
It was the next morning. Kion was very happy he and Zuri kissed. He went down to the lion guard's lair and got Fuli's attention. "Hey Fuli."
"Yeah, what's up Kion?"
" and Zuri kissed last night." Kion said.
"Oh wow! Okay, so you two are together now, right?" Fuli asked. Kion nodded. "Yes we are. I told her how I felt, and then we kissed. It was in my head all night."
"Wow, so you two love each other." Fuli said in a teasing tone of voice. Kion turned around and saw Zuri walking to Pride Rock. "There she is." Kion sighed. Zuri sat next to Kion. "Hey, Zuri." Kion said as he nuzzled her.
"How cute!" Fuli said.
"I'm actually surprised. I was worried she was gonna scratch me when I told her how I felt." Kion said.
"Denying your feelings didn't work, did it, Zuri?" Tiifu asked as she walked up.
"Oh come on, Tiifu." Zuri said.
"Wait, what's with her?" Kion asked. Zuri sighed. "Tiifu noticed you always trying to impress me, so she started teasing me. It was stupid." Zuri said angrily.
"Sorry about that, Zuri."
"Whatever. I'm just glad that we are together." Zuri said.
"Aww, me too, Zuri." Kion rubbed his head against Zuri's and licked her.
