Chapter 11 : will the rain end?

(A few days later everyone is outside. It's raining as everyone in town is gathered around and has a candle, some has flowers, Philip and Mr.Acker has there head down , Ophelia is hugging Annalise as she quietly sobs, it's quiet as the only noise is the rain that fills the silence and sadness of everyone. People are holding umbrellas as they remember their chief. Mr. Finnegan looks around and steps into the center of the circle and begins to speak )

Mr. Finnegan : We all have taken this day to remember the beautiful soul and leader which was Chief Richardson. I would like to take this moment and leave room for anyone who wants to speak on his life and their memories.

(  Mr. Finnegan gives ophelia a look to go forward. Opehlia hesitates for a moment and walks to the center, Mr. Finnegan moves out the way )

Ophelia : My father……(looks at Rachel) was a chief , a friend , a brother, a lover, but most importantly he was my father. I thought that showing emotions would consider me as weak, and I thought I  had to be strong for my mom…my sister…my friends, this village. But I realized how important my dad was to me so I took the time to just let it out, cry and mourn. I heard once from a wise person that goodbyes are hard, but the beautiful thing with a goodbye is that someday you’ll get to say hello again . And what keeps me going is that one day ima see him again. But I encourage you as a village to remember that. Not just my dad but the other soldiers who died that day. I know some of you are scared of what's next?To be honest I don't know how to lead or be as great as my father. But As your new chieftess I will do what I can to protect this Village but also honor my father. We are not just a village but a community. And as sorrowful and sad today may be, find a way to rejoice and be glad. Surround yourself with people who will love, care and support you. Thank you all for listening. And thank you for being here. Feel free to stay and talk.

( after service Phillip and Mr.Acker talks to rachel and lily, Mr.finnegan approaches Ophelia )

Mr.Finnegan : I’m proud of you kid. That was a beautiful speech.

Ophelia : thank you Mr.Finn, thanks for giving me that talk.

Mr.Finnegan : Tomorrow there is a meeting at the hall to discuss any plans you may have. They also wanna find a good day for your crowning ceremony. I spoke with Mrs.Ruth and she said if you wanna take time for yourself they can postpone the meeting.

Ophelia: I appreciate that ,  But I will be ready for tomorrow's meeting.

Mr.Finnegan : You know if you need anything I'm here.

( lily walks over along with Phillip)

Lily : hey.. 

Ophelia : ( looks at Mr.Finnegan as he walks off)

Lily : me and mom finished packing our stuff. Also I need to tell you-

Ophelia : you're moving to red horn city, yeah I heard.

Lily: Pls dont be mad 

Ophelia : i'm not mad. I just wish you would have told me

Lily : Yeah ... .I can't believe this is it. 14 years of friendship.

Ophelia : yeah  I remember when we were 10 we were in class and the teacher’s shoes scraped across the floor and we all thought she passed gas . so everyone gave her the nickname Mrs. Floor farter

( both girls started laughing)

Lily : oh my goodness i remember that because we all had to write a essay on kindness, ( the girls laugh again and Lily notices Phillips silence) Phillip why are you quiet. Don’t you wanna say goodbye?

Phillip: There is nothing to say. Your leaving right?

Ophelia : Phillip you can always visit her.

Phillip : Oh cmon she is moving to the red horns village. And she  even waited the last minute to tell us.

Lily : sounds like the bread brain is gonna miss me

Phillip : Lily if they find out your from Orcal village let alone know you know the chiefs daughter Your putting our village in  danger.

Ophelia : Ok Phillip you and I both know what you said isnt fair.

Lily : Ok but what about my safety?! You literally forgot already why i am moving. Do you not understand? If the Redhorns really arent done im in danger too.

Phillip : But Ophelia.

Lily : Oh my gosh. Dont you see or hear yourself Phillip? You care more about Ophelia then your best friend. I have been stuck in the middle between you guys for years. I have not once complained. I put myself in dangers hand for yall time and time again. Cmon do you all just not see. Am i that invisble to yall?

Ophelia : Lily I had honestly had no idea. I cant’ make up excuses but I can let you know that i do care. You were one of the first friends I made at school. I’m so sorry I made feel like this for years. I care abou you so much ok? I may suck at showing it or be  a bad friend at the  moment but I do care. She hugs lily as phillip joins in.

Phillip : Im really gonna miss you Lily. As much as we annoy each other your like my little sister. Im gonna miss you leprachaun.

( Lily laughs as Ophelia smiles along  with Phillip. Lily looks around soaking up all her memories.)

Ophelia : Oh my gosh . Do you remember Mrs. Baker?

Phillip : The one who flirted with my dad ?

Lily : wait didn't she get married

Ophelia : yes and Mr. acker said -

Everyone : " she moved on from me because I didn't want her oven"

( They all begin to laugh at the joke)

Phillip : 11 years of knowing you guys.

Lily : I can't promise I'll visit but I really will try.

Phillip : promise to send letters?

Lily : always.

Ophelia : ( looks over and sees Lily's mom waiting) I think your mom is ready

Lily : This is it huh ? ( both girls start tearing up)

Ophelia : (hugs lily) this isn't goodbye , just  see you later. No matter how far we are, you will always be my closest friend.

Lily : this is goodbye.

Phillip : no its not. its a see you later.
