Chapter 3

It was now morning, Nesuto was of course still up. *Yawn* He was yawning yet he refused to sleep still 'At least we don't need to deal with mother anymore...' Nesuto thought to himself as he yawned again.

The mere memory of our mother's death really left a trauma that I probably will never get over. I wonder how we will live now, since mother is dead the maids will most likely leave us. Neshia hair was all over the place and she was drooling too. That made me want to laugh especially seeing that stupid smile on her face.

Neshia moved around a little in her sleep "Mmn don't idiot Nesuto..." Neshia mumbles in her sleep, a tick mark appeared on Nesuto cheek, and his right eye was twitching. "You're the idiot!" Nesuto yelled in her ear.

That made Neshia bolted up "What's going on?!" Neshia shouted as she looked around her surroundings to see an annoyed Nesuto. "Are you calling me an idiot in your dream, that's what's up." Nesuto told Neshia.

This made Neshia want to laugh "Awe. Big brother Nesuto is mad. ~" Neshia decided to tease Nesuto. A tick mark appeared on Nesuto cheek before he could counter back their room door opened "Is anyone in here?!" It was a man dressed in armor.

They were knights of the imperial family. Knights were in the twin's bedroom in the place they like to call Hell's Castle. Neshia immediately hugged her older twin brother; he hugged her back. Nesuto was ready to protect Neshia from anything that will hurt her.

"As ordered, we must bring these children to our majesty." The captain of the knights ordered the others as they nodded. They grabbed both the kids "Hey! Let us go now!" Neshia yelled as she was kicking and punching. "Leave us alone!" Nesuto yelled as well. The guards sighed as the one holding Nesuto spoke up "We cannot follow that order. His majesty has ordered us to bring Nesuto and Neshia Araki to the castle."

The twins were worried of what the emperor could want with them. "Is he going to get rid of us since mother is gone now?" Neshia asked Nesuto in her mind, Nesuto clutched his fist "I'm not sure but I won't let anything happened to you!" Nesuto responded back to her in his mind.

We we're brought to the castle in the Kingdom of Araki and the emperor aka our father was waiting for us as all the knight's kneeled before him. I didn't know what to do and neither did my sister Neshia knew what to do, the emperor was a stranger to us.

"We have brought them as requested your majesty." The head knight addressed the emperor "Bring them inside." He ordered them as the knights did as they were ordered to do, Nesuto and Neshia were nervous and trembling because they were afraid that they will once again be mistreated.

Everything was getting blurry for Nesuto 'I-I don't feel so well... but I can't pass out and leave... Neshia alone...' Sadly Nesuto couldn't keep himself from blacking out "NESUTO!" The last thing he heard was Neshia screaming his name. '... Neshia...' That was Nesuto last thought as he completely passed out.

Since he didn't get any sleep, it was natural for him to black out. The emperor turned around when he heard Neshia screamed out her twin's name. "What happened to him?" He asked the knights.

One of the knights spoke "Your majesty, he passed out." The emperor looked at Nesuto who's currently in Neshia arms, she was so worried about her twin well-being. "He most likely passed out through exhaustion, your majesty." Another knight tells the emperor.

"Take them to their new room to sleep in." The emperor ordered them as they nodded. The emperor was left alone to think "Could it be because he was nervous around me?" He asked himself, the emperor remembered seeing them when they were first born.

The emperor's name is Ares Justine Araki, but of course everyone calls him emperor or his majesty. I passed out not only from exhaustion but also from being in the presence of the man that didn't help us even though he knew about us. He abandoned us and left us to suffer.

The hours passed as it was midnight when Nesuto woke up, he turned his head to see Neshia sleeping next to him. '... What happened...' Nesuto thought to himself, he sat up and looked around with his eyes. Nesuto saw he was in a big room with another bed and now he remembered.

'That's right... I remember now... we were brought to the palace because mother died and now the emperor wants to suddenly be in our lives...' Nesuto thought to himself once again. Nesuto laid back down as he closed his eyes only for them to open again. "I can't... I keep seeing mother death..." Nesuto whispered to himself.

He did wonder why his father suddenly wanted them to come to the palace, Nesuto kept wondering about it. It was now morning and Nesuto was still awake "Mmm... Nesuto..." That got Nesuto attention as he saw Neshia sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

Neshia fully woke up when she saw Nesuto up, tears welled up as she was happy to see her brother up. "NESUTO!!!" Neshia cried out and hugged him.

This didn't surprise Nesuto since they were always together and supporting each other. Nesuto hugged his sister back "It's okay, I'm fine now...I was just tired..." Nesuto assured his sister.

Neshia was still crying "You scared me! I was so worried about you Nesuto! You big idiot!" Neshia cried out as Nesuto smile and patted Neshia head. "You don't have to worry my dear annoying sister." Nesuto tells her.

The two started laughing, Neshia wiped her tears away. Neshia playfully punched Nesuto arm as Nesuto chuckled "Geez if you're tired just sleep!" Neshia says crossing her arms.

Nesuto looked away sadly "Y-Yeah I will if I'm really tired..." He nervously tells her. Neshia raised an eyebrow but didn't question her brother since she didn't want him to collapse again.

How can I tell Neshia that I can't sleep at all. She knows that mother died but doesn't know that I watched her die right when I covered her eyes. It's only been two days, but I can't sleep without seeing mother die.

A knock brought the twins attention "I am coming in now." The door opened to reveal a maid along with other servants. The twins hugged each other as they looked scared, Nesuto glared at them.

"I am Elizabeth, I am the head maid of the Araki Castle." The maid was a woman in her late thirties who looked strict. "Take them a bath and get them dress immediately, so they look presentable in front of his majesty." Elizabeth tells the servants.

The servants brought very nice clothes "H-Hey!" Neshia shouted as she was struggling from the servants "Don't touch us!" Nesuto shouted at them.

Elizabeth glared at them a little "They are doing their jobs, so let them do their jobs." She told them with a strict tone as the twins just obeyed for now. 'Let's let them do what they want.'

That surprised Nesuto that Neshia is willing to listen to them. Nesuto sighed 'Fine, but if they hurt us then I will fight back.' Nesuto tells Neshia in their minds.

With that they allowed them to clean them and dress them too. The servants might not have showed their disgust, but the twins can see it in their eyes. Neshia looked down sadly 'Is it because we're illegitimate children...?' She thought to herself.

To be continued
