
A/N: This chapter contains a suicide attempt and a graphic description of an accident. Please don't read it if you can't handle things like this.


The sky was clear. It was dark, but not pitch black. After all, there were stars and the moon, and well, simple street lights illuminating his way. He wasn't sure where he was, but he also didn't really care. He was just walking further away, running away from everything.

Looking at the night sky, he noticed how, to his dismay, it wasn't even full moon. Not even the last day he'd spend in this world could go his way. Surely, he brought this upon himself, after all, he could've ran away on a full moon day, but he couldn't stand being around his father and sister any longer. Not after he heard father talking about him, explaining how disappointed he was in his youngest son. Not after his sister was praised for her good work once again.

So he ran away. He didn't tell anyone, he just ran further and further, not checking what direction, just running.

He couldn't recognize where he was after he had to stop to catch his breath. And he kept walking even further after he was breathing normally again, not looking back the way he came.

When he started running, it was late evening. Now it was late in the night. Shortly, he wondered if his disappearance has been noticed, if they were already looking for him, or if they just...didn't care, didn't notice, didn't look at all.

Dismissing the thought quickly, his eyes scanned the area. He was at the shore of a river. It stretched for about 45 meters and looked deep black, the water making loud noises that sounded like whispering to him.

"Someone tell me where to go..."

"Looking for a way out..."

"Dreams of joy and happiness..."

"This is not where I belong..."

It sent shivers down his back. He never saw himself as a spiritual person, nor did he believe in ghosts or spirits, but he didn't doubt that those were the voices of the previously deceased, the ones with a similar plan as him.

He felt drawn to them.

So he set a foot in the water. It was ice cold, like he expected. He honestly didn't plan to drown, not in a big river like this, he wanted to die in a way his body could be found after his death. So his family didn't have to trouble themselves with searching for him if he was already dead. If they searched, that is.

The voices took him in, the water slowly embracing him. The rational part of his brain screamed that the voices he heard where only in his mind, that it projected his thoughts on stupid river noises, that he went wrong to go like this.

But once you go this far, you can't go back.

He feared not being able to try to die again after this, that he'll never have courage to go as far as he was now ever again. So he went further forward.

The water reached up to his waist now, him carefully lifting his hands, so it wouldn't touch the ice cold water, completely forgetting that his legs and feet already completely disappeared in the black cold. He rembered that he hated the feeling of wet socks after stepping into puddles, but he too felt light-headed and dizzy to relate it to this situation.

One step further and he barely was able to feel the lower half of his body. The only feeling he got was a weird numbness, but because he wanted to die anyway, he didn't pay it to much mind. His legs still moved and that was the only thing that mattered.

He was shaking, his breath unstable and ragged. He gave up on lifting his hands, making them splash some water when they came in contact with it. He was shivering, but he wasn't crying, just looking at the water with downcast eyes. A wisp of wind ruffled his hair and still dry clothes, but he didn't look up. He just walked further.

For a short moment he heard voices, but he dismissed them at his mind playing him tricks again, until a clear, loud voice asked: "Hey, what are you doing!?" in his direction.

Ah, he had been caught. They will now keep him under drugs, lock him up, label him crazy, just like in those novels he read with his brother when he was younger. A fate worse than death.

So he tried to go further as fast as he could. However, his legs were giving out, and he heard a person going into the water after him. He was coming closer and closer every second, he was faster. So the boy gave up. He went completely limp and let himself get dragged out of the water.

Heavy breaths were next to him, a boy with blond, messy hair asking if they were okay. A gruff voice confirmed it. The boy that dragged him out of the water was raven haired and had slick hair, a contrast to the person with him.

They looked like they cared a lot for each other.

"Hey, you. What were you thinking!?" The raven haired one addressed him, his partner whispering a shocked "Craig!". He looked up at the others furious face. "I wanted to die", he answered in a calm voice.

He got slapped. The blond had to stop their friend from striking again. "Hey, why don't you tell us your name? I'm Tweek Tweak and this is Craig Tucker. We'll get you home in a taxi, alright? So please tell us where you live."

He refused to tell them his name. Tweek pleaded, to no avail. "Atleast tell us your address. We'll get you home." Those people won't let him alone. So he told them his address. Maybe his sister or father would kill him for the disgrace he brought upon their family. Or maybe he'll get disowned, after that he could do anything he wanted anyway.

"I'll get him home. You have to focus on finding Stripe, okay? Stripe likes you more than me, so he might come out when I'm not around." The blond nodded. And they separated, Craig taking his hand to lead him away. He called someone, a taxi, his parents, whatever. Someone to come pick them up. While they waited, Craig never once let go of his hand, holding it in an iron grip.

"Why?", he asked. "Why did you save me? It's none of your business." Craig bristled his nose. Then he shook his head. "Don't know, to be honest. I just think nobody deserves to die." He stomped his foot. Or he tried to, he barely was able to lift it. "But I WANTED to die!"

"And I believe you are making a mistake. You shouldn't run away." He was bewildered, speechless. He had known this person for 10 minutes and they were allowed to judge his life decisions like this? "What do you know!? You don't know anything about me!"

"I know that you're..." "Shut up! Shut UP!" He was screaming furiously. "You don't understand! You'll never understand!" Craig desperately tried to calm him down, to no avail. He kept screaming, wailing, crying. The feelings he wanted to get rid of today were pouring out of him.

And when Craig tried to embrace him, it just happened. He pushed Craig away, with as much power as he could muster. The other didn't expect this. The raven haired male staggered and tumbled, taking a few steps backwards.

He barely had time to register what happened. Light flashing around the corner. The sound of desperate breaks. Blood red blood.

Wide eyed and mouth open, he stared at the scene before him. The others face was completely distorted. His nose was facing the wrong direction, his jaw most definitely broken aswell. One side of the face looked kerbed in. The person, previously called Craig, could not be recognized at all.

He also had a few other broken bones, but the younger boy could only look at the face, soaked in red blood, unrecognizeable, dead, dead, dead. Was that really a person's face before, he couldn't tell. Skin was peeling of the left cheek. It looked disgusting. It smelled disgusting.

He held his mouth, trying not to vomit.

The car driver excited the car and called an ambulance immediately.

It was then that the pool of blood reached his wet shoes, and his already weak knees finally gave out. He dropped on the ground, the smell even more intense now. Even though he tried hard not to, he vomited, his eyes not leaving the others face.

"It's...it's not my fault...", he whispered, uncaring about the vomit on thighs.

"It's not my fault...!", he repeated more loudly, shaking. Repeating it was his only savior.

It was the driver's fault. He was driving to fast and wasn't able to hit the breaks in time. It was Craig's fault. He agitated him and invaded his personal space when he had no right to. It was sister's fault. Without her, this situation would never have happened. It was brother's fault. For leaving him. It was his father's fault. For always ignoring him. It was his mother's fault. For birthing him.

It was definitely not his fault. That him pushing Craig away ended in the others death was not his fault. No, no, not his fault.

Ethan fainted.


A/N: Hiya, hope it wasn't to graphic. Ethan thought he killed Craig, but we know he survived this incident. I wonder how (laughs). Look forward to the meeting with Ethan's sister and more!
