Little Fairy

In the bustling streets of London, England, a small family of three can be found driving through the snow covered roads. 

"...Mamma? Where are we going?" a small, sleepy voice asked from the backseat of the car. 

The young woman sitting in the passenger seat shifted slightly to face her daughter, ice blue eyes softening at the sight of her young one. She mentally squealed at her daughter's perpetual tired/sleepy/apathetic look that just made her look so darn adorable! "We are going to visit Mamma and Pappa's friends from Tōstuki remember?"

"...Tōtsuki? The very important school that Mamma and Pappa learned to cook yes?" the little girl murmured to herself quietly, her voice a little breathy thing that sounded like she was about to fall asleep where she sat.

The father glanced at his daughter in the rearview mirror and chuckled, "That's right Yōsei-chan. Okaa-san and Otou-san want to introduce you to our headmaster, Nakiri Senzaemon, and his granddaughters tonight. One of them has a special little talent like yours Yōsei-chan."

"...Special?" she pondered to herself oblivious to the knowing looks her parents traded in the front of the car. 


The trio soon arrived to the Nakiri's London home and left their car with a waiting valet. They ascended the front steps of the building and were ushered inside by the butlers, who graciously alleviated them of their heavy winter coats. 

The little girl tiredly walked beside her mother, gripping tightly on to the offered hand while trying to rub the sleep away from her beautiful chocolate brown eyes with ice blue flecks near the center. Little Faelyn had managed to inherit the best of both her parents with her unique combination of their eyes, her mother's silvery blonde hair, her father's small facial structure, and her mother's delicate bone structure. In total, she looked every bit of the fairy she was named as and then some. 

Faelyn watched silently as her mother and father flitted about the large crowds of people, talking and occasionally introducing them to her, in which case she offered a small curtsy that usually sent the women and men cooing over her. She glanced over at the tables across the ballroom that was filled to the brim with hundreds of the best dishes available in the world. 

Starting to feel a bit peckish, Faelyn cautiously tugged on the hem of her father's coat and pointed towards the food when she caught his attention. Seeing where she was pointing towards, her father smiled indulgently and nodded for her to go have a taste of whatever caught her fancy. 

Carefully detaching herself from her parents, Faelyn gracefully made her way across the room, causing her dark blue dress to swish about her knees as she danced over. 

She nicked a small plate meant for samples off a large stack beside the tables and carefully made her way down. She belatedly realized that the chefs who made the food were standing at attention behind their dishes, but she paid them no mind. 

The first dish that she came across was a small plate of creamy au gratin potatoes with sprigs of rosemary and thyme as garnish. 'It certainly looks pretty I suppose,' Faelyn mused to herself, but the minute she lightly sniffed the dish, she immediately backed away with a look of discontent on her face.

'The potatoes were blanched for three minutes too long, there are 14.83 grams too much of salt, the butter was added too early and has soured slightly due to the heat, etc. etc.' Faelyn mentally counted in her mind all the faults of the dish. 

'My goodness! I thought this was going to be more than just novices playing chef...oh maybe that's too mean. After all not everyone can be as good as Mamma and Otou-san, so maybe a B...B- okay?' Faelyn mentally nodded at her conclusion although her decision would have been much harsher had she been anyone else, but alas the young girl was too kind-hearted to be so mean to anyone...even if they did deserve it. 

Sending the chef, who stood behind his gratin puzzled as to why she didn't take one, a pitying look, Faelyn continued on. 

The next dish looked just as promising as the last one. 'Beef braciole,' she mentally noted before taking a light whiff much like last time, and just like last time she took a small step back to recover.

'The meat is cooked unevenly, one side is overcooked by 1.6 seconds while the other is only slightly undercooked at 0.7 seconds. Overall, the beef's temperature has dropped too low as well leaving it to have a slightly blander flavor. There's also...oh no! He kneaded saffron in the prosciutto before he placed it in the beef? Why would he use that spice here? It creates such a bitter and unwelcoming aftertaste on the tongue when it's combined with such a fatty meat!' Faelyn mentally despaired and quickly left the man's station. (A/N: I know nothing about food and I making this up as I go along!)

And so she went on in this fashion down the long line of chefs, inadvertently drawing a crowd who was curious as to why the little girl of two widely known chefs refused to take a single dish from any of the tables so far. 

Finally Faelyn made it to the last chef and pouted slightly feeling her poor tummy grumbling in protest, but she refused to go back and take one of the failure dishes from before. Her Otou-san always lectured her how she shouldn't eat food that weren't good even if she did feel bad for the chefs. 

"Hey there ojou-chan," a friendly voiced came from above her head. Faelyn lethargically looked up at the tall man, who was obviously the chef of this last table, with dark red hair and blinked owlishly at him in confusion. 

The man chuckled, "Looks like you've got quite the crowd behind you waiting to see if you approve of me or not," he said pointing behind her when she seemed confused. Turning around, Faelyn was surprised to see that the man was indeed right and that many people were staring at the two with blatant curiosity. "Well don't keep them waiting now," the man laughed happily as if nothing was wrong.

Faelyn tilted her head in curiosity over the red haired man. '...A good person?' she smiled mentally to herself. She looked at his table's dish and was surprised to see Japanese cuisine instead of the monotonous repetition of European foods. '...Tonkatsu?' she asked herself amused. 'It's been a while since Otou-san made me this, I hope it's good...' Just as she had done to every other table's dish, Faelyn took a whiff of the dish and immediately sighed in happiness.

'The meat, lamb is it? is cooked perfectly and has retained a lot of its moisture and heat. There's an underlying layer of herb paste made out of ginger, garlic, parsley, dill, tarragon, and a whole leaf of basil. The breadcrumbs aren't just breadcrumbs either! There's a whole cabinet of spices in there, but it's not overly spicy because of the honey he used to tenderize the meat,' Faelyn mentally squealed while on the outside she remained the same, but with a hint of a smile on her face.

"...Could I have one please?" Faelyne asked gently, speaking for the first time since she arrived at the Nakiri household. 

The man chuckled, "Sure thing ojou-chan," and soon Faelyn was happily munching on her lamb tonkatsu, oblivious to the smug look the red haired man was sending the other chefs and the proud glint in her parents' eyes.


"Did you have fun Faelyn?" her mother asked knowingly.

The young girl pondered on that question for a bit. She had sadly encountered many sub-par dishes today, but she had also eaten one that was utterly delicious. The chef's name had apparently been Yukihira Jōichirō, and the man was incidentally her parents' senpai while in Tōtsuki. Since she had no other source of food for the time being, Faelyn had stayed with the man, watching him cook and gladly eating some of the food he made. In return she offered helpful criticism such as decreasing the amount of soy sauce added to the egg mixture and adding sesame oil to the frying oil along with a dash of salt, pepper, and curry powder because despite what some people might think, flavoring the oil does actually help with the food's overall flavor!

" was interesting," she finally mumbled out, a pleased gleam in her eyes. 

Her parents chuckled at their daughter's choice of words, but in truth to be "interesting" in the eyes of Faelyn was high praise indeed. The only other people to receive that title were her own parents and the allusive Nakiri Senzaemon she had heard so much about. 

"Ah! Linnea, Kyoya, it has been a while hasn't it?" a buff, older man donned in traditional Japanese clothing approached the trio. 

"Headmaster Nakiri! It's been a few years yes. How is the school doing? I hear your granddaughter will be going herself for her middle school years?" Aiyazawa Kyoya acknowledged his old headmaster. 

"That she is, and from the looks of it, I'm not the only one with a talented little one here," Senzaemon responded looking pointedly at the sleepy girl hanging on to her mother's skirts.

"Ah, you flatter us Headmaster. This is our daughter Aiyazawa Thea Faelyn. Fae, say hello to our old Headmaster," Aiyazawa Linnea urged her daughter.

Faelyn gracefully dropped into a half curtsy impressive for her young age of six, "...Pleased to meet you..." she greeted airily. 

A glint entered the old man's eyes as he crouched in front of the young girl. "Hello child, might you tell me something that caught my attention earlier?" Faelyn glanced at the man with searching eyes before nodding her consent in the same easy manner she seemed to do everything. "Why is it that you did not take food from any other table except the last? You couldn't possibly be so picky as to not eat anything despite your stomach growling, so why only the last table?"

"...Otou-san says that I shouldn't eat imperfect food even if I feel bad for the chefs..." Faelyn responded evenly. 

"Oh? And how exactly was the food imperfect?"

Now that was the key to letting forth the huge barrage of comments and notes the young girl had been storing inside her mind about the various dishes offered during the party, all the while sticking to her half asleep half dreaming countenance and tone of voice. When she finished she left the old man staring slightly shocked and her parents beaming proudly at their little girl. 

"Well isn't that an interesting turn of events," the Nakiri Head muttered to himself before a smile broke his semi-grim demeanor. He praised the little girl, "What you have done is quite impressive Faelyn-san. I never thought I would meet someone better than my own granddaughter in finding the imperfections and subtle nuances of flavors in the various dishes I offered here today. Without even tasting them as well!"

"It's a recessive trait in my side of the family called the Fairy's Nose, but no one has had the gift in nearly 200 years, and never before in a girl, so you can imagine my surprise when I connected the dots," Linnea laughed lightly. 

"Have you started her training in the culinary arts yet?" the old man asked eagerly, hoping to perhaps take the girl under his wing if her parents did not already have plans for her.

"We have given her some books and our own notes to look through, which she just seemed to absorb, but we haven't started more than prep-work and cooking assisted for her just yet in case she get's hurt. We were actually hoping to speak with you about that actually Headmaster," Kyoya admitted. 

"Oh? And what did you want to ask for?" Senzaemon asked even though he had a rough idea of what was coming.

"We don't want Faelyn to have a 2-dimensional view of cooking, but with our own restaurants getting in the way, we don't have nearly as much time to teach her everything. We were hoping that during the school months you could apprentice her to different alumni while we teach her during the summer months," Linnea explained their plans.

"You do realize the magnitude of what you're asking yes? What exactly would I receive in return?"

"She will enter Tōtsuki for her high school years, which will make the school's reputation grow when she graduates, and don't try to argue that she might not, we all know that she will, and when she graduates she will be another benefactor to your school. Not only that, but I can practically see you salivating over the idea of teaching her," Kyoya deadpanned seeing the starry eyed look his ex-headmaster was sporting. 

"I don't know..."

"And I'll teach Faelyn my dessert recipes before we send her over in September, so she can make you your favorite crème brûlée creampuffs," Linnea bribed the hesitant old man. 

"I'll do it!"

"Yes! Thank you Headmaster!" Kyoya cried out in happiness. 

"...Mamma, Otou-san, I am still here..." a small voice floated up between the elated adults. 

The three adults froze realizing they just talked over and ignored the main subject of the conversation and deal they just made. 

"A-Ah gomen ne Yōsei-chan, but don't you want to experience new cuisine and learn from lots of different people?" Kyoya asked his daughter. 

"...I do, and I'll go..."

The trio sighed in relief.

"...But I want to go to apprentice with Jōichirō-san at least one year..." she demanded firmly although it sounded more like a tiny kitten trying to assert dominance over a tiger. 

"Ah I was already planning on you staying with Jōichirō for at least a year later on. The first year you will be with me in the main Nakiri mansion in Japan where you'll learn under me along with my granddaughter. Speaking of my granddaughter, I can see her now," the old man trailed off suddenly waving over a young girl with long honey blonde hair and dark pink eyes. 

"Yes Grandfather?" she asked politely when she approached the group.

"Ah Erina, this young girl is Aiyazawa Faelyn. She'll be apprenticing under me for a year along with you before she moves on to her next teacher. She has a gift somewhat like yours although hers lies in her nose and not her tongue like you. Faelyn-chan this is one of my granddaughters, Nakiri Erina; she has what we call the God's Tongue."

"...Ah it's a pleasure..." the silvery blonde greeted the newcomer with a slight tilt of her head.

Erina turned away from her grandfather to see her fellow "disciple" for the year and was momentarily struck speechless. The other girl's long silvery blonde hair that seemed to glow with a pure internal light fell down to her wait in smooth straight strands. Her eyes were a strange, warm chocolate brown with hidden flecks of arctic ice blue that while half lidded and seemingly on the verge of sleeping held a sense of awareness and intelligence. Her slight stature and small cherubic face with dark pink lips that contrasted with her snow pale skin only added to her child-like beauty. Adding in her dark blue party dress that ended less than an inch above her ankles, Faelyn cut a very striking image indeed.

'She's like a doll, a fairy doll,' Erina thought to herself in a stupor before realizing that she had yet to respond to the fairy doll, Faelyn she reminded herself, and spluttered a bit.

"A-Ah yes, i-it's a pleasure to meet you as well Aiyazawa-san."



"...My name, call me Faelyn..."

"A-Ah then you may call me Erina." 


And just like that ladies and gentlemen, Faelyn gathered two people to join the Little Fairy FanClub, which would only prove to grow larger and larger as the years go by. If one were to ask the members if they ever regretted joining, the answer would be one big resounding "NO".
