4. The Ace of Japan

doujin:koushinchou volley-bu no seisokei kanojo ga senpai no mono ni natte shimau ichibushijuu

Song:Travis scott - my eyes

Katsuya Kenyu is lost.

His amazing, lovely, and loyal girlfriend just dumped him to go with the older senpai of the senior grade.

He caught them fucking in the boys lockeroom after he finished practise.. the sight broke him in the inside. But yet even as Miki saw him watching her.. she didn't care.. she kept going letting herself get fucked by the senpai.

Katsuya ran away from the sight to the one place that he felt at peace. The Ocean. As he is on the floor hugging his knees crying.

He wonders why did she do this? Did there love not matter at all? Why didn't she just dumped him long ago than be betrayed like this?

These thoughts plagued Katsuya
As he drown himself to in his self pity.

As he kept pitying himself. Someone nudges his shoulder.

Voice: What's wrong bro?

It turns out to be his older brother, Yukimiya Kenyu. A star football player for the U-20 of japan and a member of the blue lock project..

Yukimiya:What's wrong bro.. I got you back always.

Katsuya then tells his about what happened with his now ex and how he feels empty and worthless. So yukimiya does the only reasonable thing. He slaps the shit out of Katsuya hard.

Yukimiya: oi why are you still blaming yourself for something she did. She cheated. You did not. Don't be hung over a bitch that can't be loyal for shit.

Katsuya caught off guards rubs the place he got slapped and glared at his brother.. but yukimiya wasn't finished.

Yukimiya: so what. She's 1 girl out of a billion.  You will find love 1 day sooner or later.. but right now focus on being the best version of you..don't depend your happiness on a women... only you can make yourself happy.

Katsuya felt his words resonate within him.. he was right..so what if she dumped him and cheated on him.. the world doesn't end after that. If she wasn't the one then she wasn't the one...simple..

Yukimiya:be better than them.. improve..become someone unrecognizable.. someone that is strong...respectful,powerful yet caring. Don't let this woman ruin your life.

Katsuya:..I don't even know if I can continue playing volleyball bro... she plays it too..she was my motivation

Yukimiya slaps him again
Yukimiya:like I said before don't depend on a women to run your life and bring you happiness...happiness comes from within.... and about volleyball...become the best...become so great that you make to the winter cup and win...make it to nationals...I know you can do it...you have the talent..your my brother afterall.

Katsuya:Thanks, bro... I needed that talk... My life shouldn't be ruined over her... my life is just getting started... i will become the greatest Ace in japan... just watch me...

Yukimiya: Hehe...remember bro... Obsession is going to beat talent every time. You got all the talent in the world, but are you obsessed? Let's face it. It's you against you out there..

Katsuya mind would engrave his brothers word for the rest of his life... for it was true...the only enemy he has is himself..only he limits himself...

Yukimiya: you got 2 months till the spring national tournament begins.. so time to start training.. show them all.. who they created..show them..

Yuki slaps his Katsuya back and shakes him

Yukimiya: then the fuck are you waiting for.. ....the quote goes like this.....either one day... or day one..

Katsuya feels himself fired up and his resolve was reformed once more...

Katsuya:thanks bro I needed that.. I have no time to lose.. I will train to become strong to never lose..ever... il show you..

Yukimiya grins at his brother and walks with him to their place while exchanging small talk with him about his experience at blue lock..

(1 month later)

Since that fateful day Katsuya saw hi ex cheating he has worked out to the brim.. he looks very different with his hair growing and his body more leaner and toned with a good athlete body.

Katsuya has ignored all form on interaction with miki.. he has ignored her at school,seeing her in public,class all you can think of..

It has started to put a toll on Miki mind.. as she still loves Katsuya romantically but lustfully she still loves the senpai from the senior year to fuck..

She still sees Katsuya as hers and become very angry when Katsuya talks and hangs out with other women. But she can't do anything about it since it would look bad on her part since she was the one who cheated..

Miki:No matter how much time apart we are... you are still mine, katsuya..

The Senpai who she cheated with has kept himself away from katsuya.. he could tell Katsuya was different.. and if he did something, he would snap... but of course, that's pride of his refuses to admit, and it will be his downfall soon..

Back to Katsuya, he is shown practing his strikes in his home gym when he heards the doors open

Yukimiya: yo broski

Katsuya watches as his brother and someone else walks in.. but he couldn't help but think he's seen him before..

Yukimiya: Well, you did very well training.. you're very strong.. your body looks good and at peak condition..but now it's time to train your Ace attributes..and iq.. you will learn to play as an Ace from an experience Ace himself..

Say hello to kotaro bokuto, former top 5 Ace of all Japan high schools,current professional player for japan national team, and the MSBY Black Jackal's

Katsuya shocked, of course.. how did his brother know the Ace of Japan's national team ...

Katsuya:il be in your care.. please teach me well..

Bokuto: Hehe, he had manners, unlike your smart ass...

Yukimiya:Shut up

Bokuto:il train you to think like an ace.. you have the body that is strong now you need the experience and the iq of one.. while the body does play a part in being a good player.. you must know what to do as the ace..


Bokuto: He he he he...I will make you into my masterpiece, and I can now brag to that ushijima stuck up ass that I have an amazing disciple, ahaha

Katsuya:Does he always monologues like this, bro?...

Yukimiya: You get used to it..

(2 months later)

A lot happened... 1 month ago, the spring national tournament started.. with Katsuya being the team captain. Meanwhile, with miki, her team lost the qualifying rounds very early..disappointing..

With Katsuya leadership and tactics, he led his team to the finals, where they are playing the current champions of the Spring Tournament..

With 1 hour before the match Katsuya is seen with his team in the locker room talking plans and going over many tactics and what if moves to prepare for..

Meanwhile with miki and her boy toy.
Their relationship ended up being sour as he couldn't keep it in his pants and mikki lost it and felt the same pain Katsuya did when he saw her cheating on him..since then she has tried her hardest to make Katsuya talk to her to no avail.

(Back to katsuya)

He is motivating his team and giving them FUCKING LEGENDARY NARUTO SPEECHES which turn out to be very effective

Katsuya: we will mark our name in this final.. this shit is our boys. Show them why we deserve to be here.. show them why our "no name school" should be here.. we did this. We made it here..not those stuck up brats from prestigious schools. Show them why we will win and to not doubt you again.

The team looked more pumped up than ever. They all go walking out the locker room as they are called in with Katsuya leading as he should.

Many people from their hometown and school came for this event..and now they feel more fired up to win.

Miki just watches on the side with her team looking at Katsuya with sad eyes..

Yukimiya and bokuto arrive to watch the match



many people laugh while Katsuya blushes yet grins at then and gives them a thumps up.

As both teams shake hands and go to their respective side. Katsuya Huddles with his team one last time

Katsuya:let's do this boys.. Lions on 3.
1 2 3 LIONS

Katsuya and his team yell before going to their position.

Osaka Lions Vs Nekoma High


(3rd round)

After a very tought battle the set is  2-2 with the game 14-11 with Osaka leading..

It's Katsuya turn to spike.. if he makes it without them blocking or reacting they win...

Time slows down for Katsuya as his body starts to pump up... his breathing became better and his vision sharpen..the only thing he could see was the spot where he wanted to hit it and the ball... he could not hear the cheers of the people..no ...he was in the zone.

He throws the ball in the air...time slowed down...he can see the mall moving in slow motion...he could see all possibilities of where to hit..until he saw the best spot with his vision..

In an instant..he strikes...and the ball..hits the corner of the  court in a flash...

The whole area is silent.. and with Katsuya going back to normal.. he hears the whistle and the point is given to them.. 15-11 Osak has won the nationals and are the current nationals champion of japan.

All from Osaka side everyone is cheering with Katsuya and his friends and family yelling their asses off proud of him

The school as well. As this is their first national title in their history. Katsuya still lost is carried by his teammates all celebrating and happily carrying him around.. and he smiles and yells in happiness as well.

Yukimiya and bokuto are currently yelling their asses off being happy for Katsuya.

Mikki on the other hand while happy is sad that she can't join in. As Katsuya family hates her for what they did to their youngest..

Katsuya is given the trophy and lifts it with his team running to the supporters and yelling.. we are champions!

Katsuya looks at his brother and bokuto and mouths thank you.. after all they brought him to this stage and made him not give up on himself..and they replied with a grin and a thumps up

(1 week later)

A week had passed and Katsuya has been enjoying his time at school.. being national champions does give a bit of bragging rights..

But.. one person wasn't happy about Katsuya success and happiness..

The senior who fucked his ex miki..

He wanted to put him in his place.. so right after school when Katsuya was walking home..  he blocked his path with over 30 men.. all either with bats or pipes.. but Katsuya was unfazed.. after all he wasn't the same guy all those months ago..

Senior:I'm going to make you know your place brat.

Katsuya:whatever stop yapping and come at me already you fuckers.

As the seniors sends his goons to try and weaken Katsuya.  It seems to do the opposite.. Katsuya is effortlessly slaughtering his men and not looking tired.. Katsuya does the same rhythm..dodge hit avoid use guy to block dodge and hit again. This would make beating the goons easier until the senior was left..

Katsuya:and then there was one..

The senior enraged.. tries to hit Katsuya but all his attack don't hit him..
At this moment miki decides to run after Katsuya to talk but she come to the scene where Katsuya slaughtering her fuck buddy men like nothing and Katsuya toying with him easily..she was scared and horrified at what Katsuya become.. he was small and kind ...yet now he was strong and big with no sense of fear..

Katsuya tired of dodging takes the attack  now.. he palms strike the guy in his throat making him choke and not breath...followed by Katsuya kneeling him in the liver and slamming him to the wall...and from there..Katsuya start to punch him nonstop without looking tired at all..

Mikki could only look in horror and not do anything to stop him.. after all how can she.. she was just a weak women who was lustful and lost her chance with the one she truly loved.

As Katsuya kept beating him.. the senior begs for him to stop but.. his pleads fall to deaf ears as Katsuya is relentless...till he punches him one last time and embedded him in the wall.. with a cracked behind the senior head unconscious..

As Katsuya starts to walk away miki stops him.


Katsuya:what do you want...

Miki:please..give me another chance.. don't let our story end like this...

Katsuya: your joking.. says the one who cheated and when I found out you didn't give a flying fuck? How ironic.

Miki could only look down as tears start to freely fall.

Katsuya sighs and looks at her one last time

Katsuya:for what's it worth.i loved you.. but the women I love is now dead.  I don't know who stands before me... so move on, miki.. for I have...

Katsuya walks away without looking back as he hears miki collapse and cry and scream for him to come back.. as he walks away...he feels a burden off his shoulder...

Katsuya:So this is how closure feels like..it's quite nice.. .

Katsuya walks away until... he felt someone watching and turn3d his head to see... nothing...

Katsuya: How weird..

Katsuya continues his walk home....unaware of who watched him

2 guys are seen talking..

Unknown: I think this boys has the potential to help with our cause and our problems with china..

Unknown 2: they are still students.. they aren't ready yet.. but in time, I know they will..

Unknown 1: I say this Katsuya boy and Kenta boy would be a great addition to our group..

Unknown 2: in time.. well, I'll invite them.. but right now, I want to let them enjoy their youth..

Unknown 1: as you say Hiroki.
