Chapter 5

I woke up and sat on my bed. 

My first thought was:

Holy shit i need to sleep more. I had only woke up and i am already sleepy.

My second thought?

I hope Slendy doesn't ask us proxies if Konan decided to make a trip out of his room, because i won't have a choice but to tell him, and i certainly don't want that.

Inlike what Konan thinks, i love him and want to protect him regardless the chances.

But being a proxy takes its tolls. I literally sold my soul to Slendy. I can't lie to him or break anything the oath says. Or else, well, lets just say that it's easier leaving a gang than stopping being Slendy's proxy.

Because we can't get our soul back.

Anyway, i have only woke up in like a minute, i'm thinking too many things already.

I got up and got dressed. I dressed with a Sleeping With Sirens t-shirt and a black hoodie with 'Disobey' in purple letters. I also wore my bright skinny jeans and my usefull black converse, from the original brand, All Stars. Of course it's stolen but, mere details...

I went to the bathroom adjacent to my room and looked at my deep blue eyes. They looked gloomy, dull.

I brushed my wavy brown hair and white teeth. I placed only a bit of eyeliner, although nobody will see it since i have my mask. It just makes me feel more human... 

I shrugged to my own thoughts and went to my nightstand on my room and placed my black mask with that blue string and tiny pink heart.

No matter what mood or situation i'm in, i still love this mask. It's like it has my soul in it. Wich i wouldn't even doubt if it contains it.

I took a deep breath and got out of my bedroom, headed to the kitchen.

As soon as i got out of my bedroom, i couldn't help but stare into Konan's bedroom. 

His room stayed between BEN's and Eyeless Jack's room. Jack's room stood in his left.

Mine stayed between Jack's room and Masky's and Hoody's.

In front of mine and Masky and Hoody's room, stood Slendy's office.

I decided to ignore my feeling and went to the kitchen.

Breakfast went by pretty smothly.

Slendy didn't exactly brought up last night, much to my relief. 

BUT, after dinner I will have to train Konan. 

Great... I'm thrilled to hurt Konan and see him cut and bruised. I couldn't be more excited.

Note the sarcasm.


I went out the front door waiting for Konan after i went to my room to grab my knife.

Just as i saw Konan get out of the door, i mumbled just enough for him to hear.

"Lets just get this over with." I muttered followed by a sigh short after.

"Yeah." He mumbled in the same tone as me. 

"Follow me."  I said as i lead him to a clearing where i got trained when i first went here. 

I stared into a tree with a huge dent and cringed.

I remembered when i made that.

I was training with Slender for like my 15th training or so and i jumped to fight Slendy's tendrils.

They made me fly and hit the tree pretty bad. As you can see, it left a freaking dent! I was so weak i could barely get up.

Of course me being me, i got up and continued fighting.

I remember i first learnt with Jeff. He was the knife expert.

After training with Jeff, i trained with the proxies Masky and Hoody that were experts in stealth and being discrete, i don't know the adjective exact to that.

After them, i trained with Sally who was an expert with speed and hiding and seeking. Not in the playfull way, i mean like you really learnt how to properly hide.

And before i trained with Slendy, i trained with Jack who was, and is an expert at stunts, punches and kicks, so i learnt well with him.

And i don't think i have to say in what Slendy is an expert to.

But what am i an expert on?


Then why did Slendy told me to train him?

If i was already sure that he was testing me, then this was the prove.

I mean, he doesn't trust me?  He HAS to bring my brother here, make him suffer like this to prove that i am trustworthy?

I shook my head to clean my thoughts.

I seriously feel what is left of my sanity rip and being torn to pieces.

I sighed before i started speaking, looking directed at my brother's beautifull hazel eyes.

really don't want to do this, but i have no choice.

"Lets start first with aim." I said, gesturing for him to get closer.

He hesitantly took steps forwars, eventually being at my sight.

You're being GENTLE! STOP IT! Mileena warned me, literally shouting.

SHUT. UP. Last time i checked, i can feel whatever i want to, let me do whatever i want and don't piss me off! I scolded her, not like it would do anything.

The bitch chuckled.

If you don't be nice i won't teach little Konan how to mix pain and pleasure~She sang.

I ignored her and slowly placed myself in front of Konan, facing the tree that had a targed carved by Jeff, made with his precious knife. 

I mentally scowled, i really dislike Jeff.

He burnt my house, he's the reason me and Konan are here, and he won't even fucking apologize!

Like really? If you burn someone's house and then have to stick with that person for probably life, then at least apologize!

"Pay attention. Look how i do it." I said, my tone was identical to the one i used when i teached him how to cook. Gentle, but not too gentle, it was like my voice itself was encouraging him onto trying hard.

 I glanced at Konan to see him staring at me. Well, more like staring at the knife i have on my hand.

I stared onto the tree, my eyes boring into the middle of the target.

I raised my hand exactly side by side to my head, above my shoulder.

I placed my hands onto the handle softly and then, after placing it a bit backwards, i threw it to the front, letting it go.

The knife hit the middle, almost the one before the middle, but hey, i managed it.

Konan took shaky steps forward, and i grbbed my knife, taking it away from the tree and went slightly behind Konan.

I placed the handle of my PRECIOUS knife in his hand softly as he looked at me. Well, my mask.

I could see him tremble slightly. I could see he was afraid of me, with my mask.

I sighed, i pratically never took my mask. Ever. Only when showering or sleeping. 

I grabbed my mask softly and placed it in my hoodie pocket. 

I shivered when the cold wind brushed against my face.

"Look, you just have to hold it like this, okay?" I asked softly, placing his hand on the perfect position.

Konan sighed, lowering the knife and turned to face me. 

Confusion and hurt in his eyes.  

"Why are you being nice to me? Are you bipolar or something? One day you act all heartless and the other you're the sister i knew..." He trailled off, looking to the ground.

I sighed, running a hand in my hair.

"Konan," I started, trailling off, not really knowing what to say. He looked at me, confusing gaining anger and hurt in his eyes.

I sighed, deciding to blurt out the truth.

"Look, i'm not heartless, Konan. I didn't change, nothing, what i am now is what i had been hiding from you and everyone, okay? I always wanted to kill, i always drank blood, MY blood." I said, Konan's eyes widdened in shock and fear.

Hurt flashed between my eyes before i went back to carefully blank.

"I love you Konan. That never changed, and it won't change no matter what. I just can't.... I can't be the sister i wanted to be anymore. I can't give up my life for you anymore. I want to, i just can't. I made an oath to Slender. I HAVE to obey him no matter what, or else the repercussions will be too big for you to even imagine. It kills me inside to be harsh, rude and awfull to you, but i can't bound, not more, if he tells me to hurt you, kill you or even torturing you, i have to. I never stopped caring for you. Never forget that." 

I ran a hand through my hair and took a deep breath.

"I'm not going to push it, but i want to know how you're here and why do you have scars on your arms." I said.

Konan looked down briefly, clenching the knife tighter in his hand. Sighing, he unclenched it, but looked at the target and rose it.

Doing just like i did, he threw the knife at the tree, landing pratically where mine did.

I smirked, surprised that he managed it the first time. He fist pumped and i saw a small smile in his face.

"Well done! Damn it, not even i learned that fast!" I said, patting his back gently.

He tried it a few more times, getting right in the middle once.

To be honest, i am surprised he even did it on his own. I guess i didn't know him just like he really didn't know me.

Scratch that.

I always knew everything about Konan, but when i had to leave him, i stopped knowing him, knowing what happened, knowing why is he here...

That's the questions to whose answers i'm looking for.

After that i tought him a few stunts and hits. AND after that i tought him how to properly handle and fight with a knife, or any other weapon that contains a blade like knifes, swords, scythes...

I tought him how to duck the attacks and how to defend himself.

He chose a weapon, a double scythe with only one handle.

And, finally, the worst part of them ALL.

I cleared my throat, feeling it suddenly dry and i picked up my mask from my hoodie pocket where i had left it, placing it back on. I really missed my beautifull comfortable mask.

"Well, now you have to practise it all by fighting. When you want to, you can start." I said, drewing my knife and grab it, getting ready.

Konan went a bit pale, a shocked face obvious in his features.

"W-we? C-Can't i fight someone else?" He asked, choking on his own words.

I sighed, slowly shaking my head.

"No, sorry."

Did i just apologize?

What the hell?

I NEVER apologize for something, well, unless it's apologizing to Slendy, Hoody or Masky. OR Jack...

He shook a bit and took a deep breath.

I could see his whole body language change, but he was NOT being controlled.

It was like he just remembered some bad memory.

Then he stared deep onto my eyes, he's eyes were blank, but piercing,as if he could acess all my personality and thoughts from my eyes and then spread his control all over my body, analysing him whole, jus by staring at my eyes. 

I shivered at the sight.

Then he lunged at me.

Okay, Shiny, time to shine.


Now seriously, time to focus.

He got really near me, while spinning the double scythe.

Normally, i would be an disavatage, i mean, his scythe his longer than my knife, he could hit me in distance before i could get near him. BUT i am not only a Creepypasta but also a proxy. 

There are advantages and disavantages in being a proxy.

He stopped inches away from me and his double scythe stopped too.

He wiggled his scythe to hit me but i ducked, lunching myself at him.

He was not expecting me to do that, so i pushed him and he fell backwards, giving a backflip and going back to his feet.

"I just remembered something..." He mumbled. 

Deciing to stay quiet, i waited for him to say what he meant to say.

"Why didn't you stopped them?" My face transformed into one full of confusion.

"What?" I asked, staying on guard. NEVER let your guard down.

"You said you would watch me in the distance, why didn't you stop them?" He mumbled the question that i dreaded to hear. 

I sighed.

"Konan, i couldn't follow you to Brooklyn, i had to stay here. Who are th-" I stoped talking when Konan lunched himself at me.

"You lied!" He yelled, making me flinch. I lunched at him too.

He struck his scythe but i managed to dodge the last second, making a small cut at my right side. I hissed due to my stupidity of being soft.

Okay, stop playing easy with him, Shiny.

 I turned around and lunched at him. My knife ready to strike.

"I couldn't DO anything Konan! I am a criminal, how do you want ME to go fly to Brooklyn?" I yelled as i got near him.

He sung his scythe but i jumped and i was stepping on the scythe as i slashed his shoulder and jumped past him, turning around to face him as he hissed in pain.

His blood flowing out of his arm made a tingling feeling on my body. I kept staring at it.

I started to feel hungry, i usually killed someone and drained him at this hour, whatever time it was.

"Shit..." I muttered. I tried to look at Konan but i couldn't stop staring at his blood.

I snapped out of it when i saw Konan lunching at me.

"You could have done something other than leaving me with mom and dad! You could have brought me with you, or hidden me somewhere else. He grit his teeth and clenched his scythe tighter.

He tried to strike from up to down, left to right.

I stopped his scythe midway with my arm.

"You seriously need to train strengh." I mumbled as i dodged him.

Stop being soft! You could have struck him!  Mileena yelled, clearly agravated by my actions.

I don't want to hit him! I hissed at her, wich made her taking over me.


Mileena/me laughed.

"Now lets have real fun." She smirked sadistically.

Unfortunately, she can  take over my body, but i can't take over MY body again. 

Konan seemed taken aback by Mileena.

"Aeris..." He whispered but i heard him. Why doesn't he stop calling me Aeris?

It's Shiny!!!!!

"i'm afraid not, sweet Konan." Mileena cooed, laughing in the end, as i mentally bit my lip.

Don't kill him or hurt him pretty bad Mileena. I warned, but it came out more of a plead.

Mileena laughed in our mind.

Of course i will... She said.

"Name's Sara, but call me Mileena. I'm another soul who lives on your stupid sister's body. She is afraid to hurt you, but call yourself lucky i am not like her, you pathetic weakling." She spat.


Sara? I asked her.

Mileena growled in our mind.

When i was alive my name was Sara, but that life is OVER. When you called me Mileena i liked the name, it made me remember that i am different now, not the same pathetic piece of shit i was before. NEVER CALL ME SARA. She explained, yeling in the end.

Fine Mileena. I said, mentally rolling my eyes.

Konan looked uterly confused.

Mileena lunched herself at Konan, her being faster than me by a lot, before Konan could blink, she/i was beside him, stabbing him on his left side.

He let out a shriek of pain, hurting my feelings immediatly.

Konan reacted immediatly though.

Before Mileena think what to do, Konan's blade hit our stomach, making us fly and hit a tree.

Fuck this, he's strong when his mad.

This is fun~ Mileena sang in our mind.

She mixed pain with pleasure, making pain just a feeling, not making anything nor botherig us. 

I can't explain how she does it or how it feels, it's just so weird!

She raised the knife and got up, effortlessy.

"Lets keep playing, shall we young Konan?" She laughed.

"Fucking sadistic bitch, give me my sister back!" Konan growled bitterly.

I got taken aback by his reaction, i never saw him say so many swear words in my life!

And he wasn't the type to be angry or to hold a grudge, he was the type to be upset and quiet, never speaking about the problems or never do anything about it.

I need to know what happened while i was gone.

Like now.

I heard the ringing noise, making Mileena go back inside me and let me take over myself again, only to cover my ears as i saw Konan widdening his eyes as memory's flashes in his eyes.

Slendy's ringing noise stopped as he appeared. I un-covered my eyes.

The only thing that keeps Mileena and Sully out of our bodies is the ringing noise, for some reason, it repels them out of control of our bodies.

"Thanks Slendy." I mumbled as i lowered my knife.

The wound Konan had made me before was completely healed.

His however was NOT.

He isn't immortal yet.

"You welcome child." Slendy said.

Konan didn't dare say a word, he was quiet, like his normal self.

"Children, i've decided to make you one of my proxies, your habilities are high, but it will increase further when you become a proxy." Slender's words made my eyes widen in shock.

A grin made it's way on my face, it's just amazing that i have my mask. 

He will loose his soul, and will have to do the oath in wich he HAS to follow, 

BUT i will be able to bond again, to be his sister again, to protect him again.

Proxies are obrigatory to bond, to act like family, so we cover each other's backs.

Now you know why i'm so happy!

We've trained all day, as it's weekend, or else i would have to go to school.

I'm in highscool, 11th grader.

I got back inside the mansion while Slendy informed Konan about being a proxy.

I wonder if he will make Konan wear a mask or change his name.

I mean, Konan doesn't look creepy, not in this world nor the next!

I played games with BEN  until Konan and Slendy got inside and we ate dinner.

"You cheated!" BEN pouted, as he took a bite of his steak.

I remind myself to drink blood, i'm hungry!

"No, i didn't, it's not my fault you suck at Sonic Heroes!" I defended. 

It's true, he sucks at it, we made a race, i won, he lose, simple as that!

He pouted like a child.

"Cheater..." He mumbled.

I giggled, amused, as my hand went to my mask, raising it above my lips to eat.

"You know, you wanting to win everything usually means that you didn't get enough atention as a child." I said.

"Uu~ miss psychologist, if you know everything about people's minds, why don't you know why humans suck?"  He asked.

I laughed. I am speciallyzing myself as a psychologist, to understand body language and people's minds.

"Because i am turning a psychologist, not a god!" I said as i ate my food.

Dinner went silent after our conversation.

I wanted to drink blood but i was too tired due to our training all day, so i just went to my room.

I changed into my black and purple pyjamas and went to my comfy bed.

 I placed my mask on my nightstand and my knife under my pillow.

I took out my smartphone and plugged one earplug.

I placed the song Kick Me by Sleeping With Sirens.

I tried to be quiet, but ended up singing the song, i loved the song, it's just amazing.

"Let’s start the journey

You sick judgemental fools

I’ll bury you six feet deep

'Cause I’m tired of your rules

Fuck you and your opinion

How could you be so blind?

What goes around

Comes back around in time

You don’t know shit

You don’t know shit

About me

You don’t know shit, shit, shit

Don’t know a god damn thing about me

Keep looking down on me,

I am more than you’ll ever be

Cut me deep but I won’t bleed

Gonna kick, kick

Kick me when I’m down

By all means

Put me through hell

And I’ll make you see

I’ll be your worst enemy

Try to kick, kick, kick me when I’m down

Kick me when I’m down

Of all the sinners

You’re first in line

So go to hell and tell the devil

I’m not that far behind

Fuck you and your decision

'Cause it's not mine

What goes around

Comes back around in time

You don’t know shit

You don’t know shit

About me

You don’t know shit, shit, shit

Don’t know a god damn thing about me

Keep looking down on me,

I am more than you’ll ever be

Cut me deep but I won’t bleed

Gonna kick, kick

Kick me when I’m down

By all means

Put me through hell

And I’ll make you see

I’ll be your worst enemy

Try to kick, kick, kick me when I’m down

You’re gonna kick me when I’m down

Kick, kick, kick me when I’m down

Kick me when I’m down

Kick me when I’m down, down



Kick me when I’m down



Kick me when I’m down!"

As i finished the last word, i closed my eyes.

Before i could think something else, i fell asleep

Sorry for the wait i am VERY busy, i have very little time to werite, i took a whole week JUST writing this chapter that isn't even long, just normal =\-

I'm sorry but i'll try to update sooner, but i cannot garantee (sorry if i miss spelled but i don't know how to write it =P) that i will.

'Till next time, until then, well,

Death Awaits...
