
As we made our way deeper and deeper into Heaven, I realized that the looks of wonder which had been painted in the darkness of the demons' eyes was most likely mirrored in mine as it had been practically weeks since I had had the chance to visit the city as well.

I didn't even try to hide the smile on my face as I took in the endless facades as we passed them, some impossibly tall, some pristinely white and blindingly bright in the light from the sun as it continued its course across the sky, others overgrown with ivy that danced slightly in the occasional breeze which was just as hot against the skin as the air itself.

The heat had become almost unbearable to the point where pulling down the hood on my cloak and shaking out my hair hadn't been enough, feeling the need to tear off the rest of the fabric as well as noon passed and the shade disappeared, bunching it up and clutching it underneath my arm instead.

I felt slightly embarrassed by the way some of the people on the street would occasionally stop as if momentarily stunned only to mumble, "Long reign the empress."

As if the words in themselves were a greeting and not a nightmare shrouded in good wishes; a stark contrast to what Hongjoong's subjects had told him during our night out in Odeion.

"Give our blessings to the empress."

Hongjoong. I came to an abrupt halt as I suddenly remembered the son of Lilith, having forgotten everything about him and his whereabouts as I had gotten lost in the bright scenery, whipping my head around to glance back at the other end of the bridge from my spot right above the water.

But the demon was nowhere to be seen, and I felt a sense of suffocating panic settle within me, bubbling just underneath the surface as it changed from nervousness into something else, something like worry, as I searched face after face-

And then I spotted him, in the midst of a sea of angels, of enemies, slowly making his way across the water as if anything faster than walking would make him crumble, the sunlight catching in the golden helmet atop his head.

I barely had time to breathe a sigh of relief as I instinctively ran for him, running my eyes across his figure as I took his hands in my own, his dark eyes finding mine.

"I thought you were right behind me," I began, frowning a little as hit hot breath hit my face, "Are you okay?"

"A little tired," he admitted, taking another slow breath that made my worry deepen, settling around my heart like sharp talons, slowly into something darker, something heavier, as I watched him in silence, how he tried to brush off his obvious discomfort, having followed me without a single complaint the entire time.

"It's really hot out," he added, and I had to fight the urge to pout as I slowly nodded my head.

"Come," was all I said as I turned back around, keeping my hand in his as I guided him across the bridge, slowly this time, eyes searching the facades of the blindingly white buildings onto they locked onto a small in hidden between some of the bigger structures; nestled halfway between the street and a cozy alleyway somewhat hidden from view.

Hongjoong's protests and claims that he was really fine were cut short as I dragged him with me and barged through the door to the inn, the son of Lilith freezing as all eyes went to us and, for a painful couple of seconds, the conversations inside the room faltered only to continue again a moment later.

"Hello," I chimed, noticing the way the demon, holding my hand a little tighter albeit absentmindedly, let out a shaky breath and followed my eyes as I greeted a chubby old woman who huddled over to us with a wide smile.

"How can I help you?" she piped up, her voice melodious and carrying that edge of storytelling talent that only time is able to bless you with, her eyes crinkling slightly at the edges which seemed to brighten the rest of her features; warm with age rather than cold and dust like the librarian's had been.

"We'd like a room, please," I said, not missing the way her smile grew into something resembling a smirk as she not-so-subtly glanced at the man behind me who made a surprised sound under his breath although she didn't comment on it.

"And some food, if you have any to spare. I'll pay handsomely."

"There's no need, darling," she chuckled, the look into her eyes taking on a glint of mischief as she gestured for one of the serving girls across the room and asked, "And how many beds?"

"Ah, we're not staying the night. One will be enough-"

"Dahlia-" Hongjoong mumbled, his voice edged with a warning which made me turn to face him, furrowing my brows a little.

"What?" I whispered, looking him up and down, still slightly worried although we had made it out of the sun at the way I couldn't make out the look on his face, the darkness of his eyes immediately making me add, "Do you not feel good?"

"No, you don't understand-"

"And something to drink," I hurriedly added, ignoring Hongjoong whose words had been cut short as I turned back to the innkeeper who simply nodded and ushered us further into the room.

There were wooden floors and panels along the roof, poles of sturdy timber holding everything up, and every table in the room was filled to the brim with angels of all ages; old men and entire families, children and young girls all laughing, sharing their food. It brought a smile to my face.

Hongjoong valiantly tried to pull his hand from mine as we made our way upstairs, following the serving girl through a narrow hallway, but I only tightened my grip on it, feeling slightly annoyed at his attitude as I mumbled, "We'll just stay here for a while and then go back out, just let me take care of you-"

But before I could finish my sentence, I faltered, eyes trailing to the door at my side as a strange sound cut through the air, barely audible over the noise from downstairs, yet foreign enough for me to notice it through the stale and heavy air which was only occasionally split by the breeze as it danced through the slightly open windows along the wall across from the doors.

I frowned, my hand falling to my side as Hongjoong finally managed to untangle our fingers, "What is-?"

Several dull thuds made me take a step away from the door, the sounds muffled by the sturdy wood, and then the unmistakable sound of a moan, of low voices, followed.

I immediately felt my face heat up, realization setting in as I suddenly became very aware of the demon behind me only to whip my head towards the end of the hallway as the serving girl chuckled and motioned for us to follow her, "Don't mind them," she said.

Hongjoong had already made his way past me, not even sparing me as much as a single glance as embarrassment over my naivety washed over me, suddenly flustered as I tried to gather myself and follow the two, peeking into the room she had chosen for us.

It was nice; cream coloured walls and arched supported by the same wooden panels that stretched across the floor and ceiling, oil lamps covering the room in a golden glow which was only interrupted by the bright light let in through the window, creating a ray which cut diagonally along the room almost like a path-

Maybe two beds would have been more appropriate-

"Thank you," I mumbled, pushing away all of my thoughts as I glanced back at the serving girl who offered me a smile and said, "I'll be right back with the food," before closing the door and leaving the two of us alone.

The silence immediately became suffocating, and I averted my eyes to the floor as I bit my lip and cursed at myself for the obvious blush on my cheeks, burning enough to let me know it was visible without having to check in a mirror.

I watched Hongjoong pull off the golden helmet with a sigh of relief through the corner of my eye, throwing it onto the bed as he shook out his cerulean blue hair, wet with sweat and curling slightly at the edges.

He cleared his throat and mumbled, "I'll go wash up," to which I simply nodded, running a hand through my hair as I closed my eyes for a moment and heard the door to the bathroom shut only to let them flutter back open and land on the bed, realizing why he had reacted the way he had before.

"How was I supposed to know that people were brazen enough to simply do it while the sun is still out?" I whispered to myself, "It's not like we'll even stay here for long enough to-" I mumbled only to jump as the door sprang back open and the servant girl came back with a tray filled with food and drinks.
