Footsteps approached, and I could hear someone faintly calling for help. I felt shifting from beside me, soon feeling myself being moved. I groaned in pain, and I coughed a little.

"Gabi, it's okay, you're okay," I opened my eyes slightly. It hurt so much...

"C-Clay?" He glanced down at my body. "W-what's wrong?" He looked back and regained eye contact.

"N-nothing, just stay-stay here." My vision locked in the way of the door of the beaten up car.

"Jeff...." I said quietly.

"Jeff!" Clay tried to open the door so many times, but it wouldn't budge. Jeff.... why weren't you moving? I tried to push myself up, but my mind wouldn't let me move at all. I just laid there, my mind trying to move me, but nothing happened. 

"Jeff, Jeff!" Clay pushed repeatedly pried at the door, and a tear slipped down my scarred face. 

"Come on, Jeff!" I heard sirens blare, and car doors slam. Cart-wheels rolled onto the hard surface, lifting me up and carrying my still body. Someone pulled Clay off the car, but he kept trying to help, then he looked at me. His eyes started to water, and my eyes stayed frozen, filled with fear and tears. I was screaming, on the inside, I was screaming. I knew what had happened, but I was just hoping I would wake up anytime now... 

...and it'd all be a dream... and you'd be there.


I find myself publishing little by little, and I apologize. But, this is very deep and heartbreaking.
