Intermission 2

Rozonda's POV


• At Dallas's House •

Me: So Dallas. You remember we were talkin and I asked what you thought about kids?...

Dallas: Please don't tell me we're having this conversation again.

Me: Why you always do that?

Dallas: Because you know what I'm going to say.

Me: What?

Dallas: Ro, neither of us are ready for children. Neither of us have the right financial situation for children.

Me: I know, but I always wanted some.

Dallas: Look when you get outta school, we'll still be able to have kids, it can wait.

Me: Aight.

I don't know why but I always was nurturing and wanted to have kids. I guess Dallas was right by tellin me I wasn't ready for any because my mom always told me the same thing. He looked at me.

Dallas: What's on your mind?

Me: I was just thinkin how my mom always told me the same thing.

Dallas: Don't get all down on me.

Me: I'm not.

I said laying my head on his shoulder.


Tionne's POV


After my classes, I went back to the dorm and took a shower then I decided to call Dalvin.

Dalvin: Hey Tee.

Me: Hey Dalvin. What's good?

Dalvin: Nothin much. Ain't heard from you in a while.

Me: Dalvin, it was just four days.

Dalvin: It felt way longer than four days.

Me: Okay Dalvin. So you tryin to say you want me to come over.

Dalvin: If you want to.

Me: You gotta come by me this time cuz I got work.

Dalvin: Iight. Let me go then.

Me: Bye.

I hung up the phone and sat down, then Ro came in.

Ro: Hey Tee.

Me: Wassup.

Ro: You spoke to Lisa?

Me: Nah, she was sleep when I got here. Why?

Ro: She seemed upset yesterday. She told me her and Andre got in a fight.

Me: Word?

Ro: Yea.

Me: Damn.

Ro: Imma go see if she's up.

Me: Aight. Should I tell Dalvin not to come?

Ro: No.

Me: Aight.

I waited around for Dalvin to come by, and Ro came sat by me.

Me: She up?

Ro: No.

Me: Oh.

Dalvin started knocking on the door and I went to answer it. He came in the door and pulled me into his arms.

Me: Damn boy, you couldn't wait till we got inside?

Dalvin: I just missed you so much.

I rolled my eyes and started walking by the couch.

Me: You coulda called and you know where I stay if you missed me that much.

Dalvin: I know, but I been busy.

Me: Oh alright.

We sat in the living room by Ro.

Ro: Hi Dalvin.

Dalvin: Wassup.

Ro: Tee talks about you all the time.

Me: Really Ro?

I said glaring at her. She shrugged.

Dalvin: I bet she does.

I rolled my eyes at both of them and looked up when I heard Lisa walk in the room.

Dalvin: Who's this?

Me: This is my other roommate, Lisa. Aye Lisa, why you ain't go to w-

Them I looked at her and noticed a bandage wrapped around her arm.

Me: Lisa what happened to your arm?

Lisa: Nothin.

I looked at her and she shrugged, so I got up.

Me: I'll be right back.

I said pulling Lisa into our room.

Me: Show me it.

Lisa: No. It's not a big deal.

I gave her a pleading look.

Lisa: Fine.

She said unwrapping it and I was honestly pissed off at what I saw.

Me: What the hell- If I find out that nigga- gco*

Lisa: Chill out Tee. I did it.

Me: Why?

Lisa: I don't know.. that's just how I felt.

I sighed.

Me: Lisa you don't need to be putting scars on your body because of someone else. Especially some nigga.

Lisa: Aight.

We walked back in the living room and sat back down. Things were a little awkward at first, but Lisa broke the ice.

Lisa: So you're Dalvin?

Dalvin: In the flesh.

Me: Yep. This is my stalker.

Dalvin: Girl you stalk me just as much as I stalk you.

Me: Yea. Sure I do.

The rest of the day just kinda happened. As did the rest of that week, and it soon became spring break.
