
i haven't really been able to look anyone in the eye without feeling guilty, even though it was between me, jack, and max. not totally nor completely sure if i should go to the football practice today. i'm honestly scared to see the both of them.

i've just been sitting in my dorm. well, i showed up to every single class except mr. gilinsky's. i'm instantly alarmed when my front door opens and i turn to look who it is.

"mercedes!" amaya screeches. "get dressed! we're going to practice."

i sigh, rolling my eyes, "i kind of want to stay in tonight..."

"absolutely not." she shakes her head.

i'm not entirely sure if there actually something between me and max, but i feel guilty for kissing jack. almost like i cheated on max, even though we aren't together or even close.

"fine." i huff, getting up.

"hurry, we're gonna be late." she tells me and i look at e clock on my wall.

"more like fifteen minutes early. why?" i groan.

amaya smiles, "i want to see derek. i think he's going to take me on a date afterwards." she swoons and i cringe.

"while he's all sweaty?"

"of course not. now, go and change into something cute. max is trying to cop-"

"shut up." i laugh, shaking my head.

i proceed with walking into my room and pick out something simple. it's just football practice after all. when i've changed, i return back into the living room to where amaya is.

"ready?" she asks and i nod my head.

we both head out and i'm thankful for it being a little warm out. the walk to the field isn't long and we're there two minutes tops. half of the team is just wandering around and conversing.

amaya squeals and immediately runs to derek. i don't know how she's so comfortable with him. maybe because they slept together at the party? they've only known each other for what, less than a week?

however, says me. i'm lost in my love life and things are going real slow for me. i slowly approach them and see max start to head our way. i smile at him and he smiles back.

"hey." he says once he reaches me.

i hug him around his neck. his broad, padded shoulders are making it difficult to. his arms wrap securely around my waist in a firm and returning hug.

"you're very supportive, did you know that?" max asks me while still smiling big.

i bite my bottom lip and shrug, "no, but now i know. when's your next game?"

"saturday against the usc trojans. want me to get you into the game for free?" he replies. (thank you based google)

"you'd do that?" i grin.

"of course." he tightly wraps his arms around my hips. "plus, i think derek is getting your friend in."

"amaya." i say and he chuckles.

"amaya, right. derek is getting amaya into the game." he corrects himself.

i nod my head and hear my name being called. i turn to face amaya and she's holding a football, ready to throw it in my direction. my eyes widen and i shake my head.

"stop! no! i can't catch a ball to save my life!" i shout at her, earning a laugh from max. "i've told you this already amaya!" i continue, but the attention starts to gravitate towards me.

she throws it in my direction without warning and i duck down. it doesn't come near me, but at max. i was afraid for a second that it would catch him off guard and i don't know why. he is a football player after all.

"let me teach you." max says randomly.

my eyebrows pull together, "teach me what?"

"how to catch and throw a football." he grins and i shake my head.

"my nails are going to break off." i joke.

he chuckles, "no they won't. not if you properly catch the football. now, let me teach you."

"fine." i sigh.

he takes a few steps back so we have a good amount of space between us.

"you have to make sure that when you throw it, it spins in a spiral. if it doesn't, it'll just go in all directions and it will be much harder to catch." he tells me.

"wait! shouldn't i be the one throwing it first?"

"no, you'll start with catching." he says and then positions the ball to throw at me.

he counts down and throws the ball slowly. last second, i shriek and duck. i don't look in the direction of the ball, though i hear it hit someone. i stand back up, looking at max whose eyes are wide, but i'm trying to stifle a laugh.

"who threw that?" i hear a firm and harsh voice behind me, causing shivers to run down my back.

i turn very slowly, "i am so sorry, mr. gilinsky-" i slowly speak, but am cut off.

"it was me, coach. i'm sorry, i wasn't looking at where i was throwing it." max steps it making my expression turn bewildered.

"it was not him." i emphasize; why is he taking the blame? "it was me. i was supposed to catch it, but ducked last minute."

jack narrows his eyes at the both of us, but glares more towards max. i blink, ready for him to explode or something.

"don't let it happen again or else you won't be playing in saturday's game." he points his index finger towards max, but i should be the one that he scolds for the incident.

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