Chapter 6



I winced as Brick started shouting profanities in my ear. "You were the one who told me to make her jealous."


"Relax, as soon as Samantha sees those messages, she'll get jealous and run back to me. Then I'll free Buttercup from the deal, never bother her again, possibly make her my friend, and then we'll all be happy. It's a win-win." I shrugged.

"Oh yeah?! Well, guess what, Butch. Butterfly, or whatever the girl your threatening to be your girlfriend's name is, could sue you for forcing her to do this!"

"Name one lawyer that can actually fight us. The mere mention of our name would stop them from fighting us, you know."

"As a matter of fact, I'll give her a fucking lawyer to put you in the asylum!"

"Would you two stop shouting!"

We both stopped when our baby brother said that. He glared at me. "You do know there's a chance she might fall for you. What are you gonna do then?"

"Yeah right!" We all turned around when we heard that. There she was, with two girls and a guy right behind her....glaring at me like they wanted to slap me.

Which they probably do.

"The day I'll fall for this creep is the day the sky turns green and the grass turns blue." She was glaring at me spitefully.

"Now what the he did you call me here for, you annoying huge dickhead!"

Wow. Feisty. If I wasn't in love with Samantha, I'd probably be chasing after her. I smirked.

"There's been a change of plans."

She raised her right eyebrow, and the rest of, friends? Group? Club? Whatever. They started growling at me. Even the blonde ditz who I now recognize as one of the cheerleaders. Never knew a small little cheerleader could look so angry.

"Samantha didn't come as fast as I planned, so you and I are going on a date tonight."

The reaction was lightning fast.





They all looked at Buttercup, who just happened to still be glaring at me.

"Now, as I was just about to say...


She punched me straight in the gut, and I clutched my stomach as I fell on the ground.

Did my brothers do anything? Nope.

But did they say anything? Oh, yeah.

"Nice punch, you should've gone lower though."

"I never met a girl that could do that to him. Teach me, master!"

... And they say brothers always have each other's back. What wonderful brothers I have.

I stood up and glared at her.

"You do realize I could get you in trouble for punching me like that." I growled.

"And you do realize a guy like you should be sent straight to an asylum." She scowled.

Brick looked at me with the, we need to talk, kind of look. I glared at her, then I sighed. "Just, just get ready. I'll come over at seven."

My brothers and I walked to our cars after that. I can still hear here cursing me, and telling me I could've just texted her instead of calling her over. I smirked. Her pretending to be my girlfriend is sounding a lot more fun now that ever.

When we reached Brick's car, we locked the doors and sat there for a few seconds. Then, Brick turned around, looked at me and smirked.

"Bro. That girl is beyond awesome!"

That...wasn't the kind of thing I was expecting to hear from my no nonsense brother. And to my surprise, Boomer was nodding happily.

"Yeah, she punched you in the gut, and it actually hurt you! I think I want her as  sister in-law.
That girl packs quite a punch!"

Okay that was unexpected.

... Actually, I expected that coming from my baby brother.

"And she's actually pretty!"

"And she puts you in your place!"

"And you threatened her, not bribed her!"

"And she has a mean left punch!"

"And I could teach her how to aim lower when it comes to hitting you!"

"And she could teach me how to punch you straight in the gut!"

"And if you annoy us, I could even teach her how to kick you where the sun doesn't shine!"

"Hold up!" They stopped rambling. "What exactly are you trying to say?"

The both looked st each other before shouting,"SHE'S PERFECT FOR YOU!"

... For Boomer, that was always expected. For Brick, I think he has fever or something. He's starting to sound like a hopeless romantic!

"We're not dating!...Okay we're technically dating, but this is just so I can get back with Samantha!"

"Samantha couldn't put you in your place." Boomer said.

"Samantha couldn't give you a wicked punch you truly deserve." Brick pointed out.

"In other words, Samantha isn't like Buttercup." The both said at the same time. I blinked.

"Is it just me or are you two actually agreeing on something. Twice."

"That's besides the point. Why chase after a girl who broke your heart when you can chase a girl that can actually heal it?"

Those two. Are they actually teaming up against me?! Usually Brick and I team up against Boomer!

"Bro, I love Samantha, okay. She's beautiful, she's kind, she doesn't curse me..."

"She couldn't punch you in the gut."

"She couldn't stop you when you go have fights."

"Anyways! I love her. So bro, just drive the car already!"

Brick grumbled something about me being blinder than a mole or

He started the car, and drove home.





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