Chapter 1

Someones POV?
Panty Lay in her bedroom next to some guy, who she Honestly didn't remember going to bed with." Aghhh Hangover" Panty grumbles burying her face into a pillow. She groaned as she sifted through a drawer at the side of her bed and pulled out an aspirin.Panty took out an aspirin and quickly gulped it down.The man next to her(He's still asleep) wrapped his arms around her waist. " No not right now....Fucking Hangover..."She pushed him away from the bed and tossed him a blanket to cover himself with and slammed her door shut. It was quite unlike her to refuse making love (( I feel so dirty writing this ( ╬ Ò ‸ Ó ) )), But this Hangover was bad.
Right when She thought her headache couldn't have gotten any worse Stocking flung open the door, a dark aura surrounding her. " What the hell!? It's fucking 1:00 wake up!" She yelled, which it was pretty hard for her to yell with a piece of cake in her mouth. Stockings dragged Panty out of her room, and When I say drag I literally mean drag. " You could've knocked jackass..." Panty said rubbing her head.
(( Well! I'm not done, This is just chapter 1.Maybe leave a comment if I should make this a little sexual ( ͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ ° ),Wait let me rephrase that, Pretty Damn sexual, or keep it at a romance!
Leave a Comment,Let me know ^^))
