👅Smut Warning👅

Rice; Hello?
Penni; Oh hey rice!!
Rice;  Had fun last night💕
Penni: Yeah, me too
Rice; Should we tell people???
Penni: Alissa would Freak out, let's not😂.
Rice; Aww, fine.
Penni: It was ONE kiss !
Rice; Your Right
Penni: But we CAN meet up again!
Rice;  Today ?
Penni; Yeah sure.
Rice I'll pick you up at 5:00
Penni: See ya😘
                          - 4: 30-
I'm all dressed and I  Start to do my makeup . Finally I hear Rice pull up. " Hey " Rice says. I get in the car and say  Hi back.  We get to the Clout house and we stay in the car. I was about to take a picture but then rice kisses me. All of a sudden we hear  Fans.  They all had there phones out.  "Shit" I say. " Renni!" A fan screams. " WAIT HOW DO THEY KNOW MY NAME?"   "I  Follow you on Instagram " "SHIT" I say .    I walk out of the car and run in. The clout house. Then Rice walks in. "Finally, were alone" "RICE, THEY HAVE PICTURES OF US... TOGETHER."
"Relax... I know what will make you feel better" rice says as he grabs the bottom of my shirt. I look at him, biting my lip.  We move to the couch as we strip each other. Rice kisses my neck all the way down to my torso. I moan lightly. Rice smirks and rubs me through my panties. " fuck" I moan  . He slowly takes them off.  I lick his tip. " Oh fuck" I deep throat him as he moans like crazy. He throws me around and smacks my ass.  He slips in. "F-fuck"  "Harder" I moan. "I'm gonna cum. "Rice says "Me too" I say back. We cum and we lay there. I put my clothes on, and he does to. We go to his room and fall asleep together.

Jesus Christ😂 I do take requests so gimme some ideas. 
