-some person's big day-

Chapter four

"Shut the fuck up, Romeo!" Caleb whispers.

"Dude, I just don't want to get caught!" Romeo replies, loudly. Caleb hits him in the chest, not hard but hard enough to make Romeo whine.

"Shut your mouth or go home" Finn says.

Millie rolls her eyes at the boys and looks around for Sadie and Gaten. Her and Gaten were on the other side of the park, handling business or something. They were supposed to wait for them to come back but it had been over an hour and Millie was getting impatient.

They were all squatting behind some bushes, peaking over to what seems to be a wedding. Finn had been walking around, trying to find where they would all have their fun this afternoon. He came back telling them that there was this big, expensive looking party, filled with a bunch of upper east siders.
'Easy to rob' Millie thought to herself.

So here they were, hiding behind bushes, at some person's big day.

"I'm getting sick of waiting" Millie says.

"Me too" Noah says. Caleb doesn't respond to them and they were waiting for his call because he always calls the shots. Millie was fed up. She hopped up from behind the bushes and climbed over them.

"Millie come back here!" Finn whispers, but its already too late. She starts walking towards the crowd of people, brushing off the leaves and dirt she collected from hiding. She observes the scene, looking over the dozens of people eating and chatting. She can tell it is a wedding just by the way everyone is dressed, warm but festive for the event. No one seems to notice her as she walks into the crowd of people. Millie turns around to the boys who are waving her back and gesturing for her return. She smiles and turns back around, continuing to walk.

Millie snatches a drink for a table and walks around, somehow unseen. She can't figure out if these people are just stupid or too caught up in their conversations. No one notices her as she steals food from tables and no one notices her as she snatches a man's wallet right out of his pocket.

"So fucking easy" she mumbles to herself. She sticks the wallet in her pants and takes another sip from the glass of bubbly liquid she stole.

"Hello miss."

Millie whips around, facing a young man with good hair.

"...Hi" she says, hesitantly.

"You enjoying the party?'" he asks. Millie nods, nervously, not knowing if this guy is smart unlike all the others.

He smiles and holds out his hand.

"I'm Joe. You are?"

Millie grabs his hand and shakes it. Joe raises an eyebrow when she doesn't answer his question right away.

"Oh uh- my name is... Elle!" she says. Joe smiles and releases Millie's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Elle."

Millie smiles and tries to gain her confidence back so he won't catch on. She takes a step closer to him.

"I like your name. Joe, that's cute."

"Is it?" he asks.

Millie takes another step closer, putting one of her hands on his chest. She looks up at him, innocently.


Joe laughs at her attempt to flirt with him.

"I'm too old for you, little girl."

Millie's smile drops and an instant wave of annoyance and frustration floods through her. Not because of the rejection, but because of that goddamn nick name.

Millie starts to back away but Joe grabs her wrist tightly. Then he lifts up his shirt revealing a police badge that's attached to his waistband.

"Oh shit" Millie says, softly.

"Tell me. Who's wedding is this again?" he asks, lowering his head to Millie's.

Millie gulps, knowing that she just got caught.

"Hey, that little delinquent stole my purse!" shouts a lady, from behind.

Joe looks up, dropping Millie's hands, and starts running over to the area, pushing people out of the way to get through.

Millie, who is still in shock, watches him run off until a hand interlocks with hers. She looks up to see Finn, who looks breathless and on edge.

"Come on let's go!" he shouts, pulling her as he starts moving. They both start running from the party, squeezing through people to get away. They start to hear sirens and look back to see that they're being followed.

"Oh fuck! Millie run faster!"

Finn drops her hand and they speed up. They get up to the side walk and are pushing past people, trying to get through.

"Hey get back here!" shouts someone from behind. They don't slow down, they've done this before. Millie starts to look around, knowing she won't be able to run forever. She spots a bridge to her right and an idea pops in her head.

"Finn over here!" she says, gasping for air.

They start running in the direction of the bridge, ignoring the pedestrians who gasp and shout as they push them out of the way. They eventually stop in front of the stone structure and look down. There's water running underneath, a lot of it too.

"If your friend jumped off of a bridge, would you do it too?" Millie asks. She doesn't wait for an answer though because by the time the words leave her mouth, she's already hopping over. Finn, who is in shock by her sudden decision, turns around and sees a bunch of officers who are making their way over to him.

"Oh, what the hell" he says, before lifting himself over the structure and jumping into the icy water. He falls for a moment but then hits the surface of the water, going underneath for a few seconds before swimming up. He feels a small hand grabs his and he emerges from the water.

He sees Millie when he comes up, wet and cold, and gasping for air.

"Finn over here let's go!"

She lets go of him and starts swimming to the shore. Finn follows and Millie lifts herself up, onto the grass and jumps to her feet.

"Finn come on!"

He gets up and Millie starts running again, into the woods. He follows, trying his hardest to keep up with her.

They run for what seems like an eternity. They start to see buildings, indicating they're out of the park. They stop and turn around, looking for any followers.

"I think we lost them" Finn says, taking deep and shaky breaths.

Millie reaches for something in her pants and takes out the wallet she stole earlier. 

"Oh, good I still have it. There better be some good shit in here."

She opens it up and finds two twenty dollar bills and a few pictures of a child.

She looks up at Finn, unimpressed.

"Are you fucking kidding me" she says. Finn starts laughing hard and falls to the ground, partially from laughter and partially from exhaustion.

"Forty fucking dollars?!" she shouts, angrily.

She throws the wallet on the ground, putting the money into the pocket of her soaked coat. She walks over to Finn and kicks him. Not hard, but enough for him to get the memo that she's pissed.

"Ow" he complains, but the smile on his face isn't making it believable. Finn grabs Millie's leg, causing her to fall but he rolls over so she falls on him and not the hard ground. He starts laughing and Millie has to keep herself from joining.

"You asshole!" she says, sitting up.

"Oh, come on! You're smiling!" he says, grabbing her arms and bringing her back down with him.

Millie lets herself laugh and falls beside him. They lay there on the grass for a moment, staring at trees that are blocking the sky, cold and wet but not seeming to care.

"Where do you think the others are?" Finn asks, turning to Millie and looking worrisome. Millie smiles and shakes her head.

"Not in jail. They're smart." 

Finn nods and turns his head back. They sit there for a while, resting before they have to figure out where they are and return to David.

"This was fun" Millie states, climbing to her feet.

"Let's do it again sometime."

She holds her hand out to Finn, gesturing for him get up. He grabs her hand and hops up, standing close to Millie.

"What? Running from the cops or jumping off a bridge?" he asks. She smiles.

"Both. Come on let's go home. I'm cold."

