Chapter:- 7

Hyzin's POV: 

I looked at them who were glaring at me. I sighed.

"Who told you to take short cut?" The boss lady asked aka Zaisha. She is the younger but you have to answer her or else there's no escaping.

"Well, I was trying to avoid the rain so thought I'll reach home soon. But I didn't know that this will happen." I said shrugging my shoulders and they all glared at me making me roll my eyes. Well, its 10 of the morning and these kids are interrogating me.

"I'm alright now. Why are you guys over reacting?" I said looking at them and they rolled their eyes.

"Yeah. That's why you are burning like fire, right?" Zara said in a mocking tone and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, when you are living with a Fire Blazer then you have to burn like fire, right?" I said smirking at her who just entered in the room.

"Then I should become like Mr.Calm, right?" She asked rolling her eyes and we all chuckled.

"Wow. You guys have given names to each other." Arhaan said smiling at us and all chuckled.

"Why did you guys skip college today?" I asked looking at them and they all rolled their eyes.

"To look after you." Sara said shrugging her shoulders and I rolled my eyes when all of them nodded their head.

"And why did she took leave today?" I asked looking at her who sat beside them.

"Ask Bhabhi." Zaisha said smiling at me and I shook my head.

"Because you are not well." She said smiling at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you guys call whole universe to do that?" I asked looking at them and they shook their head.

"Everyone might be busy in their works, Bhai. We are there for you. We don't need whole universe." I sighed hearing Zara. No doubt. She is daughter of Innocent Safa. Some times Abbu say this whenever my sisters act like innocent kid. Nothing can happen of these kids. After some time kids left and I looked at her who was talking on phone with someone.

"I'll be there tomorrow then we can discuss." She said turning to me and I smiled at her.

"Yeah. Bye." She said and hung up.

"You should sleep then only this fever will go away." She said sitting beside me and I rolled my eyes.

"From the very morning I'm sleeping. How much more do you want me to sleep?" I said glaring at her and she chuckled.

"You look cute when you are frustrated." She said pulling my cheeks and I rolled my eyes.

"For the first time I'm listening that someone looks cute in frustration." I said looking at her and she chuckled.

"I bet your mind is flooded with many things when I get angry or glare at you." She said smiling at me and I nodded my head. She is right though.  She looks killer in that angry mood.

"Well, how can you get leave when you haven't requested before?" I asked looking at her and she smiled.

"The hospital where I work is owned by my Dad. He is the owner." She said removing hair from my head and I looked at her weirdly.


"Yep." She said sighing deeply.

"Your fever is still not down yet." She said touching my forehead and I smiled.

"I have just taken medicine. It will take hours to get down." I said holding her hand which was on my head and she nodded her head.

"You should be patience, right? You are a Doctor." I said smiling at her and she rolled her eyes.

"When it comes about loved ones all those patience fly away even when you are a Doctor." She said looking at me and I chuckled. She is right. You just want that person so get well soon.

"So, I'm counted in loved ones?" I asked looking at her and she nodded her head.

"Of course." She said smiling at me.


"May be because I'm falling in love with you slowly." She said making my breath stopped.

"And I'm loving this feeling." She said smiling at me and my lips formed into a big smile. I don't know why but it made me happy.

"I'm glad your heart beats this crazily only for me." She said and I looked down to find her hand where my heart was beating hell crazily.

"And I'm glad that this happens because of my wife." I said pulling her cheek and she chuckled. I think I'm going crazy. From when did I started talking like those filmy heroes? It's so clingy.

After a month.

"Now just save yourself. You are gone." We all laughed hearing Sara who was glaring at Arhaan. Well, its weekend and everyone is free right now. Mamu too doesn't go to cafe on weekends saying others will handle it. And right now we are in the living room and Tom and Jerry just had an argument and the result is running. 

"Let's see if you can catch me or not." He said running around the room and Sara ran behind him while we were just looking at ther childishness.

"STOP BOTH OF YOU." Fuffi shouted and we all turned to her who was glaring at Arhaan while he was looking down with a smile.

"You guys are not kids anymore. Act like adults." She said glaring at them and Arhaan looked at her with a sigh.

"Ammi, I'm not comfortable with those 18+ movies." He said shaking his head and I was looking at him all shocked. How can he say that to her directly? Ya Allah.

"Then you are artless in Romance." Sara said shaking her head and we all laughed while Ary glared at her.

"Let me tell you what romance is." He said smiling at her and her eyes widened as she knew something is coming.

"I'm going. Bye." She said smiling at him and ran upstairs while Ary followed her making us all laugh.

"I just told them not to act like kids." Fuffi said shaking her head and we chuckled.

"They'll act mature when they'll become responsible, girly." Ammi said smiling at her and she sighed.

"Its all because of him. You have spoiled him a lot." She said glaring at Mamu who rolled his eyes.

"When you can't handle the situation you put all the blame on me. I have so amazing wife." Mamu said shaking his head while we all were enjoying their bickering.  

"I love them." Zaisha said looking at them with a big smile making us chuckle. Our eyes went upstairs when we found both of them still running but this time Sara was running behind Ary. None of them can compromise. Both of them need exact revenge.

"I hope both of them doesn't end up in one operation theater to do an operation." We heard Zara and turned to her who was looking at them.

"Why, Appi?" Zaisha asked and I nodded my head too.

"Or else they both will kill the person in anger instead of saving him or her." She said shaking her head while we chuckled.

"Doctors are for saving lives, girly. Not to take lives." I looked at her who has opened her mouth for the first time from the time we are sitting here.

"Their first priority will be the patient in the OT not their fight or argument." She said patting Zara's head and she smiled.

"They should be like you. Calm and collected." Zaisha said smiling at her and I looked at her weirdly. Is there any match between Maham and Calm? I don't think so.

"I'm a short tempered woman, girly." She said chuckling at her while both the girls rolled their eyes.

"Yep. There is no match between Maham and Calm, girls. She is hell scary when she gets angry." I said looking at my sisters who looked at me then at her who nodded her head.

"And I keep getting angry on small things." She said chuckling and I rolled my eyes.

"That's not anger. That's frustration. People gets frustrated when they can't reach their goal or when they are not able to do what they want to." I said looking at her who looked at me weirdly. 

"Whatever it is. But I'm not calm and collected like you guys think. Don't forget your brother has given me a name." She said smiling at them and they chuckled.

"Yeah. Fire Blazer and Mr.Calm. Wow. What a beautiful pair." We chuckled hearing Zaisha who was smiling widely. We were busy in talking when there was a knock on the door. Zara went to open the door. When she didn't come we went to check and I was shocked on what I saw next.

"Leave you stupid. Its hurting." She said glaring at Azhaan who was twisting her ear.

"You were the one who wasn't picking up my calls. And we both have put a condition that we'll do this if we ignore calls." He said smirking at her and she jerked his hand away from her ear.

"Do they know each other?" I heard her voice and looked at her who was looking at them weirdly. And the same was my reaction.

"I don't even know him." Zaisha said and we chuckled.

"He is my brother." Maham said still looking at him who wrapped his arm around her neck while she laughed at him. What's the relation between them?

"And I bet he hasn't came here before." I said looking at them with frowns and she nodded her head.

"Do you guys know each other?" I asked walking towards them and both of them turned towards us.

"Bhai, he is my friend. You know I told you about that incident which happened a year ago?" Zara asked looking at me and I nodded my head as I got what she was talking about.

"He is the one who became prey that day." She said chuckling and I chuckled.

"But what are you doing here?" She asked turning to him and he rolled his eyes.

"I came to meet my sister." He said pointing at her who was glaring at him.

"Bhabhi is your sister?" Zara asked and he nodded his head.

"Yep. But right now she is on fire. I better leave from here." He said taking a deep breath and we chuckled when he took a step to go but stopped hearing my wife.

"Take a step and you won't be able to leave this house in the same condition." Yep. That's what my wife said. He turned to her then rolled his eyes when he found her glaring at him.

"Come inside, man. We'll have a talk inside." I said walking towards him who smiled at me. After doing his hospitality we were talking when Zaisha asked.

"Appi, what was the incident which you were talking about?"

"And how did you guys meet before?" Maham asked looking at Azhaan with frowns who rolled his eyes while Zara and I chuckled.

"Well, it happened a year ago. One of my friend was receiving stupid kind of messages from a number and her family is kind of weird. They doesn't wait for explanation and conclude things on their own so she was hell scared. We tried to call on that number but it wasn't picked up. So, we used our some computer tricks. One of our friend knew hacking and get the location of numbers so we did that and it was showing his office. When I reach there to teach him a good lesson, only he was present there and I thought he is the one who was troubling her. So, I gave him a tight slap and th-" Before she could complete Azhaan cut her off.

"With many punches on my stomach and face. It was black and blue bruises next day." We all laughed hearing him.

"Wow." Zaisha said laughing and we all chuckled.

"Then how come you get to know that it was not him?" Maham asked her and she chuckled.

"When I told him what he was doing he denied. So, prove him wrong I dialled the number and the bomb blasted on my head when his phone didn't rang but another person's who just entered the room." Zara said rolling his eyes and we chuckled.

"And that person was the culprit?" Zaisha asked and she nodded her head.

"We had just finished our meeting and that person had forgotten something in the meeting room. And she saved me too that day cause we got to know the same day that he was betraying us." Azhaan said smiling and we nodded our head.

"That was so filmy." We chuckled hearing Zaisha. She lives in filmy world.

"Stop watching those movies, girl. You are living in their world." Zara said patting her head and she chuckled.

"Its okay to live in those fake worlds when the real world gives you cruel things." She said smiling at us and we chuckled.

"Little Zaish is growing up." I said patting her head and she chuckled. And that's how the evening went. With bickering and fighting of kids.


"Aren't you going to office, Bhai?" Arhaan asked and I nodded my head.

"I'm going. I'm waiting for her." I said and he nodded his head.

"Let me go and check." I said getting up from my seat and walked towards our room. She has been inside from a long time. I opened the door and my brows frowned when I found her crying hysterically.

"Hey. You alright?" I asked walking towards her.

"Maham. Why are you crying? Everything okay?" I asked keeping my hand on her shoulder and she sniffed.

"What happened? Will you explain me?" I asked shaking her by her shoulder and she jerked my hand making me shock.


"Okay okay. Calm down." I said taking deep breaths to calm my heart which was beating hard don't know why.

"I'm waiting outside." I said and walked towards door when I heard her calling me.

"Hyzin." Ignoring her I walked out of the room and went outside. I walked inside as I forgot something. I walked towards Ammi who was looking at me with frowns. I smiled and placed a kiss on her head.

"Allah Hafiz." I said and she frowned may be seeing my teary eyes. I walked out and sighed. What's with these tears? This was going to happen some day anyways. We didn't marry in a favourable conditions. After some time I found her coming. I started the car as soon as she sat inside.

"Hyzin, listen to me." She said holding my arm while I was silent.

"It was not intentional. I swear." I heard her shaky voice and sighed. The ride went by her voice and me being silent. I stopped the car and she turned to me.


"We have reached your destination, Mam." I cut her off and looked at her who was looking at me with teary eyes.

"Please just once liste-" I cut her off again.

"I'm getting late, Mam." I said looking forward and heard her sighing. She got out and I drove towards my office. I don't know why its hurting this much. This is so frustrating. I entered in my cabin and started my work. It was 2 of the afternoon when my phone rang. I sighed seeing the caller ID. I cut the call and got busy in my work. Closing my files I placed my head on the back of the chair and closed my eyes. My mind went back to the incident of the morning. Why did she snap at me? What was the reason behind her anger? What made her cry? Is everything okay? Is she hiding something from me?

"Urghh! Stop thinking about these things and do your work." I said to myself and got busy in my work to remove her thoughts from my mind.


I went inside our room and took my dress to change. After changing I walked out to have dinner. We were having dinner when Abbu asked.

"When are you leaving for Kolkata?" I looked at him and smiled at him.

"Day after tomorrow, Abbu." I said and he nodded his head.

"But why, Bhai?" I smiled hearing Zaisha.

"For business meeting, little one." I said and she nodded her head. My eyes went to her who was having her food silently. After dinner everyone left for their rooms and I went our room. After freshening up and doing wudu I prayed Isha and went to bed. 

"Can we talk now?" I heard her and turned to her.

"Are you talking to me, Mam?" I asked looking at her and she sighed.

"Stop calling me Mam." She said glaring at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Someone told me not to interfere in her life's matters. So I think we should be professional. After all our marriage was not our choices." I said looking at her and she closed her eyes letting her tears fall down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry." She said looking at me and I turned to the other side.

"Switch off the lights. I have to wake up early tomorrow to pack my things." I said closing my eyes and took a deep breath to calm my heart which was beating like hell. I felt her hands on my chest hugging me from back and sighed.

"I'm sorry." I heard her whispering on my back.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, love. This won't happen next time. I promise." She said hugging me tightly and I sighed. I turned towards her removing her arm from my chest and smiled at her.

"Your sorry is not healing the pain of my heart, Mam. Save it for other time." I said smiling at her while sighing when I found her eyes filled with tears. Even my eyes had some tears. Stupid me. I don't even know what these tears are for.


"Sleep. I'm sleepy." I said turning to the other side and covered myself with quilt closing my eyes. I just hope we end this fight before I leave for Kolkata. 

Assalamualaikum and Hello lovelies. How are you all?

How was the chapter? Amazing or best? Enjoyed it? Loved it? Any idea behind Maham's behaviour? Why did she act like that? Our Hyzin is so hurt😟 Will they sort it our before be leaves for Kolkata? Let me know your views in the comment section. I'll be waiting.

Do vote and comment please. It means a lot.
Take care till next time.
Allah Hafiz and Bye. :) (:
