Chapter 1

Violet P.O.V - Leblanc in the afternoon

I was busy washing the dishes after the customers finished eating the curry or their coffee while hearing the news

"A public transit bus was driven down an opposing lane with its customers still in it! The citizens can't live in peace if this keeps up" The man on the news said

"How frightening" The elderly man said as he drinks his coffee

"What could be going on? Didn't something similar happen just happen the other day?" The elderly woman asked, while Sojiro was doing a crossword puzzle

'I think something like that did happen the other day, guess that explains why today is pretty slow, usually Saturdays are always busy because Sunday is the day off for some people' I thought to myself

Then I heard the bell ring from the front door

"Welcome" I said to the customer, and the customer was a high schooler. He has curly hair and is wearing glasses, and his school uniform is from Shujin

'Who is he? I never seen him in school before' I thought to myself, and I tried to remember. After a bit, I finally remembered 'Oh yeah, now I remember. He's the transfer student with a criminal record. But he doesn't look like the type' I thought to myself as I dried my hands after finishing washing the dishes

The transfer student walked towards Sojiro and he noticed him

"...Oh, right" Sojiro placed the newspaper with the crossword on the counter "They did say that was today" Sojiro said

"We'll be going now. The payment's on the table and a tip for the waitress" The elderly man said

"Thank you for coming" I said with a bow

"This cafe's in the back alley, so there's no worries of a car crashing in here" The elderly man said

"A what now?" Sojiro looked confused

"There's been a string of those rampage accidents, you know. I just hope that none happen around here" The elderly man said

"It's none of my concern" Sojiro said

"What about you, young lady?" The elderly man asked

"I can safe to say that nothing bad will happen to Leblanc" I said with a small smile

"Haha, we'll see you both next time" The elderly man said as he and wife left the café, and I started taking the mugs that once held coffee and started washing them

"Sigh... Four hours for just a single up of joe" Sojiro said and turned to look at the transfer student "So, you're Ren?"

"Yes, I am. Are you Sakura-san?" The boy named Ren asked

"That's me. I'm Sojiro Sakura. You'll be in my custody over the next year. I was wondering what of unruly kid would show up, but you're the one, huh? Have you been told? A customer of mine and your parents know each other and... well, not that it matters. Follow me" Sojiro started leading Ren upstairs to the unused room, while walking he stopped for a moment and looked at me

"Can I help you with something?" I asked

"No. Sorry, it's nothing" Ren said as he rushed upstairs with his cheeks tinted with a bit of redness

'He's weird' I thought to myself and I heard the bell ring "Welcome" I greeted the guest

Timeskip - Nighttime

After the last customer left for the night, I cleaned up the tables after I finished washing the dishes. Sojiro went upstairs to check on Ren since there has been some noises coming upstairs. Once I finished, I took off my apron and hanged it up on the rack

"Getting ready to go home?" Sojiro asked as he came back from upstairs

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow" I said

"Actually, you don't have to come in tomorrow. I'll be heading to Shujin and getting Ren registered for school" Sojiro said

"I see. That's okay, I'll see you after school on Monday for work" I said as I left Leblanc for the night

I was in the train, heading home. I was looking on phone to check if I have any messages and I saw the strange app again

'This app appeared out of nowhere when I started high school last year. No matter how many times I delete the app, it'll come back. I gave up after my 100th attempt on deleting the app' I thought to myself and the announcement was made, I walked towards the doors. When the train the stopped, the doors opened, I stepped out and started walking home

After a bit of walking, I finally made it home. I walked towards the front door, pulled out my house key and unlocked the door. Once I got inside my house, I was greeted by my mother

"Violet, welcome home, dear" My mom said with a smile

"I'm home" I replied

"How was your day?"

"Good. I met the transfer student at my job today" I said

"Oh! You mean the one with the criminal record?" She asked, and I nodded

"What?! Are you okay?! He didn't try to hurt you, right!?" My dad asked as he ran out of the living room and checked to see if I'm okay

"I'm okay, dad" I said and he let out a breath of relief

"Alright, you two. Help me set the table for dinner" My mom said, and we started helping mom setting up the table. Mom made some miso soup, white rice, a salad, and fried mackerel. When we sat down on our seats

"Thank you for the meal" We said in unison and started eating the meal

"So, anything happen today?" My mom asked

"Mr. Sojiro gave me the day off tomorrow" I said

"Really? Well, how about we go shopping together tomorrow? I'll also let you choose ingredients for tomorrow's dinner" My mom said

"That'll be nice. I like the idea" I said

"Alright! Tomorrow we'll be having a family outing!" My dad said looking excited

"Settle down, sweetheart" My mom chuckled

We continued eating dinner and talked about our day so far. We joked around a bit too. After dinner and helping my mom with the dishes, I went upstairs to my room and started doing my homework

'Today was interesting. Guess that shows I shouldn't always listen to the rumors at school' I thought to myself

Next day No One P.O.V

Violet got herself ready for the day, she was wearing a velvet blue shirt and a pair of black shorts with white leggings. She brushed her hair for a bit and once she was finished she added her usual butterfly accessory in her hair

"Violet, are you ready?" Violet heard her mom calling me from downstairs

"Yeah, I'll be down in a minute" Violet said as she grabbed her bag and started walking downstairs, and she saw her parents waiting for her

"You look beautiful dear" Her mom said

"No boys will come near you, not on my watch" Her dad said, and Violet sighed in embarrassment

"Please don't embarrass me" Violet said as her cheeks started to turn red

"Dear, please don't embarrass our daughter" Violet's mom said "Let's go enjoy our day"

Then they started leaving the house, they entered the car and Violet's dad started up the car and drove off

They went to different stores for clothes, stationary, and ingredients for dinner. After shopping, they were about to head home, but they looked up at the giant screen and saw the news. An accident happened again in the trains. The parents were shocked about the news

"Boy, I'm glad were drove today instead of taking the train" Violet's dad said

"Me too. I can't imagine one of us getting severely hurt or worse" Violet's mom said feeling a bit scared

"How about we start heading home? Let's not have today's news ruin our evening" Violet's dad said trying to clear the gloomy atmosphere

"I agree, I'm excited to eat Violet's cooking" Violet's mom said, making her daughter blush in embarrassment

They put the bags in the trunk of the car, and drove back home

Violet P.O.V

Today I had fun time with my parents. We went bought some new clothes, new stationary for school, and ingredients for dinner. As we were leaving the shopping district, the news popped on saying there has been another mental breakdown, this time it was the train conductor and that some of the passengers were severely injured

'I hope the people are okay' I thought to myself as my dad started putting the bags in the trunk of the car and dad started driving us home

Once we all got home, we took the bags from the car's trunk and brought the bags inside the house. We put the bags on the couch, and my mom gave me the bag with ingredients

"Why don't you start making dinner? I'll put some of your things in your room" My mom said

"Okay" I said as I walked to the kitchen, I put on my apron and started prepping

After a some time, I finally finished making dinner. I made omurice

"Mom, dad. Dinner is ready" I said as I called them

"We're coming!" My parents said, sounding excited

They entered the dining room as I set the plates down on the table and they took their seats

"Oh! Violet's famous omurice! We haven't had this in awhile" My dad said

"Indeed. I remember when you first made this when you were only just a little girl. It took you awhile for you to get used to your new living arrangements before you asked me to teach you on how to cook" My mom said

'I remember. They took me in when I had no memories about anything in my life. The only I had with me was my butterfly hairpin' I thought to myself

"It was quite the eventful day, and we were just newlywed too" My dad said as he smiled at the memory "Let's start eating before the food gets cold" My dad said and my mom nodded in agreement

"Thank you for the food!" We said in unison and we started eating the omurice. I smiled when I saw my parents look so happy as they eat the food I made

'I'm glad you found me that day. I don't know where I'll be if they didn't found me or adopted me as their daughter' I thought as I continued to eat

To be continued
