Refuses for race

I know this is out of pocket as I promised another chapter however I think this chapter will resonate with some people and inform others.
The reason I am writing this chapter is because my mother experienced something very similar. Although me and her are both white I thought that the experience would translate well into the theme
Although I may be white I will try my best to cover the topic and I implore you to research racism as it is rather harmful

So trigger warnings for the following


racial verbal abuse

Assault on a person of colour

If you are still here welcome if you left then see you in the next one
spoilers for future story points

All the rangers but Isis and howl who were working were walking in a row of restaurant's that had been highly recommended and they would try to find a intriguing restaurant that would be nice.

They looked over to a traditional Japanese restaurant they agreed and slowly walked over.

Yoshi Toga Mia and Midoriya all entered without a problem and had walked far into the restaurant. however Ty was stopped in his tracks by a woman. "Um sorry but you can not enter this establishment." "sorry what?!" "you cannot enter this area." the woman said in a slower tone. "why can i not enter the restaurant." "I am sorry but we don't allow foreigners to come in here." "I beg your pardon."

"Please leave the area and don't come back." "No i won't leave i would like to go in and eat with my friends." "I am sorry but please to leave." the woman raised her voice. "NO THAT IS RIDICULOUS."

"Is there a problem here?" said a new voice. he turned around to see people with black jackets and looked like ruffians. Lyes i want to go into this restaurant but this person is stopping me." "This person is being unruly and we asked him politely to leave but he is refusing." The woman lied in a sweet manner

"listen here punk! get lost and don't come back ever again." said one of the men trying to get in his face. "no I just want to to go and sit with my-----" is all he got out before he was punched in the face and thrown to the ground. "listen here you black punk you think you are all that but how about you go back to Africa and ride some zebras or something." one of them said before kicking Ty in the face. The group then walked into the restaurant.

Ty began to tear up and run away from the cursed building.

inside the restaurant they sat confused as to where Ty was at as he was right behind them. Should we go out and see if something is wrong. Suggested Toga then they got a call through from Ty. they hit the answer button extremely fast. "Hey Ty where are you?" "Hey sorry i was feeling a bit Ill so thought I would just head on home instead." "oh dear lord we will bring something back and get some rest."

However in an alleyway stood Ty tears slowly streaming down his face. "Don't worry I will." He said a fake happiness in his voice now. He hung up a strong phantom pain in his back as he saw flashes of a man in a bird mask. He was then teleported back to the base by Min.

An hour later the rangers were back in the base food in hand. They were about to meet Ty when stopped by an angry Min

"Who the hell do you think are bringing that racist crap in here."

"Excuse you!"said Yoshi

"Do not dare say excuse you! you know what you did going to that peace of crap restaurant."

"can you tell us what we did wrong so we know why you are mad at us?" said Midoriya

to which Min shown a video of what happened right outside the restaurant.

Mia who was holding the carton of food. silently walked towards the bin and tossed out of the carton before going to violently scrubbing her hands in the sink. Who has acid i need to burn of some skin.

"Oh crap how did we not hear what was going on. he was right behind us and we never even saw what was going on." moaned yoshi who was down in the dumps.

"Wait I thought I heard that streets name before I heard about incidents like this in the area where people are assulted by that group they call themselves the osaka defenders. But the locals don't even like them. People were saying that they assaulted people in restaurants to get seats instead of waiting for people to finish and get the table.
They also make the businesses pay them "protection" for their services. The police are trying to arrest the group but they can't get enough evidence cause the locals are threatened by them to keep quiet." Monologued Toga

"Well the restaurant and Osaka defenders have a bunch of lawsuits against them both and there is a group trying to take them to court." Said Min

Then the news reporter popped up on screen with many people around fighting
"This is jin from the Tokyo news reporting on a biobot attack expect the people are attacking each other."

Ty then burst out of the place he was as he had very obviously been crying. "Just saw the news we got to get going." "Wait Ty are you okay min showed us what happened." Yeah i'll be fine but we got work to do.

they then teleported onto the scene to see everyone around them fighting each other even the pro heroes

It's morphing time elemental beasts release

begin morphing sequence
They stood on octagons their energy enveloping everything but their necks and faces. And behind them was their respective beasts. They released a roar before they jumped high pulling his arms in and opening them as the energy burst revealing their suits with white gloves and boots within a gold belt. They dropped back down to the octagon. The beasts melted into energy that wrapped around their head to resemble the beasts head with its jaws open. They clamped close and turned into a helmet.
Sequence finished go get em rangers

They then split up and was trying to stop the fighting amongst the people but nothing was happening and all their attempts were knocked aside and they say a biobot hitting people with energy blasts and they began to fight with one and other. "Found the source." said Toga as all the rangers but Ty saw the gang member that assaulted him being attacked in an allyway. he rushed over and kicked the attacker to protect the gang member on the floor. they landed on the floor before being hit with water.

"You alright citizen?" "Yes thank you ranger what ever can i do to repay you." "I saw what you did to that kid earlier." "what the black kid outside the restaurant." "why did you attack him?" "he was disturbing the peace and was threatening the worker and the business." "He wasn't if you were actually listening to the kid you would have known he wasn't doing anything wrong he just wanted to get into the building to eat with his friends. And as a person who is the same skin colour it broke my heart cause i have lived here since i could remember but i do know what you did was disgusting."

"I am so sorry I hate having to do that but I have to!" "Do not explain yourself to me i would like you to meet with someone at the nearby park let them tell you their story after that you decide what you have to do."

He then turned to see the megazord performing its finisher.

"Guess I should get going in one hour head to the park." He said teleporting away

One hour later he was walking towards the person who had attacked he took a deep breath and spoke. "hey are you the person the blue ranger was talking about." Asked Ty pretending he didn't know him. "yes why are you?" he then looked up to see Ty standing their. "I was asked to come share my story with you."

He then sat down on the bench. "You know I was kidnapped when I was a child I was young enough that I could not remember their faces. For part of my childhood I spent it being experimented on in a lab by horrible people who used me for my quirk. Then later on I escaped and became homeless cause in my eyes living on the streets was better then a laboratory. I stole things from people good and bad to survive. but I later got off the streets and got a better life and good friends. But you know what I earned it. Today I tried to enter that restaurant to have some lunch with my friends but you know what you and that woman did to me you discriminated against me because of my skin colour and the you then assaulted me a kicked me down. You assumed you knew what I was like but you and your gang members knew nothing about me or what i have went through. so whatever you decide to do next I hope you suffer for what you done to me and others and that you rot in hell." He said before walking away.

Back at the base where howl and isis had been informed at what had happened during the day and were worried to which Ty calmed them down and assured his friends he was alright.

a few days later in the living area

The rangers were all relaxing not paying each other attention as they were each doing their own thing with Toga who was scrolling through the news when she stumbled across an interesting "hey listen to this local terrors known as the osaka defenders arrest by police" she said getting their attention.

"Local terror otherwise known to locals of osaka known as the osaka defender have been arrested by police and local pro heroes many of which were ethnic decent have arrested the group.

Reports sate that they were alerted a few months ago to an assault on a visitor to osaka a man called Muhmmed a man who moved from his birthland of Pakistan and moved to japan in his teen years. he has in recent years become a man of influence in kyoto's businesses as he runs an advertisement agency catering to small businesses. Apparently he had been visiting the area on a rare day off he took his step son who for the sake of privacy will not be named had been attending a local con as they had been planning for months. But fortune did not favour them as the father and son duo had been assaulted by members of the osaka defenders. This racial attack landed the father in hospital in near critical condition will the son was said to have a broken nose and multiple broken bones and lacerations on his chest and body. they were both forced to stay in hospital for a number of days. he later set up a group for those in similiar situations hoping to get legal justice.

It has been stated on record that the group had been taking "protection" money from local businesses similar to that of the mobs in new york city in the 1920's they would threaten and intimidate store ownwers into handing over money. But it is said that larger buissness such as ***** has been using the osaka defenders like attack dogs on people of different skin colour to "protect" their reputation as a traditional Japanese resturant they seem to have taken that extremely seriously as they refuse to allow people of colour or non Japanese enter the restaurant. They seem to have taken the concept of imperialism to far as this may be from the older generations but it is normally silent and not so abrasive.

now as the police have released a statement saying that the group's misdeeds have been reported by one of their own. who were reported by one of their own members who had a realisation of conscious after having a conversation with one of his victims spurred on by one of the power rangers."

the rangers were in silence for a few seconds "i guess we have a court date to attend and get a large sum of cash." he said while internally thinking. "you did a good job their."

out of story

hello everyone it's me your favourite ex homeless person Ty and i am here to tell you about the effects of racism on a person i am reading this off a website but please do your own research

the effects this disgusting part of our society has on mental health is often destructive on a persons mental health is often terrible.

the effects are things such as

depression this one is self explanatory

emotional distress causing the person to have emotional break downs

addiction to lessen the pain on their psyche

and suicidal thoughts often caused by the years of mistreatment to the person

now these things are all serious but these would be better discussed by people who know what they're talking about allá not me but a professional.

So anyways I best get going so I will leave you this piece of advice. I you see some being discriminated against please don't ignore it try to prevent it or help the person out

Well anyway thanks for your attention and for those who have finished reading thank you and goodbye
