Chapter 6 •Shi Wen

    When he walked out of the bar, Shang Yu recalled his friend's expression as if he saw a monster when he left, and let out a silent breath.

    After he learned the truth, he really didn't look like himself—he was thinking about going back at this moment, but forgot about that person. Shi Wen should be undergoing surgery at the Academy of Sciences at this moment.

    I don't know how the surgery to remove the glands is going.

    The surgery to remove the glands has been mature for many years, but the pseudoglands will be a little special-but it will not be more difficult to get than the real glands. He let the Academy of Sciences study it for so many years, just to wait for the technology to be more mature, so that it can be foolproof.

    Although he has always been strict and indifferent, he has to admit that he is indeed far more tolerant towards Shi Wen than others.

    Otherwise, he would have his glands removed right after the knot was formed, even disregarding Shiwen's life and the laws of the empire.

    Shang Yu recalled the phone call from the Academy of Sciences during the morning meeting, and the reminder from Secretary Beta at the meeting, so he couldn't help picking up his phone and dialing.


    No one answered the phone.

    That’s right, it’s eleven o’clock at night, and the labor law of the empire stipulates that the AI ​​will automatically shut down work contact conversations after working hours, and he will never write down the private phone calls of any staff members of the Academy of Sciences, not even his beta secretary’s private phone calls. The phone is too lazy to save.

    He hesitated for a moment, but decided to go back to that house first.

    Tell the Academy of Sciences tomorrow morning that the operation can be delayed, and he may need to have a good chat with Shi Wen about the relationship between the two.

    But if you really go, it doesn't matter... The de-knot surgery is more mature under the research of the Academy of Sciences, and it is not bad to give each other a chance to start again.

    When Shang Yu returned to that house, he was still standing at the door, and he had a strange premonition in his heart.

    It was as if... the heart was sinking little by little, gradually being immersed in the cold water.

    That premonition slowed down his movement of opening the door.

    "Snap." The lights were automatically turned on under the AI's operation, and the whole house didn't have too much furniture, which made the house look empty and highlighted the owner's sense of loneliness.

    What came to the nostrils was not the warm incense that the man was used to ordering, but a strong smell of disinfectant.

    It was as if someone had just done a big cleaning in the past two days.

    Shang Yu's intuition is that person, after all, that person loves to be clean.

    But I always feel that it is strange.

    His premonition has always been accurate, and this premonition can't help urging him to move forward.

    ——Until he reached the door of Shi Wen's room.

    In this house, he has never been so cautious, because that person will always be there, and he didn't even look at the house before that person moved in. Therefore, this is still the first time that he set foot here without Shi Wen's presence.

    Of course he never came to Shi Wen's room.

    They all went to bed in another larger room, which was next to the study room—so he would go directly to work in the study room when he woke up the next day, and he was always focused on work and hated being disturbed by others. Even if Shi Wen was still resting on the bed, he would He also wakes up Shiwen with a worried face.

    Over time, Shi Wen silently moved his things to another room, and would get out of bed before he frowned, to prepare breakfast.

    He saw it in his eyes, and only felt that it was warm and interesting, but that was all.

    Shiwen's room is small, but very popular. He didn't know where he got the bed with a cartoon pattern, and the whole room was in warm colors, which didn't match the neutral tones of black, white and gray that he liked in the big house.

    There is a computer on Shiwen's desk, which is still dimly lit, watching the owner just turn off the electronic screen, but not the host.

    Stepping forward with curiosity that came from nowhere, his eyes were quickly attracted by another thing on the desk.

    A... a wooden photo frame, which looks like something unique to the ancient earth. In fact, many of the furniture in Shi Wen's room seemed to be bought from the ancient earth market, which probably contributed to the unique popularity of his room.

    There are two people in the frame.

    He and... Shi Wen.

    The two of them have never taken a group photo, and this photo seems to have been carefully cut out from a large group photo and put together again.

    In the photo, he looked very young, but he was still unsmiling. He glanced past himself and noticed that the clothes he was wearing were exactly the suits he wore at the graduation party ten years ago.

    And that person.

    Shiwen is very different from today. Although he also installed omega pseudo-glands back then, his brows are still full of spirits, and he still has the confidence and strength of alpha-as for now, he has lost weight and smiles less. Real laughter also has a far-fetched meaning, which makes him tired.

    Looking at that photo, Shangyu recalled that in high school, that person entered his life like a whirlwind, completely ignoring the eyes of others, so out of place in the self-disciplined imperial high school noble children, but especially impressive, Unforgettable.

    Unconsciously, nostalgia appeared in his eyes, and he gently put the photo frame back in place.

    The author has something to say:

    The business perspective actually gets longer and longer... I feel that there are too many details that can be added... This seems to be my habit... The length of the abuse attack can always be several times the length of the abuse (in fact, it is also the abuse) Accepted?) There should be at most two updates!

    And my cute point is: Seeing xx for life, sacrificial love and not understanding love attack? Then Moe be and change attack and open ending? _(:з」∠)_Welcome to discuss, my personal culture is in this way

    Ps: Shi Wen will not be reborn~ I can’t help but warn first when I see the wishes of little angels. The rebirth of the wind is due to Gu, letting go and forgetting are also the center of that story. The center of this article is more about depression and not being able to get what you want. After the business perspective, I may write an open side story depending on the situation~ Meh!
