
Warnings: none


"Perfect form." Aisha hyped Julie up as she crouched down to get a better angle. Julie crossed her arms and leant back on her bike.

Aisha stood up and handed Julie her phone to look at the pictures. "I look hot." She admired her pictures as she picked out which ones to post. "Think this will finally get me a girlfriend?" She thought about the girl from the beach. She wished she got her number, or even her name.

Julie pouted behind her visor as Aisha laughed at her. "You won the All Valley and have a motorcycle, I'm sure you'll have a lucky lady by the end of the summer."

"Thanks girl. We should probably get to the Dojo." Julie turned the ignition on. "Want a ride?" The engine revved, causing Aisha to decline.

"Absolutely not." She got into her car and waved Julie off. "See you in ten minutes!"

Julie arrived much quicker than Aisha. If anyone asked, she knew a short cut. Which was going thirty over the speed limit. Half of the class had already arrived by the time she got there.

She changed into her gi and joined the boys as they stretched out on the mat as they whispered to each other. "So I did a deep dive last night." Hawk started. "And you were right. Sensei's definitely Keene's father." Julie looked up in confusion.

Miguel shook his head in disappointment. "I just don't understand why he wouldn't tell us."

Julie sympathized with the two. They were bitter after being embarrassed in front of the class. "Explains why he's been giving you guys shit for kicking Keene's ass at the tournament."

Hawk agreed. "Show no mercy, unless it's his son."

"Then you gotta be pussies." Jamie replied.

Aisha came running towards the group. "You guys, have you seen the commercial?" The four looked up at her confused. "Sam's dad started his own dojo and he disses Cobra Kai."

Her phone was passed to the group. Mr. Larusso went on to promising free karate and a bunch of what not. Julie scoffed. "What a bunch of bullshit."

"Listen up." Sensei Lawrence came out of the office, everyone got up and formed lines. "There's a lot of talk going around the Valley about free Karate. But everyone knows that in life, you get what you pay for."

Julie looked over at Aisha as she walked in front of her with her phone camera. "You wanna really kick the competition?" Sensei kicked a bonsai tree out of a students hands. "Then you need to get your ass over to Cobra Kai."

Oh this was a commercial. Julie chuckled to herself. "Screw that lame mediation bullshit. What you need is bone-crunching, face-smashing, good old American karate."

Sensei hit a punch dummy then turned back to the camera. "Enough about self-defence. Learn self-offense. Don't be a pussy. Join Cobra Kai. And let me, teach you the way of the fist."

"And cut." Julie slowly clapped, everyone gave her the side eye till she stopped.

"All right, we get it?" Sensei turned to Aisha.

"I think so."

Jamie nudged Julie in the ribs. The two quietly bicker. Sensei walks out of the class yelling at Aisha to send the commercial to the internet. Everyone partnered up to warm up.

Julie pulled Jamie over to the side and held her hands up. They sparred lightly, quietly talking. "So, how's the car treating you?"

"It's great. Are you sure you don't want me to pay you for it?" Julie shook her head no. "Also why does it smell like weed in there." Julie was caught off guard and Jamie accidentally punched her in the face. "Oh shit. I'm so sorry."

She shrugged him off. "It's fine." She rubbed her cheek. "I smoked a few joints here and there."

Jamie frowned. "I thought you quit. You don't wanna turn out like that girl Mandy."

The two cringed at the thought of her. She used to be a kid at their old group home who always got drunk and high. One night they all found her past out in the hallway after she shit herself.

"That is exactly why I don't drink." Julie threw a punch at her brother. He ducked aside. "Look, it's weed. It's not like you can overdose on it." That seemed to get him to relax.


You know what to do.

Was what Johnny texted Julie. It was the Valley fest, and Johnny was getting back at Mr. Larusso for disrespecting him in his little YouTube ad. The rest of Cobra Kai had already taken over the stage.

Now it was time for the main finale. Julie revved her bike out of the parking lot and towards the main stage. A crowd or people parted as they hears the roar of Julie's bike.

She did a wheelie past everyone and skid to a stop in front of the stage. She jumped off the bike and onto the stage, pulling her helmet off and shaking her hair out. She reached behind her with both hands and pulled out two batons.

Four different pitching machines were set, two infront of her and two behind. Miguel stood behind her with a blindfold, the vibrant crowd disappeared as it went over her eyes.

The sound of the machine to her right went off, Julie swung up with her right baton and dodged it. The one to her left behind her went off, she spun and kicked it away. She did her little dance until all the machines were empty.

The crowd went wild for Julie. She pulled the blind fold and bowed to the crowd. A loose ball slipped through one of the machines, luckily with her fast reflexes she was able to catch it. As Julie walked off the stage she tossed the ball to a beautiful blonde in the front row. She did a double take. She looked familiar?

She got back onto her bike, thinking of where she saw those blue eyes before, and sped past the crowd once more back towards the parking lot. She turned her bike off as she parked next to her brother's car.

While waiting for the rest of Cobra Kai to meet up with her, she played on her phone. She took a selfie with her helmet still on, but with the visor up. She posted it on her story with a fire emoji.

"Nice bike." Julie looked up from her phone to see the blonde from the crowd. She looked Julie up and down with squinted eyes. Trying to see if she too recognized those green eyes.

"Thank you." Julie spoke softly. "Want a ride?"

The blonde grimaced. "I would love to but, I'm with my little brother. Maybe another time?"

"I would love that." Julie smiled at the girl in front of her. The blonde laughed. "What's so funny?"

The blonde shook her head. "Nothing sorry- it's just your helmet makes your cheeks look very chubby when you smile." She pointed her finger at the visor gap.

Julie's hands immediately went up to cover her face, forgetting that her helmet was already doing that job mostly. She pulled the helmet off and shook her hair. "Better?"

The girl nodded. "Much. Now I can actually see how beautiful you are."

Julie chocked over her words. She looked behind the blonde and saw the rest of her dojo making their way over. "You still got that ball?" She stood up and opened the passenger door to the Chevy and pulled out a sharpie.

The blonde past Julie the ball. She carefully wrote her number on the ball and signed her name below it. "Give me a call or text sometime. We can go for a ride."

The blonde caught the ball once more. "I'll see you around, beautiful."

The blush was obvious on Julie's face as she turned and saw her friends and brother staring at her. Aisha gave her a slight push. "I told you the girls would be all over you."

"Stop." Julie whined and covered her face with her hands.


Ugh. Work.

Julie groaned to herself as she stacked the recycling onto a trolly. It was a long day of work, and they haven't even opened the store yet. When truck shipments were in, it was all hands on deck.

Which in this scenario was bad news for Julie. It meant the obnoxious new girl was chatting her ear off since eight in the morning. Honestly everyone wondered why their manager even hired her.

If Julie had to guess, she probably was desperate after a few of the older employees' left after getting better job offers. Julie was contemplating putting in her two weeks right this instance as the girl continued to babble about her ex boyfriend.

Whoever he was, Julie was sure he was happy he didn't have to deal with her anymore. The girl, Cara, took a deep breath mid rambling and was silenced by Julie holding up a hand. "I'm taking my break, just keep breaking down these boxes and I'll show you where the recycling bin is when I come back."

She left without waiting for Cara to ask her any questions. As she flopped onto the beat up leather couch in the break room, she received a text. It was from her group chat with Miguel, Hawk, Aisha and Jamie.

Miguel was texting and letting everyone know that there was a bunch of newbies signing up for class today. A twinge of excitement ran threw Julies veins as she thought of making new friends. It wasn't necessarily hard for Julie to make friends.

It was just hard for her to connect with people. Miguel was a once in a billion chance that she shared similar interests with, but besides that she found it hard to relate to the boy. He was nice enough to her and he easily became best friends with her brother. The two of them and Hawk seemed to be the closest in all of Cobra Kai.

Aisha was an amazing person, and Julie was really grateful to have met her threw Cobra Kai. However they didn't really have anything in common. Aisha was into science and romance novels and Julie was into... anything but that.

She clicks off her phone and lazily makes her way towards the backroom where Cara was loading the last of her broken down boxes onto into a cart. Julie smiles warmly at the girl. Who knows? Maybe one day they could be really good friends.

"The recycling is just outside." Julie pushes the cart, Cara follows behind sluggishly. Julie felt a little bit sorry that she just left her to break the rest of the boxes, so to make up for it she hurriedly threw the boxes into the blue garbage box.

A car pulled up along the alleyway behind the strip mall. Julie paused briefly to glance in the direction. It was probably just a worker for one of the other shops. Julie tossed over the last of the boxes, and placed her hand on top of the open corner of the bin.

Her eyes caught sight of the car slowly turning into the alley. Something about its tinted windows and lack of license plate made Julie feel a little nervous. She was about to suggest they head back inside and lock the doors but Cara slammed down the lid.

Julie cursed out loud, cradling her wrist where it had been crushed by the heavy lid.


1901 words

sorry for the late update <3

i wanted to change this chapter up a lot but I didn't know how to make it better so whatever this is fine lol
