Chapter 3

Hey guys couldn't think of a title for this one! Lol! But hope you enjoy😉😊


Hikaru's POV

Kaoru and I got to school a little early so we could tell F/N her prize for winning the game yesterday. We waited out by the entrance of Ouran.

"You know what Hikaru?" My brother said. I looked at him.

"F/N said that we're cute!" He said smiling. I blushed a little.

"Oh really, I guess she's pretty cute herself."I said smiling. Kaoru nodded. We waited another 5 minutes and saw Y/N walk towards us.



I see that the twins were waiting up front. I ran up to them.

"So, you guy figure out anything for my prize?" I said smiling. They nodded.

"We'll take you out shopping, we can buy you anything you want." Kaoru said. I smiled. Cool, shopping is pretty cool I guess....

"Okay shopping it is then. I'm guessing we're going after the Host Club?" I asked. They nodded. They then stood up and began to walk to our first class.

After a boring day at school we made our way to the Host Club. We walked in and everybody greeted me. Then Honey came up to me.

"Wanna eat cake with me?" He said smiling. AWEEE, so cute! I nodded and he lead me to a table with different types of cakes.

After we got done eating the "fan girls" left and it was just me and Host Club in the room. I then stood up and walked towards the twins.

"I'll be waiting outside for you guys." I said. They nodded, I then left Music room 3 and I exit the school. I waited there for 5 minutes then two unfamiliar guys approached me.

"Hey look its the hot new girl! What are you doing here all alone sweetie." One of them said. I give them a dirty look. The other one lifted up my chin "Proper ladies shouldn't give dirty looks to people." I turned my head. He then grabbed me and put me to the ground so he was on top of me.

"LET ME GOOO!" I shouted. He just snickered. He then groped my breast. I then slapped him and screamed. Hikaru came out of the building. He saw that the guy was on top of me.

"Get you damn hands off her!" He shouted he then tackled the guy. Kaoru came out as well, he then started to tackle the other guy. I curled up in a ball and cried. The two guys left. I looked up and saw Hikaru. I quickly got up and hugged him.


Hikaru's POV

Y/N got up and gave me a hug. I blushed. She then stared to cry. She released me and gave Kaoru a hug.

"Thank you guys..." She gave us a smile. I smiled back.

"Do you still want us to take you shopping?" I asked still worried about her.

"Yeah why not..." She smiled shyly. Wow, she's so pretty... Our limo finally arrived to take us to the store. We all got in.

"Are you okay Y/N?" I asked looking in her E/C eyes. She gave me a cute smile and nodded. I smiled back.



I'm glad they worried about me I quickly gave them both a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks again..." I smiled. I could tell that they were both blushing. The limo soon dropped us at the mall. We stepped out of the car and entered the building. This is going to be fun, I thought.



End of chapter 3! Hope you guys enjoyed it! New part coming soon! (Sorry for spelling and grammar errors!) 😉😊❤️
