Chapter Thirteen

The next day Luke and Tammy sneak away to the beach, Tammy skips school to pick Luke up as he ditches his mom's home quarantine rule. It's a picturesque day and the warm water is inviting to soothe Luke's aching body. Tammy had insisted that she wouldn't join him in the water but after his pitiful pleas she's wading around like a kid with candy next to him.

"What are you doing?" he chuckles lightly as she shoves him intentionally.

You wanted me to get in and now you're too shy huh," she taunts.

He sticks his tongue out at her as she splashes him forcefully. They're both having a great time oblivious to the prying eyes of a certain Bakersfield High soccer captain.

James' POV

I had parked outside Tammy's house a couple hours before using a rental. I had a lot of time on my hand after being suspended by Queen Cambridge for assaulting her son. Given that this was our second altercation, she insisted that they would be pressing charges. He arrived a couple minutes past 11, reaffirming my gut instinct regarding their relationship. After being ushered in by Tammy's mom, he left almost two hours later with Tammy clinging onto him like a helpless child. After they shared multiple kisses in the dim light, he left pulling dangerously close to the rental.

I camped there all night till Tammy's mom left at 7. I definitely considered knocking on Tammy's door until I observed her loading shit eagerly into her trunk. She had a well packed bag and beach towel along with a folding chair and her purse. I followed her first to his house, where the loser also had a well stuffed backpack which he placed on the back seat before entering the passenger side of Tammy's car. He looked like shit with a bruised lip, baggy eyes and a band aid over his eye. I gripped the steering wheel of the rental tightly as I observed them kissing before driving off.

How could she date this nerd? She was definitely just using him to pass time or make me jealous. I told her about the video, I warned her not to push me away. She must not think that I was serious, she obviously thinks I'm bluffing. Now here she was giggling and frolicking around in the water with him. She had on a dark blue, one piece swimsuit that hugged her curves perfectly. Her shoulder length hair was wet as her skin glistened in the morning sun. The dork kept staring at her in his stupid board shorts and white vest. Who the fuck swims in a vest? God knows he couldn't be shirtless as he lacked a morsel of self-confidence.

My stomach was in knots as I observed her wrap her arms around his neck. He definitely had his arms around her under the water as he lifted her gently before they kissed. How could she do this? I told her she's mine, always has been, always will be.

Suddenly there was a knock on the driver's side glass of the rental. I definitely flinched given that I was supposed to be in full incognito mode. I turned to observe the cheery blonde outside waving at me. I rolled down the window slightly without returning her obnoxious smile.

"Hi, sir!" she shrieked. "Would you be willing to donate to the Mercy Memorial Cancer Society Fund," she continued. "We help hundreds of underprivileged children......."

"Sure, yeah" I interrupted wanting to send my unwelcomed guest away.

"Thank you so much sir!" she stated cheerily as I shoved two twenties into her tin can. "You can visit our website to check out all the.........."

Hastily I roll my window up shutting out my unwelcomed guest. She scoffs loud enough for me to hear and turns on her heels to retreat. My eyes desperately search the waters for Tammy and her pet. Shit, where are they? My eyes dart to their little spot under a tree and over to her car. Shit, shit. Then her familiar laugh hits me as I observe her walking hand in hand with him approaching the rental. Shit! I sink low into my seat shifting my head to avoid being spotted. Loser boy passes closest to the driver side door as I can hear Tammy giggle as they pass by. What the fuck was he saying that made her so cheery? The dork barely even speaks, he's always moping around school, that table tennis playing little bitch. How the fuck could he date my girl?

My blood boiled wanting to step out of the rental and show him what the consequences were for kissing my girl, no for fucking my girl. My hand hovered over the door lock for a bit considering the option. Fuck college, fuck that felony assault charge. He had Tammy, he fucked her and would keep fucking her if I didn't put a stop to it, put a stop to him.

But she would never forgive me, I know her too well. She's so good and perfect, she thinks she's better than me. She wants a nice boy like Cambridge. I needed to remind her that she wasn't a saint. Remind her that she was mine, she is mine. I shift slightly digging my hands into my jeans for my phone. Still crouched I search my browser for the school's website.


Luke's POV

Being with Tammy today has been remarkable her smile, her skin and beautiful body next to me. Her smell and paranoia about the way her swimsuit made her butt look. It feels so great to see her like this elated and excited just to be with me, we've been extremely close since last night, closer than ever before. I can't breathe when she's not with me and I find myself touching her or holding her hand often. It's as though I don't want her to leave, I want to savour our time together, we couldn't go back to not talking to each other and God knows my heart couldn't take it.

"What do you want?" she enquires staring up at me.

"Ummmm what are you gonna get?" I respond staring intently at the menu.

We had decided to get a quick bite given that we had sneaked away early this morning for an impromptu beach trip. After leaving her house last night at about 1:30 and managing to escape my dad who fell asleep on the couch waiting for me. We talked on the phone both laying in our beds before one of us fell asleep. It was probably me given that my pain meds made me groggy, she didn't end the call though she just fell asleep to the sound of my obnoxious snores. I woke to her humming the tune of a Sam Smith song in her bathroom since she took her phone with her while getting ready.

"Chicken waffles," she declared smiling at me.

Her drenched hair covered her shoulders as she slightly adjusted her swimsuit. The guy next to us kept ogling her as though he was oblivious to my close proximity to her. More than likely he thought that I couldn't possibly be her boyfriend maybe her lame best friend. I gave him one of my mom's infamous death stares and he looked stunned for a bit before readjusting his seating to peer back at the waters.

"Ok well I'll have the same thing," I said returning her smile.

"Nooooo" she protested. "You have to take something different."

"Why?" I chuckled.

"Because we can't eat the same thing."

"Why not? Because you want a bite of mines don't you?"

She laughs holding onto my elbow as the creep next to us stands to collect his order.

"You know me so well," she professes staring at my lips. I push my damp hair off my forehead leaning into her as she tiptoes to meet my lips.

"Can I help you?" an irritated voice sounds breaking our kiss. It's the middle-aged waitress who had been ignoring us for the past few minutes, finally ready to take our order.

After collecting our food we head over to Tammy's car, where her phone was ringing relentlessly.

"Aurora," she mentions with a furrowed brow.

By the end of their conversation Tammy is hyperventilating and shaking uncontrollably.

"What is it?" I insist as she continues to cry dropping her phone onto her lap, I can still hear Aurora through the speaker.

"Tammy please tell me what is it?" I plead.

"Luke?" I hear Aurora call my name. "Luke, pick up the phone!" she shouts on the line. My thoughts become scattered it must definitely be James, that sick bastard did something.

"Luke!" Aurora continues through the phone. Between her consistent sobs Tammy ends the call with Aurora without addressing her further.

"Tammy pleaseee tell me what's wrong."

She buries her hands in her face slouching over in her seat.

"Is it James?" I ask as my chest tightens.

"What did he do?" I reach over to touch her but she flinches pulling away from me slightly. My stomach is in knots as her phone rings loudly on her lap. I get out of the passenger side and make my way around to open the driver's side door. I feel gutted to see her like this, I didn't know if I should attempt to touch her again.

"Tammy," I say kneeling next to the open door while her phone stops blaring, multiple notifications chime consistently. She fidgets to wipe her face using one of the paper napkins from her food. Looking at her I feel helpless, I wanted to wrap my arms around her, comfort her. Suddenly my phone rings on the backseat, "No don't," she insists looking up at me tears streaming down her face.

"What is it? Just tell me," I beg.

She blows her nose in the crumpled paper napkin, swiping at her tears before turning her body to face mine. Her sad eyes tug at my heartstrings as she begins "I'm so sorry Luke."


Aurora's POV

"He isn't answering either!" I whined ending my third unanswered call to Luke. Cassie kept pacing between the stalls of the girls' bathroom.

"It's definitely James," she contends "That jealous jerk did this to mess with her."

"You don't know that for sure," I rebut irritated.

"Of course it's him, who else would have that video," Cassie shouts storming over to me.

"Trent would have told me," I mention swiping through my IG notifications quickly.

"Trent!" she scoffs "Trent is his best friend," she continues. "They probably give each other blow jobs on the DL," she scolds waving her hands in the air suggestively.

"Stop it!" I demand "You're just angry."

"You bet your shit I'm angry," she claims pushing the bathroom door in front of her forcefully. Suddenly there's a knock on the main door to enter the bathroom.

"Aurora," the male voice calls "Aurora are you in there?"

It's Trent, we had escaped the barrage of questions hurtled towards us by quite a few before locking ourselves in the junior year girls' bathroom. It was probably twenty minutes after the video was uploaded to the school website that we got wind of what was up.

It was definitely a young Tammy satisfying a certain dark-skinned male whose face remained out of the camera's angle. It was mainly just a blowjob and though she didn't speak throughout the recording her hair, eyes and skin color were undeniable. The clip cuts out before the male person lifts the phone to reveal his face. Given that our Tammy has only ever been with one guy we automatically knew that it was James. Whether he was responsible for the leak or not was another question.

"Aurora, I know you're in there," Trent states behind the closed door.

"Don't you dare," Cassie warns in a hushed tone.

Suddenly my phone rings loudly in my hands, Cassie curses angrily while my phone blares to Trent's call.

"Auroraaaaa, come on" he knocks again.

After having to part Cassie and Trent I'm exhausted, physically and mentally. Trent argued that James would never leak the footage since he practically worshipped Tammy. To which Cassie contended that Murray's obsession with Tamara was toxic and that his ego was shattered after the Luke fiasco. Between their incessant complaining the PA system chimes loudly, "Tamara Pippin please report to the principal's office, Tamara Pippin to the principal's office immediately." Panicked we all stare at each other not sure what to say. The stellar disciplinarians clearly had no clue that Tammy was absent today and they definitely couldn't call on a recently suspended James Murray.

"Shitttt!" Cassie exclaims holding her hands to her head.

"What are we going to do?" I whisper as if admin could hear us.

Trent shrugs his shoulders letting out a long sigh, "What can we do?" he asks earnestly.

"I'm going to kill James!" Cassie shouts.

Trent scoffs rolling his eyes at her as screeching feedback resonates from the PA system once more. "Aurora Castille and Cassie Baker to the principal's office please. Aurora Castille and Cassie Baker to the principal, thank you."

Oh fuck!
