Shopping (Sage Kotsenburg) for Ivy

You dragged Sage along to the mall with you, because you didn’t want to go alone. You needed an outfit for your brothers surprise birthday party that night and you had literally bought something in every store you passed, because you couldn’t decide on just one thing. You could tell he wasn’t enjoying being there by the look on his face, but he didn’t complain once. You got an idea when you passed Victoria’s Secret. 

“Come on.” you said, directing him into the store. 

“Ohh I like it in here.” Sage said with a cheeky grin on his face before planting a kiss on your lips. 

“Ready to have some fun?” you said playfully. His eyes practically bulged out of his head as he instantly nodded his head. 

You grabbed some lingerie and made your way to the dressing room, taking him inside with you. You stripped down to nothing then turned around and smiled at him while slipping into the lingerie you had grabbed. You did a slow spin, letting him look at every inch of your body in the “outfit”. 

“Oomf babe you look delicious. 

Come here and let me taste.” he said grabbing you by your waist and kissing your entire body. He was ready. He wanted to be inside of you. 

He took his shirt off and was unbuttoning his pants when you said, “Oh my gosh! Sage! We don’t have time for this! We have to be at my brothers in less than 2 hours and I still have to decide what I’m wearing and get ready! We have to go. Now.” you demanded. You quickly through your clothes on and the two of you raced to the car. 

Before Sage pulled out of the parking space he turned to you and said, “You’re a real mood killer, you know that?”

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Sorry this one took so long!
