Art!! + Some Au Concepts!!

obviously i am nearing the edge of the ideas i have for this book :screamcry:, so here!! have some of the rare art i've done for MPHFPC!! my art style is uhm..,, far from the best so like apologies 👍 also some of this is older than dust so sorry about that too
art is... a long time hobby of mine, but i'm not exactly the best at it, to say the least. so plz be nice or i will cry (/nsrs)

Jacob Portman but I literally could not decide on his design

Noor <3, aka MPHFPCS token paramore fan cuz there's no way shes not

my darling beloved Wyn

Enoch and Raven, who has yet to be introduced ( he's an OC and he's a bastard and a half, but he's also a necromancer and unironically thinks hes the coolest mf ever. he is wrong)

( Raven on the left, Enoch on the right)

Emma on mf fire

Like I said, I don't exactly have much lol,,, but i do have some Jolyne (CANDLELIT) art.....

Jo n a redesigned Emma <3, torn out of my spanish notebook

they're neat i think

Sci-fi AU stuff! I literally only have once concept for it ( It's Bronwyn and I basically woke up in a cold sweat to messily doodle the idea down before I passed out again. at like 2 am lol). the biggest concept of it is that the kids peculiarities are actually tech- Wyn with gauntlets, Millard with some kind of invisability suit, Emma w/ flame gloves, that sort of thing. I'm very open to ideas and such cuz I'm still working everything out w/ it so plz <33

Bronwyn would basically have these massive gauntlets covering her forearms, very Vi-esc ( League of Legends, I'm going through an Arcane phase rn hush). I'm thinking Enoch would have a mad scientist vibe, Emma would likely also have gloves considering her peculiarity is mostly centered around her hands, Jacob might get goggles or something. Fiona and Hugh would defiantly be centered around the concept of Eco Sci-Fi, but I've yet to find any references to base the idea off. Claire would likely have a helmet w/ the backmouth being the center of attention, Olive with some kind of anti-gravity suit, and I'm not quite sure what to do with Horace yet. It's a struggle !!

love you all dearly, as ever 
- laurie <3
