purple. I check my coordinates, wanting to know how far I was from the castle of lions. I wasn't far, but I was scared to come face to face with them after I had ran away, especially Keith. 

I lean back in my chair and sigh. "I can't do this..."



Hey guys.... So I know I haven't posted anything in a looong time... and I know I made random updates saying I would post something new.... But I'm going to try and actually start righting again. I will try to update this story at least once a month. 
