giana's pov


I regretted the second I opened my eyes.

My head was pounding miserably and my body ached liked I got run over. Not even after the most exhausting show did I feel like this. Sitting up in bed, I contemplated my existence for a few moments.

The last thing I remember was sitting at the bar, drinking away my sadness and anger.

I have no idea how I got home or at what time. Taking a look at my nightstand, I realized there was water and painkillers. My curtains were also closed and I thanked the universe for that.

After painfully getting in the shower, I felt so much better. I walked over to the kitchen for some food and when I was scouring through the fridge, I heard Lando walk in through the front door.

Things have never been so awkward between us. He stared at me like it was the first time he saw me in years.

"Good morning."

"Morning." I mumbled out. He seemed grateful that I responded. It was the first I spoke to him in weeks.

"I brought you a bacon gouda sandwich, some fresh orange juice, and some maple donuts." He placed several bags on the counter. The little shit knew exactly what my weak spots were.

My heart warmed and a smile made its way onto my lips. "Thank you. For the food, the pills, and closing the curtains."

He smiled. "I figured you would want total darkness."

"It was nice to not get burnt by the sun in the morning."

He nodded at my response and started heading to his room.


He turned around eagerly like he was expecting something.

"Did you bring me home?"

He nodded and explained the process of locating me before picking me up and I thanked him again. Lando said that there was no need and reminded me of all the times that I took care of him.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" He suddenly questioned but there was something underlying in his tone that made me think something happened.

"No, I don't even remember getting home. Why? Did I do something or say anything?"

He shook his head. "You were just making fun of Arthur's accent."

"I should probably call him." Lando nodded and started to leave the kitchen to give me space.


I looked up at him.

"Are we good?"

I was still somewhat upset but not to the extent that I was. As much as I wanted to stay mad at him I couldn't. That didn't mean I wanted to just move on and pretend like nothing happened. "Not completely, but we'll work on it."

"So I can't expect to see you at the McLaren garage on Sunday?"

I shook my head. "I'm going to be with my dad."

"And Arthur" He said under his breath but I still managed to hear. I decided to ignore it and not say anything in return.

"I'll be streaming, but if you need anything just ask." Lando finally said.

"Thank you." I said with a smile which he returned before walking off.

Things were not exactly the best with Lando, but I know they could get better. They had to.


The following day, I ended up flying to Spain with Lando for the Grand Prix. We weren't completely okay but things were improving.

"You're not recording a video today?" Lando asked me as the taxi took us to the hotel.

Ever since the fight with Lando, I hadn't felt like creating a video. I wasn't completely putting it off but I wasn't feeling the best emotionally and I don't think that the people who watched deserved a half-assed video.

"No, I think I'm going to wait until the Monaco race." I replied as I turned to look at him. "I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to record an apartment tour. I got the idea from the McLaren post."

He smiled. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea."

"Arthur said he could help us record so we could both appear in the video."

His smile faltered a bit at the mention of the Arthur but I didn't pay much attention to it. He just nodded and turned to look out the window instead.

Ever since the day he picked me up drunk he's been acting a bit strange. I don't put too much thought into it but I knew that something was off.


This whole weekend had felt a bit strange.

I don't know why but I had been feeling emotionally drained these days. Maybe it was that whole thing with Lando or maybe it was just a bad weekend in general.

Arthur had gotten fourth place in his sprint race and I tried to be as happy as I could for him. I just don't think that I was 100% there.

Currently I was sitting in the garage. I stuck to my word and was sitting in the Ferrari garage instead of being in McLaren.

My dad was at the pit wall so I only got to see him before the race. Arthur was doing some PR work for Prema so he wasn't with me either. Today was one of his busier days so we last saw each other right after his race. He felt bad because he knew I wasn't feeling well but I kept insisting that it was okay and he shouldn't worry.

So far I had spent majority of the day being a third wheel to Pierre and Yuki which made me cheer up a bit. Then when the race started I luckily ran into Isa, who was here to see Carlos at his home race. It was really nice to talk with her and catch up for a bit.

The race was going okay and Charles was leading. Then he got a DNF due to an engine failure. My dad looked so upset and Charles looked worse. He had just arrived at the garage. When he saw me, he went and sat next to me without saying anything.

I just leaned my head against his shoulder and held onto his arm. He reciprocated the gesture by resting his head on top of my own.

There were no words spoken between us. We sat there with a silent mutual understanding that we were both emotionally drained.

That's what I loved about the friendship Charles and I had. We always looked out for each other and took care of one another. It could be the best moment in our lives but it could also be the worst. No matter what, we were there for each other. Even way before Arthur, Charles had become family to me. I honestly don't know what my life would be without him.


After speaking to my dad when the race was over, I decided to head back to the hotel.

I was walking past the garages as I made my way towards the parking lot. However, halfway down the pit lane it was getting heavily crowded because of the podium celebration.

Looking around, I realized I was right in front of the McLaren garage. Wanting to avoid the crowds, I walked into the garage and towards the back hallways. I already knew my way around the area and knew that I would be at the paddock in no time.

Right before I got to the exit, I ran into Lando. We were both very surprised to see each other. This was something I should've foreseen happening when I walked into the garage.

Lando looked exhausted. He finished in eighth but he was struggling quite a bit. We stared at each other awkwardly for a few minutes unsure of what to say.

Maybe it was because I wasn't feeling well or everything had finally piled up. Or maybe it was because I missed my best friend. Whatever it was didn't matter because I closed the distance between us and enveloped him in a hug, breaking down in the process.

Tears seemed to fall endlessly from my eyes as he returned the hug.

He said nothing as he just held me while I cried out endlessly. Lando kept whispering apologies and reassurances as he hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry Gi. I wish I could go back and do things differently."

I managed to find my voice after calming myself a bit. "It's not just that. I just feel so tired."

Lando pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Let me go change and I'll drive you back to the hotel."

"You have the debrief and media."

"I did media already and it won't kill me to miss one meeting. What will actually kill me is seeing you like this. I hate being the reason for your tears. Wait for me outside the lounge, I'll be there quickly."

I was too tired to even argue against him missing the team meeting. I just nodded and did exactly as he said. Only five minutes later, he was heading towards the bench I was sitting at outside the lounge.

We walked in silence to his car. On the drive back to the hotel he stopped to buy me maple donuts and once we arrived to the hotel, we watched my favorite rom-coms.

Yeah, things were definitely going to be okay.



liked by 389,884
takenbygiana currently in (s)pain

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user why does arthur lowkey look done lmaooo
-> takenbygiana he was so done w me bc i was taking a gazillion photos of him😭
-> arthur_leclerc She told me to do different poses like 3839794 times

pierregasly Yuki with the filter💀
-> takenbygiana pls he was so excited😭
-> yukitsunoda0511 You did me dirty💔
  -> takenbygiana mom and dad don't fight pls😔
liked by pierregasly, yukitsunoda0511, and others

charles_leclerc 🫶
-> takenbygiana 🫶
-> user ughhh they were so cute when they were comforting each other after charles' dnf
  -> user I knowww! I was squealing when I saw them on the screen🥹

-> takenbygiana i was at ferrari today 

landonorris @mclaren hire her to take the team pictures
-> takenbygiana @mclaren hire me as a driver🤞
-> mclaren We'll consider your application for driver
-> landonorris ouch💔
  -> takenbygiana Giana Cruz: McLaren F1 Driver 2023 season


user Omggggg!!! Lando's comments are back!!

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