
Richie and Eddie wandered up to the kissing bridge. It was their last day in Derry, and this time they would be leaving together. The regular calls from the other Losers had been proof enough that they wouldn't be forgetting this time around.

'Can I ask you something?' Eddie asked Richie, bounding forwards, his arm bound in a cast which all the Losers had signed whilst he was in the hospital.

Richie shrugged, 'Sure.'

Eddie pointed at the carving etched into the wood with his good arm. 'When did you do this? I have my suspicions, but I'd love to find out for certain.'

Richie blushed, 'Uh, I didn't know you knew about that.'

'I found it on my last day in Derry. With Stan.' Eddie said fondly. 'So?'

'I carved it when we were thirteen.' Richie said. 'Before we got together. I kissed you on the cheek after you'd busted your knee open, and I figured that'd be the closest I'd get to a kiss on this bridge with you.'

'I thought so.' Eddie snickered.

'Not that I didn't try to get that kiss,' Richie added. 'But as I recall, you were a little surprised.'

'Make that very surprised,' Eddie said. 'If you hadn't tried though, I dread to think how much more time it could have taken.'

Richie pursed his lips, 'I still think we would have ended up here.'

Eddie took his hand, 'Me too.' He looked up at Richie and softly pressed their lips together. 'There you go,' Eddie said. 'Long overdue.'

Richie grinned and flicked out his penknife to redraw the lines he had drawn so long ago, this time with Eddie looking over his shoulder: R + E. He swiped over the letters with his hand to clear the shavings.

Satisfied with the result, they stood tall. 'Your handwriting sucks,' Eddie said.

'Fuck you, asshole,' Richie nudged him. 'I'll break your other arm. See how good you write then.'

Eddie exhaled heavily. 'I guess that's everything, isn't it? To New York City we go.' He shook his head, 'Oh, this is not going to be fun.'

'I'll be there the whole time.' Richie promised, wrapping his arms around Eddie. 'Look on the bright side. It's not every day you get to divorce your mom.'

Eddie groaned, 'I'm gonna have to put up with 'your mom' jokes for the rest of my life, aren't I?'

Richie chuckled, 'Oh, I hope so, Eds.'

Eddie smiled broadly. 'I hope so too.'
