t h i r t y t h r e e

Yuyan opened her eyes. She looked at her surroundings. Her room was still dark but light from the window came in and brighten the room abit.

She looked at the seven little boys and saw that they were still sleeping. What time is it? She thought. She grabbed her phone and looked at the time.

5:27 AM

Yuyan quickly looked through her notifications and saw a notice from her school. She opened it.


Please be informed that classes will be cancelled today and tomorrow.

Yuyan smiled happily knowing classes will be cancelled. The girl turned off her phone and set it aside. She turned over and looked out her window.

"It's snowing..." Yuyan mumbled to herself as she stares at the snow falling down from the sky and slowly covering her yard. The roads and trees were covered in snow. It was still really early in the morning so she didn't see any cars pass by in her neighborhood.

After a good look outside, her eyes started to feel droopy. Eventually, she fell asleep again.


10:39 AM

Justin woke up. He immediately looked outside to see the bright sun peeking out of the mountains and snow falling and piling up on the ground.

He felt exitement flush through his body. Justin stood up and dashed out of his room.

The 16 year old went to his cousin's room and swung it open. He saw that Yuyan was still sleeping. He smiled sheepishly and approached the sleeping girl.

Justin stepped on her bed and started jumping while screaming. "It's snowing! It's snowing!" He chanted.

Due to Justin's loud screaming, the seven tiny boys woke up from their sleep and so was Yuyan. "Justin! Stop!" Yuyan said and reached out to Justin and held him.

Justin stopped and kneeled down closer to the tired girl. "Yuyan! It's snowing outside! Can we play? Can we play?!" He shook Yuyan's shoulder.

Yuyan groaned and sat up stopping Justin from shaking her. "Yes we can! Just, leave me alone for a moment and go wear your winter clothes.."

Justin smiled widely and ran out of her room leaving Yuyan sitting on her bed staring into nothing.

After a few moments of silence, Yuyan stretched her arms out and stood up. She looked at the desk beside her and saw that they were all awake, exept for Jisung and Chenle since they fell back alseep after.

"Hi everyone, good morning!"

"Good morning!"

Jaemin was the first one to stand up from his bed and ran to the girl's hand and hugged it. "Yuyan~ can we play in the snow too?" Jaemin asked and smiled widely.

Yuyan chuckled lightly at Jaemin who was clinging onto her finger tightly. She picked him up and brought him in level with her face. "Of course!" She smiled.

Jaemin smiled even wider and did a small celebration. He went closer to Yuyan's face and hugged her cheek. Yuyan shivered at the tingling sensation Jaemin gave when he hugged her.

The girl then placed him back down on the desk.

Jaemin happily hopped off her hand and sat back down on his bed.

The four other boys stared at Jaemin then looked back at Yuyan. "Can we have a hug too?" Jeno asked shyly. The three nodded slightly.

She was abit taken aback from Jeno's question but picked them up all at once and held them infront of her face. They all approached her face and hugged it. Yuyan giggling after.


The seven boys got ready. Jisung and Chenle woke up after Donghyuck sang let it go from Frozen really loud.

They wore fluffy sweaters with the thick winter coats one for each of them. With the help of Yuyan of course.

Yuyan wore her's too. She took out the thickest pants she got, wore boots and her winter coat with her ear muffs.

The boys wore their thick beanies and covered their ears. Then they wore snow boots last.

Unfortunately, Jisung was still injured so he couldn't play with them which was sad but he still wanted to go outside and experience snow so she agreed.

Yuyan gathered all the boys in her hand and slowly exited her room, careful to not let any of them fall off. Thankfully, Justin was outside of his room fully clothed with winter apparel so she didn't have to knock on his door anymore.

"Let's go!!~" Justin said and ran down the stairs.

Yuyan smiled and followed Justin.

But when she reached downstairs, she was shocked. Before she could take a closer look, Yuyan kneeled down and placed down the six boys on the floor and told them to go ahead and follow Justin. They followed and ran with little steps out the door. Yuyan helped Jisung and carried him outside and handed him to Justin saying a quick 'I'll be back'

The girl then ran back inside and looked around her.

Yuyan's living room was fully decorated. There were green vines surrounding the room with red, white and green balls. A wreath hanging on the door and is lit up with different hues of flashing lights. Her table was decorated with a vase that has her favorite flowers surrounded with a red ribbon tied neatly. And finally, the large christmas tree placed at the corner of the room.

She approached the tree and gently touched it. The tree was decorated beautifully. It had red ribbons surrounding it from top to bottom which matched the green color of the tree and lights circling around it too. To top it off, a shining star was placed at the top.

She couldn't describe what she was feeling at that moment. Yuyan's eyes travelled onto a note that was hanged on the leaves of the tree. She read it.

Dear Yuyan.

Merry Christmas my little girl! You're probably wondering why are there chirstmas decor suddenly appeared on your apartment. Well, your father and I secretly decorated your place while all of you were alseep. Anywhoo, I hope you liked the surprise!

I love you

- Mom

She smiled while reading the letter. She couldn't help but feel really happy and thankful for her mother.

Yuyan took one last look of the room and walked to the door.

The second she opened it, a snowball came flying into her face. She shivered at the feeling of the cold substance hitting her face.

She stopped and wiped it off. Yuyan looked infront of her and saw Justin laughing while holding snow with the seven small boys who were also laughing with him.

"Oh it's on." She smirked and ran to them.

hi sorry for disappearing again lol

okay so i have a three day exam coming in two days and i wont be able to update. im really sorry but i am not allowed to use my phone during exams :(

i'll try my best to make another chapter before exams start.

anyways, i hope you like this chapter! thank you for 12K and i love each and everyone of you who reads, votes and comments on my chapters
