Chapter 101-In Control

Welcome to the path Kirayumi, Lhadyblack, Victoria, and XChilled. And thanks for the comment Clown, I'm glad you enjoyed the read.

"Bladelord! You actually survived the ages! The Celestial Court orders that you be brought to trial for crimes against the Heavens! Surrender now is your only option!"

A glimmering angelic cohort descended from the Heavens! They broke through the myriad dimensions and appeared with shining banner in hand! Instantly the countless demons below began to howl in rage at their hated enemies...the angels of the Heavens!"

"Hate....hate you!"

"Countless years imprisoned by you!"

"We will strip those shining wings from your back and bury your bodies as souvenirs!"

The demons cried out in rage however, they were unable to do much as Dahn still continued his deadly blade dance amongst them. While Dan was suppressing the demons, the angelic leader up above, an angel clad in ornate silver full battle plate and with feathered plumes descending from his helmet continued to cry out!

"I, an Imperial Herald command you! Answer now or face the Heaven's Wrath!" He said with complete confidence. Suddenly the dark night was completely banished as a great resplendent light cleansed the darkness!

Heaven's Light!

There could be no hiding from this light as it swept the land and the demons visibly weakened and hissed as the darkness was driven away!

"'re just an Imperial Herald and one cohort? Did you bring any more with you? No generals, no kings, no emperors? Just YOU??!!!" Dahn's almost petulant voice finally answered and the Herald was outraged,

"I hold here a Writ of the Heavens, left behind by one of the ancestors. Don't make me waste such a priceless treasure on you old man! Disable your formation, dispel your weapons, and lie down like the cripple you are or I will unleash it upon you! Do not forget that a Celestial Army will arrive soon enough if you do not obey!" The Herald called out while holding a blindingly white sheet of paper! The paper unfurled to its full length of nine meters and upon it was written a word which caused one to wish to prostrate themselves for it brooked no disagreement!


However...Dahn seemed to have no fear of this. He simply asked another question,

"Why are you bothering me when there's a Hellhole opened right in front of you? Were you not tasked by That One to deal with such matters in the mortal realms?"

To which the Herald finally replied,

"Hahaha Bladelord we are not here to stop the Hells. After all the Heavens have no business here right? According to THAT ONE! But we are here to arrest you for the slaughter of the 19th Imperial Army! Hurry up and stop resisting, I know you are still injured and I am not afraid to waste this Writ on a cripple!"

The Herald called out however...though his voice never trembled or faltered, his demeanor changed almost imperceptibly as he saw that the entire time the Bladelord had been engaging the armies of Hell on his own and did not seem the slightest bit pressured. When he caught sight of the infinite swarm of crystal blades he cried out.

" do you have your old blades back! Those were left behind in that place as a memorial for the 19th Imperial Army! There's no way a cripple could have gotten them...!" He suddenly paled turning his impossibly white skin even whiter!

"Who the hell is helping you! What power dares to challenge the Heavens in this age! Tell me and I will make your death swifter!" He cried out again.

"Who is helping me? Who said I didn't take the blades myself." Dahn chuckled as he slammed numerous giant swords into the emerging demons who were still trying to crawl out of the pit.

"Take the blades yourself? I know of your condition, all of Heaven was told that you have no control of your body! What puppet avatar are you using to fight right now, regardless it will be destroyed in the face of this Writ!" The Herald continued his lecture.

"Mmm...a puppet avatar you say? I suppose you could say that. But I don't mind telling a dead....thing. I didn't take my blades back myself, but this is very much my real body. And I AM VERY MUCH IN CONTROL!" Dahn suddenly roared and started summoning millions more swords into the skies to surround the Imperial Cohort! He threw back his purple hood and deactivated his concealment technique.

"Look at me and tell me this body isn't MINE dog of the Heavens!"

Dahn's body was imprinted in countless runes. His skin was covered in them and they gleamed purple in some sort of elegant formation. Perfectly blended into a seamless whole! That was the only way to describe this formation. His eyes were sightless, clouded over in white as a terrible scar rent its way from one temple to another! However...the Imperial Herald had no time to realize his mistake when the Sword Domain descended on him!

"You madman! Taste the wrath of a Writ of Heaven and die already old man!" He suddenly let go of the Writ and it fluttered in the air, before glowing with a gleaming resplendence to block the descent of the Sword World!

Cling Cling! KACHA KACHA KACHA KACHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The numerous falling swords smashed into the Heaven's Light and exploded! For a period of time, while the demons below continued to be subdued by the original Sword Domain of Dahn, this second overwhelming domain fought and was pushed back by the Heaven's Light!

"Tch...hehe..." Dahn suddenly laughed and chuckled.

"Do you really think I would reveal myself after all these years without absolute guarantee of success? And did you really think a little one time use trinket like that would stop ME? I SLEW THE GENERAL OF THE 19th IMPERIAL ARMY WHO WROTE THAT WRIT ALL THOSE YEARS AGO!" Suddenly Dahn raised a blade in his hand and slashed through space. He entered the tear and appeared directly in front of the Writ of the Heavens!

"You call me an old man but what does that make this old geezer who is still trying to bother me eons after his death!" He stabbed directly into the Heaven's Light and the Imperial Herald could only watch in horror as the blade sheared through the light itself and pierced the Writ!


The Writ exploded and was rent to pieces by the millions of swords which finally surrounded the Imperial Cohort. All the glimmering angels readied themselves for battle but the Imperial Herald whose face was paler than the palest of whites cried out,

"All forces! Kill the heretic! Kill him!" Then the Imperial Herald immediately began to fly away as fast as he could, calling out behind him,

"You're a madman! You may have somehow healed enough to stop a Writ of the Heavens but I know you cannot fight an Imperial Army now! They'll have sensed the Writ's death and they will be here soon!" He said frantically. "Surrender now and there may yet be a chance for you if you tell us who helped you!"

However...Dahn continued to laugh lightly as he raised his hand and the sky...suddenly changed color. First it had been night. Then when the angelic cohort had arrived it had turned to white daylight. Now however...the sky returned to a crystal clear shade of perfect purple! It was revealed that across the entire planet there was a bubble of purple Qi!

"Oh yes. I'm sure the nearest Imperial Army is coming. But none of your desperate pleas for help have been transmitted through the Qi Curtain I set up when you arrived. By the time they arrive you will be dead, the Hells will be sealed, and there will be no evidence that I was ever here!" He said. Suddenly Lineir received a mental transmission!

"Kid...I've called their bluff but containing the Hells and the hunting down these dogs of Heaven is as much as I can do while not revealing my presence to the Imperial Army. It will take me about the time it takes for ten incense sticks of time to burn before I eliminate all the demonic forces on the surface and kill these dogs of Heaven. I need you to go down in that Hellhole and use Mizuchi to seal it. Then I can teleport us both out of here. Hurry, remember you have ten incense sticks of time!"
