Chapter Two:

Not So Sober, Sheldon.

Disclaims: You all know I don’t own my favorite show…if only…

A/N: Enjoy. ^,^

Chapter Two:

“Sheldon…” said Amy as she left out the bathroom, she went to Sheldon’s bedroom and tried opening the door but it was locked. Amy rolled her eyes and knocked, “Sheldon…”

“Leave me alone.”

Amy replied, “Please Sheldon, let me explain.”

“No, Amy. There is no explanation needed. I see how it is, like an African American slave – after all the effort they would work hard for, they get hurt at the end of it all.” Sheldon sat up on bed and looked at the door, wiping the tears that kept on forming on his face.

Damn emotions; keep on getting the best of me.

Amy knew what Sheldon meant from that comment and it just hurt her that the fact that he was saying that how hard he tried to get out of his comfort zone – he thought he was doing it all for nothing now since Amy vomited after the kiss.

“No, Sheldon. It wasn’t that…” Amy quietly said, “Sheldon, please just let me explain.”  Amy waited for Sheldon to speak but he didn’t say anything, she quietly waited for some sound to be heard but there was no sound.

Amy moved away from the door and slowly was beginning to leave until Sheldon’s door was opened – she looked at Sheldon, Amy noticed that his eyes were a bit puffy and red.

“Come in.” Sheldon moved aside and Amy entered his bedroom, sitting down on the corner of his bed – Amy looked at Sheldon as he closed the door and sat down on the bed.

It quiet for a moment or two until Sheldon said, “Are you ever going to explain because I’m beginning to regret letting you into my bedroom.” Amy nodded and shifted a bit to met Sheldon’s blue’s eyes.

“Sheldon, I’m sorry if you saw me vomiting after the kiss a meaning of rejection. It wasn’t because of that...” Amy was interrupted by Sheldon quickly saying, “Do find the fact of me kissing you out of your comfort zone because if it is then I should be the one to apologize…”

Amy shrugged and blurted, “No, no. I like kissing you.”

Sheldon froze in his seat and just stared at Amy, closed his eye tightly and clenched both is hands into fists. “Y-you do?”

Amy chuckled a bit and as if stating the obvious she said, “Of course! If I didn’t like kissing you then I wouldn’t have hugged you and kiss you that time when you bought me a tiara.”

“But you vomited the first time you kissed me, what if you truly regretted kissing me and that’s why you went to vomit because of that reason?” asked Sheldon.

“Sheldon, I was drunk at the time and I vomited afterwards because of all the alcohol that I drank that girl’s night out.”

Sheldon nodded and looked down to his hands, “How am I supposed to know that when you vomited twice after you kissed me then I kissed you.”  

Amy knew that Sheldon could be a bit stubborn and she wasn’t thinking at the time so she did the unthinkable. Amy pulled Sheldon’s collar from his shirt and pulled him into a passionate kiss, Amy didn’t pulled back quickly but it last long enough for her to finally to move back but the hand of Sheldon’s hand on her back kept her from pulling back.

Amy held the back of Sheldon’s neck and deepened the kiss, but Sheldon pulled back and said, “Hold on, just hold on.”

Sheldon quickly left his bedroom and Amy touched her chest, she felt like she couldn’t breathe and her heart beating again. Damn. He knows how to kiss…

Amy looked at Sheldon that wiped his mouth and replied, “I brushed and mouth washed my mouth, now where were we?”

Amy found herself being laid back down on Sheldon’s bed with Sheldon on top of her, they began kissing all over again and Amy felt Sheldon’s hand creeping up to her chest. As Amy realized that she was already finishing undoing Sheldon’s shirt, she pushed Sheldon back from kissing her neck and stood up from his bed.

Sheldon whined and frowned, “Amy, I thought this was what you always wanted?” Amy walked over to the door and tried cooling herself down. Amy knew that this was all wrong; she wanted Sheldon but not this way. Knowing that Amy was taking advantage of Sheldon because he didn’t know what he was doing right now since he drank alcohol earlier – she knew she was doing the right thing now.

“I do want you but your drunk. You’ll regret it in the morning and you’ll hate me for taking advantage of you. I’m sorry Sheldon…I,” Amy opened the door and looked away, “I need to go. Go to sleep, your drunk.”

As Amy left Sheldon’s apartment, she began realizing what if he didn’t meant the kiss or what they were doing that was intimate was all because he was drunk? Amy didn’t want to think about it anymore as she finally came home.

To be continued…

(y) Keep Calm & Bazinga Guys.
