Part 2

The world resolidified to show the three a world that at first glance, really wasn't that different from their own. It was grassy, with the edge of a forest marking where modern european buildings would one day stand. It seemed like any quiet night; then the noise of distant chariots and shouts in a foreign language reached their ears, shattering the illusion.

Toby pulled a horn gazzle from his backpack and handed it to Claire, who stepped exactly five steps forward, where a large rock jutted out of the ground. Merlin had carefully explained that he would put them right in front of the doorway, and that it would be at most ten paces away from their landing position. "I can't see anything else that could be the door, so let's try this." She began to draw with the magical key, an opening quickly appearing that wound down into the market, much like the one in modern america. The chariots were coming closer, and Jim ushered his friends down the stairs with as much haste as he could.

Part of Merlin's spell ensured that the three teens could understand any language around them, given it was spoken by trolls. As the trio descended and began to walk through trollmarket, they could hear the trolls discussing everything from new grog to how annoying the gnomes were to where the best place to buy smoked cat meat was. The market itself looked much the same as its modern counterpart, with stalls bunched up against each other among the juts and spikes of glowing crystal, the heartstone a monolith rising from the far center.

Suddenly Jim was shoved from behind, and he turned just in time to see a familiar face turned towards him, mumbling an apology. Just as quickly as he appeared, the younger version of Blinky was off again, weaving through the crowd on quick feet. Jim had only enough time to notice that this troll was smaller than the Blinky he knew, and he had more hair, but the blue troll was gone before he could get a good look.

Claire took the lead after, guiding her friends further into the market and through it, reaching the dark outskirts where tunnels branched off into other settlements and mining areas. "We should be close, Merlin said that it was two tunnels from the left, then a right turn, a short climb down, and then another left that leads to a cliff with some caves along the upper path. Toby, did you remember the rope?"

Toby nodded with a grin, holding up a large loop of green climbing rope. "Of course, yee of little faith!" Jim grabbed the rope and started to wrap it around a rock when movement caught his eye nearby. He ran to it in a blur of movement and grabbed the arm of the retreating troll, swinging him around and slamming him to the ground, straddling the troll before realizing who it was.
