Noris was carrying Nathan, who had been shot in both legs by Roman. Blood was running down his clothes, but he didn't care. Noris ordered the men to prepare the car to take Nathan to the Vasillo family's regular doctor, as his master had ordered.

-You must feel sorry for me, says Nathan's hoarse voice. His face was pale with tears streaming down his face.

-Shut up, said Noris fiercely. Nathan just smiled through his tears

- I can't talk now, Nathan said from inside. He was thinking about the punishment given by Roman, the person who was at the same time his boss and the person he secretly loved and who ordered to punish him for betraying him by giving information to his enemies and causing trouble to the one he liked.

Nathan swore that he never meant to hurt Roman, it was just that love made him choose the wrong way to escape his opponent, even though his heart knows this, that no matter what happens, Roman will not will never think or feel the same about him.

-It's better than dying, Noris said again. Now take the elevator to the parking lot.

- It's better if I die...uh, Nathan thought to himself, sarcastically. Before he could scream, as Noris' strong hands holding him suddenly tightened their grip on Nathan's body. Which made Nathan cry, because he wasn't ready.

-Quiet, Noris snorted harshly

This made Nathan purse his lips, shedding more tears than before. Part of that may be because his emotions are now rawer, so when Noris held him, he cried more than before. Noris let out a sigh

gently, until they reached the parking lot.

Noris and Nathan got into the car and drove off. Noris immediately took him to

doctor. When they got to the hospital, Nathan was being treated, where Roman used to go to get treatment when he was shot or attacked in fights or got sick.

Nathan was rushed into the operating room, but it was a good thing the bullet didn't hit any major organ or section of his body. Actually, Roman wasn't going to do that, because if he wanted to, Nathan would be dead already.

Noris waited outside the operating room. until everything was finished and went well.

Nathan was taken to the recovery room still asleep.

- Noris, I brought some clothes for you to change into. Dave, another underling of Roman's, came and brought clothes and supplies for Noris.

-Um, thanks, Noris replied before going to take a shower and change his clothes, sitting down to look at Nathan again.

Noris called the bullet tower and Dr. Mason said he would take Nathan there and that he would need Ariel. So Dr. Mason has to prepare the medicine.

Then Noris sat looking with worried eyes at Nathan sleeping in bed.

In fact, Noris liked and was interested in Nathan from the first time he saw him. Nathan had been very close to him before, but he started to distance himself, especially when Nathan showed interest in Roman. In Nathan's eyes, there was no room for anything but Roman from then on. Noris had mentioned it once, but Nathan wouldn't listen. So she chose to watch from a distance because she knew that no matter what happened, Nathan wouldn't let her

the hope.

With this punishment, Noris thinks that Nathan is very lucky that Roman

he gave him no more severe punishment than not to speak for two years. Actually, not being able to speak for two years is crushing, but it was a good thing he hadn't been killed or tortured to death. He was confident that Nathan would get over it and get back to being the Nathan he always was.

-Oh, water, Nathan's voice calls. Noris poured water into a glass and gave it to Nathan to drink. Nathan opened his eyes and drank the water, but looked at Noris still confused. -Why are you still here? Nathan asked.

-I'm the one who has to take you to the bullet tower, said Noris and Nathan thought that Roman probably wanted him to escape. Then he had Noris take over.

- I'm not going to run away. I am willing to be punished because I really made a mistake. Nathan said with a shaking voice, tears streaming down his face,

-That's good to know, Noris replied, making Nathan purse his lips slightly. -Try to move, Noris said, remembering that the doctor had said that when Nathan recovered, he should try to move, so there would be no problems. Nathan tried to move, but looked at himself before looking at the grieving Noris.

"I can move, but it hurts," Nathan replied, and Noris nodded before standing up and leaving the recovery room to find the doctor. When he was alone, Nathan stared at the ceiling, thinking, and began to hate himself for the things he had done, trying to betray his benefactor out of deep jealousy.

Nathan knew his hopes would never come true. But he was so blind that he completely forgot the sense of right and wrong. Reflecting, he thought that from now on he would be alone in his life. It's no wonder he's being punished for using Ariel's medicine.

Anyway, everyone in the bullet tower would know it was because of one

wrong deeds. Nathan stood there thinking for a while before Noris brought in the doctor.

After the doctor examined the body

to Nathan, he let him sleep one more night and the next day he was able to travel to the bullet tower. After all, there was a doctor there too.

-Are you hungry? Noris asked as the doctor left the recovery room. Nathan was shaking his head back and forth because he couldn't eat anything.

-Even if you're not hungry, you have to eat, said Noris with a fierce voice.

Nathan turned to look at Noris in confusion.

- Then why did you ask? Nathan answered

"Good mouth," said Noris, raising his hand to pinch Nathan's mouth in irritation.

-Ugh, Nathan let out a scream, before raising his hand to slap Noris's hand.

-Why are you bothering me? You can let me die, Nathan scolded.

-You think about death, do something better?

Will it help you feel less guilty? Noris asked calmly.

Nathan immediately fell silent. As well as turning his head away from Noris in another direction because he didn't want the other side to see the tears that were about to fall again.

-If you feel really guilty

towards the boss. Then get better and correct what you did. Why do you think the boss didn't kill you? Because he still gave you a chance to repent, be honest with him again and be the same as before. Noris said again.

Nathan was silent as he thought about what Noris had said before raising his hand

to wipe his own tears from his face. Noris said nothing else, leaving Nathan to reflect, so he went out and prepared food for Nathan to eat.

After a night of sleep, it's today

the day Noris would have to take Nathan to the gun turret.

He will travel on Roman's private plane, which is available to subordinates in case of emergency.

Nathan was put in a wheelchair and taken to the villa, because he still can't walk. All the way, Noris took care of him -I'm sorry I made you try

so much, Nathan said.

Nathan thinks Noris came to take care of him because Roman insisted,

but he doesn't know that it was Noris who volunteered. She took a month off from her job with Romam to be with Nathan for a while so she could support Nathan as he settled into

he will no longer be able to speak. - Did I tell you I'm tired? Noris said

calm. Nathan pursed his lips slightly and then remained silent for the entire ride.

Finally, they reach the bullet tower. The cold on the spot will do

as his pain intensified at the wound on Nathan's legs, but Nathan bit his lip and bore it without screaming, but Noris didn't notice.

Noris takes Nathan to the room, which is already prepared. He helps Nathan sit up on the bed, turns on the heater and covers his legs with a blanket. Nathan looked at Noris with a puzzled expression. He doesn't know if Noris realizes that his legs hurt. Nathan looked around and noticed that the room was larger than he expected.

-Why am I in such a big room? Nathan asked because he's been here before and knows what kind of room he'll get if he's alone.

-It is for two people, answered Noris. Nathan furrowed his brows - Who will I share the room with? Nathan thinks he'll have to share a room

with other people here.

-With me, Noris answered, making Nathan even more confused.

-But you'll have to come back soon, Nathan said, trying to understand.

- I'm going to stay here for a month, said Noris, as he put his mail in


- Why? Nathan asked, not understanding.

-I have to keep an eye on some things around here for a while. You don't have to ask for too much, Noris said.

-And when you come back, will I have to move? I'd better not change rooms right now. Nathan said, not wanting to deal with the hassle of changing rooms again.

-You can stay in this room until the two years pass, Noris said, because he already asked Roman for that.

Nathan fell silent at this, before looking at the bed and realizing that he and Noris would have to share a bed, as there was only a six foot bed in the room.

-So, while you're here, I can sleep on

sofa. That way you won't be cramped, Nathan said. Noris turned to glare at Nathan.

-Look at your situation first. If you sleep in the same bed with me, will you die? Noris asked.

Nathan fell silent immediately, not expecting it

for the other side to be rough with him. If it had been earlier, Nathan would

could have answered, but since he is not emotionally stable and feels guilty for what he has done, he simply remains silent. Noris let out a blue sigh.

Knock Knock...

The sound of knocking on the door echoed in the room so Noris went to open it and found it was the doctor

Mason and a doctor, because when they got off the plane, Noris asked to bring a doctor to a

examine Nathan's wounds as they traveled a lot together.

"I called the doctor to come check the wounds," said Dr. Mason. Noris stepped aside to make way for the two to enter.

Nathan, when he saw Mason, looked away because the two of them had

already clashed previously, regarding Roman. Nathan knew that Dr. Mason had previously slept with Roman and, in turn

Well, Dr. Mason knew that Nathan had a secret crush on Roman. We can say that they both got bored of each other

the other one.

Doctor Tohru went to the head of the bed with the bag of medical equipment and began to examine and clean Nathan's wounds.

- When we administer the shooting

to Ariel? Dr. Mason asked Noris.

Nathan, hearing this, pursed his lips tightly, his heart pounding as he realized that soon he would no longer

could speak for two years. Noris looked at Nathan and saw that he was sitting with his head down.

-Tomorrow, replied Noris, taking a moment to speak.

"Okay, tomorrow morning, I'll apply it right here so you don't have to take it to the infirmary," Dr. Mason said,

looking at Nathan with a disapproving expression as he knew Nathan had done something wrong.

-Hm, answered Noris in his throat. After a short moment, the doctor completed the examination.

-When the wound is well healed, try to take a few steps. For now, move your legs a little, a

said Dr. Tohru

- I would say that the boss is very precise. The shot did not hit any critical point. If that had been the case, you could have been completely paralysed, the doctor added before leaving.

"If you were paralyzed, it was okay," Dr. Mason said, causing Nathan to immediately become discouraged.

- Thank you both. Anyway,

I may have to bother you a bit during this time, Noris said to the doctor, who nodded before asking to return to the nurses' station. Noris then accompanied them

the two to the door.

-Why did you come to take care of him? Is he smart enough to take care of himself, Dr. Mason asked,

still confused and Nathan heard.

-You don't need to know, answered Noris calmly. Dr. Mason raised his hand slightly

eyebrows before shrugging and walking away.

Noris closed the bedroom door and went back to packing as before, while Nathan remained seated, watching him the whole time. it ask why Noris had to take care of him like this. Maybe it was

Roman's order, but perhaps it could have been done by someone else. Noris is considered a

close friend of Roman and therefore feels the need to accompany him at all times.
