cleaning up the beach

With Normani and Jackie and a whole lot of their babies and their newborn baby daughter and granddaughters and the lady with the video camera
Normani - smiling a whole lot while she's sitting comfortable with Jackie in their Suv and in the passenger seat on the way to go be cleaning up the beach in Las Vegas Nevada
Jackie - sitting comfortable with sexybae in their driver's seat
Jaylen and River and Nalani and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and a newborn baby daughter Jazlyn and Anai and Kai-ari - sitting comfortable in the backseat with the lady that has a camera
The lady with the camera - sitting comfortable with Jaylen and River and Nalani and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and Anai and Kai-ari and was smiling a whole lot while her video camera on and was recording Normani and Jackie and a whole lot of their babies and their newborn baby daughter Jazlyn and granddaughters
Normani - looking away from Jackie and was looking out of their passenger door window
Jackie - looking at what sexybae looking at
Normani - looking away from their passenger window and was seeing Jackie looking at her
Jackie - looking away from looking at what sexybae looking at and was concerted on driving to go be cleaning up the beach in Las Vegas Nevada
Normani - looking away from looking at Jackie and was looking back at their passenger window
Jaylen and River and Nalani and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and Jarett  and their newborn baby daughter Jazlyn and Anai and Kai-ari - smiling a whole lot while on the way to go be cleaning up the beach in Las Vegas Nevada
The lady with the camera - smiling a whole lot and was recording Normani and Jackie and Jaylen and River and Nalani and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and Jarett and newborn baby daughter Jazlyn and Anai and Kai-ari on the way to go be cleaning up the beach in Las Vegas Nevada
Normani - smiling a whole lot while playing we made it and love one another in her and Jackie's SUV
Jackie - hearing what sexybae playing on the radio and was saying sexy you playing Tito's music and what about my music i want to be hearing my music
Normani - tells Jackie you can be asking my favorite baby to be playing your music hubby and i rather be hearing my and Tito's music
Jackie - tells sexybae just wait sexy until we get home from going to be cleaning up the beach and we're going to be hearing a whole lot of my music and yours but not Tito and Jermaine and Michael and Marlon and Randy's music no hearing a whole lot of Tito and Jermaine and Michael and Marlon and Randy's music
With Paula and Tito fishing
Paula - catches 3 fishes in the hook that Tito was giving her and was showing Tito the fishes that she caught
Tito - smiling a whole lot while standing with Paula after seeing her catching 3 fishes and was saying we are eating those fishes that you was catching for dinner tonight
Paula - tells Tito why don't we go be asking Normani and Jackie and a whole lot of their babies and their newborn baby daughter and granddaughters to be seeing tito if they want to come over for dinner tonight after we be getting back home from catching fishes and when they be getting back from going to go be cleaning up the beach in Las Vegas Nevada
Tito - tells Paula that could really work today paula
Paula - tells Tito i know right tito that could really work
Tito - tells Paula yep paula it could really work my wifey
Paula - tells Tito i'm glad tito that i'm still happily married to you
Tito - tells Paula i know right paula your my wifey
After cleaning up the beach in Las Vegas Nevada with Normani and Jackie and a whole lot of their babies and their newborn baby daughter and granddaughters and the lady with the camera
Normani - sitting comfortable in the backseat and since the lady with the camera was wanting to sitting comfortable in the passenger seat and was sitting comfortable with Jaylen and River and Nalani and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and their newborn baby daughter Jazlyn and Anai and Kai-ari and was smiling a whole lot and was letting Anai and Kai-ari sitting on her lap
The lady with the camera - sitting comfortable in the passenger seat with Jackie and was turning her video camera off and was looking out of the passenger seat window
Jackie - wanting sexybae to ride his hard dick that was already hard in their suv on the way home like sexybae was doing to him in 1983 after studio 54
Normani - smiling a whole lot while sitting comfortable with Nalani and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and their newborn baby daughter Jazlyn and Jaylen and River and Anai and Kai-ari in the backseat
Jackie - arriving at the lady with the camera house
The lady with the camera - getting out of Normani and Jackie's telsa
Normani - sitting comfortable in their passenger seat and was closing their passenger door
The lady with the camera - walking inside of her house and was closing her front door
Jackie - drives to Paula and Tito's house
Normani - looking away from Jackie and was smirking a whole lot
Jackie - wanting sexybae really badly and was pointing to his hard dick budge
At Paula and Tito's house
Pauline - opening her and Tito's front door
Normani - walking inside of Paula and Tito's house with Jackie and Nalani and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and their newborn baby daughter Jazlyn and and Jaylen and River and Anai and Kai-ari
Paula - closes her and Tito's front door and was saying all of you smell go take showers right now and you guys smell a whole lot from going to cleaning up the beach and getting pushed in the beach water in Las Vegas Nevada
Normani - tells Paula do you mean Jackie and River smell and me and Nalani and Jaylen and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and their newborn baby daughter Jazlyn and Anai and Kai-ari smell really clean me and Nalani and Jaylen and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and their newborn baby daughter Jazlyn and Anai and Kai-ari was taking showers this morning before going to cleaning up the beach in Las Vegas Nevada
Paula - tells Normani i meant Jackie and River they do smell like getting pushed in the beach water in Las Vegas Nevada
Normani - tells Paula i know right they smell like from going to cleaning up the beach and getting pushed in the beach water
Jackie - pulling sexybae upstairs with him to Paula and Tito's guest bedroom
With Normani and Jackie inside of Paula and Tito's guest bedroom
Normani - smiling a whole lot while with Jackie in Paula and Tito's guest bathroom
Jackie - pulling sexybae inside of Paula and Tito's shower with him
After Normani and Jackie was having a whole lot of sex in the shower
Normani - smiling a whole lot and was putting on the clothes that Paula was giving her
Jackie - putting the clothes that Paula was giving him
Back downstairs inside of Paula and Tito's living room
Normani - walking with Jackie down Paula and Tito's stairs
Natalya - walking down Paula and Tito's stairs and was sitting at the table
Normani - sitting comfortable with Jackie and Nalani and Jaylen and River and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte and Angelina and Anai and Kai-ari and Paula and Tito at Paula and Tito's table
Paula - smiling a whole lot
Tito - puts the 3 fishes on the table and was saying let's be praying you guys before we be eating dinner and then we can be digging in
Paula - tells Tito ok tito we can go ahead and be praying before we be eating our food
Paula and Tito and Normani and Jackie and a whole lot of their babies and granddaughters - praying before they eat their food
After dinner was finally over
Paula - tells Normani and Jackie and their babies and Anai and Kai-ari see you guys tomorrow sissy bye guys
Normani - tells her sister are you trying to kick me and Jackie and a whole lot of our babies and our newborn baby daughter and our granddaughters out sister i want to be staying with you guys
Paula - tells her sissy me and Tito are sleepy sissy we went to go fishing while you and Jackie and a whole lot of your babies and newborn baby daughter and your granddaughters were cleaning the beach up if it was y'all house then me and Tito would have been spending the night with you guys
Normani - tells her sister ok sister see you tomorrow and we should be doing our facetime
Paula - tells her sissy ok sissy
Jackie - tells Tito you see tito this is what we have to be dealing with
Tito - tells Jackie true that jackie we have to be dealing with them
Normani - tells Anai and Kai-ari would you love to be sleeping comfortably with me for now on my favorite granddaughters and my and Jackie's newborn baby daughter
Anai and Kai-ari - tells their grandma yippee sleepover with you grandma and without getting bothered
Jackie - tells sexybae what about me sexy i'm the only one that be sleeping comfortably nakedstyle with you
Normani - tells Paula you see sister we have to be dealing with Jackie and Tito
Paula - tells Normani true that sissy
Jackie - tells sexybae our granddaughters and our newborn baby daughter are not sleeping comfortably with you for now on sexy and when i'm the only one that sleeping comfortably nakedstyle with you and not them
Normani - tells Jackie true that hubby you be sleeping comfortably nakedstyle with me all of the time and you know we be snuggling naked by sleeping comfortably nakedstyle in our bedroom while at our house
