Chapter one - Time to begin!

Today was the day, today was the one day it all would begin. She had waited for this moment for the past few years with excitement. A few days ago she finally turned 15 years old, and that was the perfect age to start a journey.

Her room was decorated in the colors white, navy and red, and it contained a bed, a big closet and a desk. The room was quite small but she had put much work in to it. Above the bed there were lots of pictures of different kinds of pokemon.

The girl was inside her closet which was bigger than her actual room. She looked at each piece of clothing with a skeptical look before moving to the next one.

What should I wear? It's always difficult to decide, but this time it's even harder. I can't bring many clothes with me, so I have to choose carefully. What if I pick the wrong outfit and everybody thinks that I am the biggest weirdo of them all?

'Jessica it's getting late! The professor is expecting you in twenty minutes you know...' her mom called from downstairs.

Gaaah! What should I do?

She took a calming breath before putting on the short blue skirt she had in her hands.

I'll go with this I suppose... But, what next?

Then she saw her newest buy - a white top with an open back and a blue lined neck and sleeves. She put it on quickly, and right after, she put on a pair of high red socks which reached right under her knees and a pair of white shoes. Okay, this was a decent outfit... Well let's go!

She grabbed her bag and ran out of her room and down the stairs in no time.

'So you're all set I suppose?' said her mother, smiling.

'Of course, who do you think I am?' teased Jessica.

She was filled with excitement; she couldn't wait until she would get her own Pokémon.

'Have you decided what Pokémon you want?' asked her father while grabbing his cup of coffee and taking a sip.

'Hmm, not really, it's not easy dad..."

Jessica had been making a list of what the Pokémon's positive and negative sides were. And she had arrived to the conclusion that it was impossible to decide before she actually met the Pokémon in person.

Jessica ate her breakfast really fast, and when she was done she took farewell of her mother and father and went outside. She was headed to the lab, and luckily, she lived in the same town as THE professor Oak. He had given pokémon to all of the new trainers in this area and he was super smart - according to Jessica.

Pallet town was small so she was outside professor Oaks front door after five minutes. She rang the doorbell and waited impatiently before Tracey opened the door. She had been at the lab many times before, so he was a familiar sight.

'Hello Jessica, come on in!'

Jessica went inside and took it all in. She was inside the lab, on her way to choose her FIRST Pokémon. Tracey showed her into the room where professor Oak were. There was someone else inside that room too, a boy. She hadn't seen him before.

'Hello professor!' said Jessica and broke the awkward silence.

'Hello Jessica, I'm glad you finally turned up!'

The boy who was there turned around. He saw Jessica and looked into her eyes and smiled.

'Hi, I'm Nathan'

Jessica couldn't help to smile back.

Professor Oak began to talk;

'Jessica I'm sorry to say that we are out of starter pokémon...'

It took a while for Jessica to understand. 'Wait, what? Am I not going to get a pokémon?'

'Well, we do have another pokémon who has no trainer, which is newly hatched. But if you want Charmander, Bulbasaur or Squirtle you could come back in a few days.' The professor took a poke ball from the table.

'No way! I'm taking that one, whatever pokemon it is. I can't wait any longer.'

What pokémon could it be? Maybe, it's an ugly snorlax, or a magikarp. Why did I say that? Maybe I should wait...?

Professor Oak released the pokémon. A white glow started to transform into the shape of something small. After a short moment she could see what it was. On the floor stood a cute, and really fluffy vulpix. It was absolutely perfect.

'A vulpix?! Can I really get this one?'

'Of course, I would never had offered it if I didn't think you were capable of training this pokémon'

Jessica was overwhelmed and could just smile at the professor.

' Jessica, you must remember it's just a few weeks old so it hasn't had much battle experience yet'

'I understand, we won't rush into anything, right Vulpix?'

Vulpix jumped on the table and closed in on Jessica. It smelled her hand as she reached it towards it.

'Vul, vul' it said and stroke its head against her waist like a cat.

'You also need to know that this Vulpix has showed great power. I have never seen such an amazing flame thrower this early. Well, actually I haven't seen any Vulpix learning the move so fast' said Oak and was obviously impressed.

'Really? This cutie is powerful too? This couldn't get better' said Jessica happily and petted Vulpix who really enjoyed the attention.

After a few minutes of small talk, both Jessica and Nathan got their five pokéballs and a Pokédex each. The professor sent them out and wished them good luck.

Jessica started walking from the lab but noticed that Nathan, the boy in the lab, hadn't left the front of the house yet. Jessica felt she needed to say something and turned around and said:

'So Nathan... What pokémon did you get?'

Nathan looked up surprised and answered:

'I got a Charmander!' He smiled a huge smile and his eyes were shining. He seemed very happy about it.

'Oh nice! So it was you who took the last one then' said Jessica and pretended to be mad.

Nathan looked shocked and started: 'I...I didn't know, and besides it's not my fault'

'Take it easy, I'm just kidding' said Jessica and laughed.

'Oh' said Nathan and smiled relieved. 'So Jessica... Where are you headed from here?'

'For now, to Viridian city. Later... I don't know' said Jessica and made a clueless face.

'We can go there together, I happen to know the way' proposed Nathan and smiled confident.

'Sure thing! I'm happy to get company'

Nathan was really cute. He had brown hair, it was fixed upwards and he wore a black pair of chinos and a jacket with short sleeves. The jacket had light grey sleeves and the body was navy blue with a print on the chest - a poke ball. His eyes were as blue as Jessica's and he had a beautiful smile.

We're quite alike, we could be siblings. Except for our hair colors though.

Jessica had blonde hair, quite long and it was hanging free. Also she had really blue eyes, that's why she was surprised Nathan had the same colored eyes.

'Come on out vulpix!' said Jessica calm while releasing her pokémon.

'You too' said Nate and released his Charmander.
