

We were currently on a plane because we were going to France as a school trip. It was to see a famous art gallery but I wasn't really focused on why we were here. I was only here because Shane convinced me to come.

Mr Walker, our Art teacher had given us partners and there was only ten of us going on this trip.

It was Veronica, Luciana, Isabella, Shane, Darren, Dominic, Lana, Max, Rick and me.

We had to sit in pairs with the same gender or threes, Shane was the luckiest because he got paired with Darren and he was over the moon when he found that out.

The pairs were Dominic, Rick and Max, Isabella and Lana, Veronica, Luciana and me.

We were only a three because Mr Walker didn't want to put Luciana and Dominic together no matter how much they protested.

"You're freaking lucky," muttered Isabella who was sitting directly in front of me and Lana scoffed beside her.

"I didn't exactly ask to be paired with you," Lana retorted and Isabella rolled her eyes at her.

I put my hands on Isabella's shoulders and she frowned at me. "Aw Bels," I said and she ignored my comment. "Someone's annoyed," I mocked and she rolled her eyes at me, turning around but placed her hands on top of mine.

"Isabella you're not the only one because I'm pissed too," Luciana said. She was annoyed because she wasn't with Dominic.

Isabella smiled at Luciana before slouching in her seat.

Veronica put her earphones in her ears and rested her head on my shoulder as she closed her eyes.

"Vee get up how can you sleep?" Luciana said as she hit her arm and Veronica opened her eyes.

"Luce," I said, looking at Luciana as Veronica looked at me and I wrapped my arms around her. "Luce just wants your attention," I said looking at Veronica who smirked.

"Luciana I am going to sleep, you can chat to Ads, just stop waking me up."

Luciana was sitting on the edge near the window so it was expected that she wanted Veronica to stay awake. "Swap places with me," I said looking at Veronica who got up and swapped places with me.

"You better not sleep too," Luciana said, raising her finger at me and I chuckled.

Veronica rested her head back on my shoulder getting comfortable with the blanket around her body.

I wrapped my arms around her and turned back to Luciana when Veronica fell asleep.


When we did return back to the hotel, it was quite late so we all just slept.

Today we needed to get ready to the Art museum.

It was annoying to know that this was why we had come. It wasn't something I would love to see.

"Oh my God are you excited?" Shane said and I just looked at him wondering if he was being serious. Yep, he was being serious.

"What do you think Shane? I only came here because you persuaded me to," I muttered and he chuckled.

"Morning," Isabella said, fully dressed and we both looked at her.

It was the three of us who were ready and I had no idea what the others were doing.

"Hey," Shane said looking at her and I just gave her a small smile.

"I had the worst freaking night," she said through gritted teeth.

"What happened?" I questioned.

"There was only one double bed," she mumbled and I laughed loudly. She was clearly annoyed and that was pretty entertaining to watch.

"Shut up Addison," she mumbled and I smirked.

"Did you hook up with her?" Asked Shane and Isabella rolled her eyes as she walked away from us.

She got annoyed whenever someone made fun of her in that way which Luciana and I loved doing. I had cut down and stopped but she hadn't.

"I can't believe you actually said that," I said looking at Shane who sighed.

"Come on," I said grabbing his hand, walking to the breakfast table and sat beside Isabella. "Leave me alone I really don't want to talk."

"I'm sorry Isabella," Shane said and she nodded her head.

"Aw," I said wrapping my arms around her and she buried her face into my neck. "He's sorry-"

"Yeah but everyone is always sorry. I'm sick and tired of everyone mocking me like that," she snapped and I sighed, stroking her hair.

"I know Bels," I replied as I kissed her hair and she sighed loudly.

"I'm really sorry Bels," Shane said as she nodded her head, pulling away from me.

"Anyway, we are going to the museum today so don't get all upset," I said toying with Isabella's hair and she sat up.

"I know," she muttered.

"Are you three ready to order?" The waitress said.

"No, we're waiting for everyone else," Shane answered and she smiled walking away from us.

"Hi," a young girl with a French accent said as she approached us. "You're Isabella," she said and had a magazine of her in the hands.

"I am," Isabella replied.

"Can you sign this for me?" She asked quietly and Isabella smiled before signing it and the girl thanked her before walking away.

"I want your autograph too," I said and Shane laughed.

"What did I just say about mocking me?" Isabella retorted with an amused smile on her face.

"Who says I was mocking you?" I questioned and she took a marker from her purse before signing my arm.

I gasped loudly as I was wearing a vest so it was clearly visible. "I didn't actually mean it," I said and she smirked.

"I know," she replied with an arrogant smirk on her face an I simply decided not to bother with her.


After a couple of hours, we were stood by the museum looking at all the expensive art paintings.

Luciana and Dominic were holding hands as they isolated themselves from the group.


I rend around to look at Rick. I was standing with Darren and Shane who were listening to our conversation.

"Hi," I replied.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asked. We were given permission to do what we wanted tonight before our flight tomorrow.

"I'm not going to hang out with you Rick, that's for sure," I replied and he frowned at my comment.

"What? Why?"

"Are you being serious right now?" I asked not being able to answer that question for myself. I could see from the corner of my eyes that Darren and Shane were clearly amused but unfortunately I could not say the same for myself.

"But I could show you a whole new world on a magic carpet ride," he said confidently and Darren and Shane erupted in laughter.

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I rolled my eyes.

Rick had still been trying to get in my pants even though I had told him that I was already in a relationship. He seemed like one of those guys who never took no for an answer which was very painful to watch.

"I bet that works on all the girls," I sarcastically said and he chuckled.

"It does."

"Well it doesn't work on me," I replied sternly.

I just wanted to get back to the hotel.

"Can't we just go?" I asked looking at Shane and Darren.

"We can but we need to be with our partners remember?" Shane replied. I groaned because they could go if they wanted to. That was so unfair.

I walked away and grabbed Veronica's hand who looked at me. "We are going."

"Go and get Luce then," she replied and I sighed.

I walked over to Liana and Dominic, clearing my throat. "Luce we are going," I said breaking the silence and she looked at Veronica and me.

"Well you two can go and we can just stay here."

"You know we have to stay in our groups Luciana," Veronica replied in bored tone and I honestly didn't blame her because I was getting bored myself too.

"I'm staying with Dom."

I looked at Dominic, silently telling him to change her mind. Luciana was pretty irritating at times.

"Babe we could go too," he suggested. "I'm going to get the boys."

He kissed her lips and left before she could even say anything. She glared at us and folded her arms. "Thanks a lot bitches."

"Oh you are totally welcome," I replied with a smile and she rolled her eyes.

"Is Isabella actually talking to Lana?" Veronica asked and we turned to look at them actually talking. Isabella had been complaining about how annoying she was but they were actually getting along. I wondered if their new friendship would continue when they went back to San Francisco.

"I bet you fifty dollars that they are just fucking."

I rolled my eyes at Luciana's comment. I didn't understand why she had to be so vile all the time.

"About that," I said looking at both of them. "Bels got annoyed this morning when Shane mocked her asking if they hooked up so if she hears you say that then you will be a dead woman," I said looking at Luciana who smirked.


"I want to go home already!" Luciana said loudly and I threw a pillow at her.

"Keep your voice down I just woke up," I mumbled a she rolled her eyes.

Luciana was an early bird but I had no idea how that was possible. She was already dressed in a black blouse and grey shorts.

"Where's Veronica?"

"Right here," she replied holding three coffees and I gladly took one.

I was freshened up but I was still wearing my pyjamas. "Everyone is ready," Veronica said looking at me.


"So get up and get dressed," Luciana finished and I rolled my eyes.

The door opened and Isabella walked inside with Lana. "God," she said once she saw the size of our room. It was massive and we had three separate beds but Luciana had slept with me because she didn't like her bed.

She had what looked like a coffee stain on her shirt. "Is that a coffee stain?" I asked.

"Yeah it was an accident," Lana replied and Veronica and Luciana busted out laughing.

Isabella rolled her eyes at them and sat down beside me. "Do you have a white top?" She asked.

My mother had started to tell her that she needed to look at what she wore because she never knew when a picture of her would be taken and she was taking that advice on board.

"Sure," I replied, looking through my suitcase and handed her one.

"You're a life saver," she said and I smiled at her.

"Lana do you know who that is?" Luciana mocked as she pointed towards Isabella who got changed into the white top.

Lana blushed but I didn't know if it was because she was watching Isabella change or because of Luciana's question.

"Yeah," she said quietly.

"So why did you spill coffee all over her? That is Isabella-"

Isabella threw my sunglasses at her which missed Luciana by an inch. "If they're broken," I warned and she rolled her eyes.

"That could have killed me," Luciana retort.

"Leave Lana alone," Isabella replied.

I could see by the look on Luciana's face that she wanted to comment on her protectiveness but I gave her a look that told her not to so she didn't.

"Get dressed Ads," Isabella said patting my leg.

"Yep, they're broken," announced Veronica and I glared at Isabella.

"Thank you for that," I sarcastically said.

"You're welcome," she said in the same tone. "And I will totally buy you new ones-"

"I don't want them," I replied instantly.

I wasn't annoyed, I just wanted to wear my shades here but I couldn't do that.

I picked out an outfit before walking into the bathroom and got changed.

I so couldn't wait to come home.

Biting my lip, I silently scolded myself for thinking of San Francisco as my home but I couldn't help the fact that it was growing on me.

San Francisco was my second home so I couldn't wait to come back to my second home.
