I'm still unsure of the ending, but I have the main idea. Feel free to suggest anything, I'm open to ideas. Also unsure of who Tamara will finally end up with... -Taylor :)

Tamara P.O.V 

I'm having a bad day. The thoughts are coming back, the feeling as if I don't wake up tomorrow no one would care. That useless feeling. It comes from no where, I get bad days every once and a while but this one seems to be the worst since my accidents. I was lying in my bunk, curled up in a ball. Dark thoughts just wandering through my brain. We already played our set, and I told the boys I wasn't feeling good. Logan gave me a concerned look but I told them to go have fun. Logan believes that I do just get sick every once in a while. I've been laying here for an hour, just feeling like wasted space. Wondering if I'm even alive. I hear someone knock on the bus door and I ignore it, in hope they will just leave. I roll over and face the wall. Me and Tony have been apart for two months, I'm not sure if I miss him or not. What if he's the only person who will  ever love me? What if he was my last chance to have a relationship?

"Alex, go away."

I groan as I feel his body slide into the bunk next to mine. He doesn't reply, instead he wraps his arms around me tightly. I instantly regret asking him to leave, and appreciate his perseverance. I feel him play with my hair, and tell me I'm beautiful.

"Don't leave this world please. I need you. So does Ben, Logan, Jace, Vic, Mike, Jaime, Tony and so many more. I know you're having a bad day. I've seen you like this, you can't fool me into believeing you're sick. Think of your fans, they look up to you. They stopped cutting for you. You've saved so many people. Tamara, I think your beautiful. I think your talented, and useful and funny and kind and everything. I think your perfect, and that this world needs people like you. You understand so much, you don't judge or hate you just understand and you accept. You have no idea how many people love you. Please don't hurt yourself ever again. I know you think this world isn't your place, but it's where I am and I need you here."

Alex sighs once he finishes his little speech. I roll over to face him.

"How do you know I think that?"

I ask confused. He was spot on with how I felt, word for word. I never told anyone, not even Tony.

"The letter you wrote me the first time you tried to kill yourself. I was the one that found you and called the ambulance. I took the letters and read them. I came for you time after time, I know you're hurting but it hurts me even more that you wanted to leave me." he admits quietly.

"Are you him? Are you the one who saved me all this time?"

I choke out, surprised but not surprised at the same time.

"Yes. I could never let you go. And I never plan on it."

Years of emotions wash through me, after all this time it was Alex. I couldn't believe it. I lean in slowly, our faces close together. He breaks the invisible wall of uncertainty, and presses his lips to mine. The knight in shining armour, receiving the grateful kiss of the damsel in distress. 

Tony P.O.V 

Today I get to see her. Wether she wants to or not, she has no choice. I haven't seen her since the brief run in at the recording studio. I still miss her, fuck I'm still in love with her. Vic and the rest of the band are playing one show of the tour YTC is doing, another band dropped out and we just happen to be in Los Angeles. When we arrive at the venue, I don't see Tamara. We do soundcheck and fool around with a soccer ball outside till the kids start lining up. I search intently for Tamara, I even ask her bandmates but they tell me they don't know where she is. Bullshit. I play the set searching for her on the sidelines, I'm completely distracted for the entire time. I just want to see her smile. And laugh and her eyes go wide when I tell her I love her.

"Who's ready for Your Twisted Consequence?"

Vic yells to the crowd breaking my day dreaming. The crowd roars, obviously aching for the most popular band to come preform. Once the crowd settles a bit, Vic takes the mic and walks to exchange his guitar for an acoustic one.

"Before they come out, here is a brand new song by Tamara and I.'

Then there she is. Walking out from the other side of the stage with a grin on her face as the crowd screams her name. 
