
Manufacturing was like being inside of a living machine, although a lot of the time things were turned off and were just waiting to be sprung back into action. It didn't seem as if this place was even made for people to coexist with it, as a lot of the time PaRappa found his walkways to be almost too small. Walking on his same narrow path was a deer. It flicked its tail at him. Looking at it filled PaRappa's brain with relaxed emotions. Its warm browns really lightened up the place. All the colors he had seen thus far were silver, gray, and black. What is a deer even doing down here?

He heard a sound below and saw that it was Bugger Plus skulking around a floor below him. He looked almost like a zombie. His gas mask really made him seem scary. PaRappa prayed that that pupiless gaze wouldn't turn it's ugly head his way. PaRappa himself was a sight for sore eyes as he was a tannish yellow. And everyone knows that yellow is the happy color. Bugger Plus walked into another chamber out of sight. Relieved, PaRappa started breathing again. Just when he thought it was safe to get going again Bugger Plus walked backward followed by Arthur the giant. For a moment PaRappa felt sorry for Bugger Plus instead of afraid. Arthur was a real brute.

He pointed his shotgun at Bugger Plus only to see him salute. Bugger Plus saluted in the American way as hard as he could, as still as he could, and as sharp as he could. Arthur put his shotgun down and walked around him. His beady eyes looking for any sign of identity. Arthur poked the back side of him, and thus Bugger Plus turned around. Arthur then went back to where he came, and Bugger Plus followed.

PaRappa looked at the deer again. It popped the way it came.

"Heh, animals," He said quietly to himself. PaRappa continued onward. He hoped that they would not catch him by surprise. Arthur might not be as merciful to him as Bugger Plus. Gliding down from the ceiling with a buttered roll was Crowla. PaRappa felt bad about having not noticed that he was gone. He took the buttered roll thankfully anyway.

An hour later, PaRappa was completely lost in the manufacturing zone. He knew he had to get all the way across it, but it was huge. Walking around like this really made PaRappa worried that he would never find it, or worse: he would never find his way out of there. He was thinking of going up and giving it another try tomorrow, but that might make him even more lost the next time he tried. He decided to just take a break and pet Crowla for a while.

"You are Crowla, and i'd do anything for ya, cause you saved my life, delivered me from strife. If you wanted me- to save you too, i'd do it. That's true. Cause if I didn't i'd probably kill myself," PaRappa sang softly to calm both their nerves. PaRappa thought he saw something in the corner of his eye. Looking again he saw that it was Bugger Plus emerging slowly into the light. PaRappa gasped and ran off into a random hallway. Bugger Plus did not hesitate to chase on after him. Crowla launched himself from PaRappa and pecked at the mysterious creature's glass eyewear. He only left a couple scratches before Bugger Plus grabbed him by his chest. Holding the corvid until Crowla bit hard against his rubber glove. Crowla had cut a tiny hole in it like a pair of scissors in his glove.

Out of pain, Bugger Plus threw Crowla as tiny neon green glowing stuff flew out of his glove, almost like blood. Within seconds the neon green was replaced with a rocklike gray as the goop solidified. He looked at his finger again. The goop had clotted the hole nicely. Determined, he kept on following PaRappa while swatting at Crowla.

PaRappa was at the end of the hall in an unlocked doorway with a lock on the other side.

"Crowla! This way!" he shouted. Crowla swiftly flew over for the door. When Bugger Plus saw the full situation, he went from a walk to a run to a charge. He launched himself at the door but he wasn't fast enough. PaRappa locked it immediately and backed off slowly as the doorknob jostled violently. Bugger Plus did everything in his power to try to get it open. There was many kicks and pulls and punches but he just couldn't get through.

"Hey! Look!" PaRappa said to Crowla pointing down a trap door, "What luck!" Crowla landed on his head as they continued deeper, "Heh, What would I do without you?"

Crowla thought to himself not very well.
