~Part Thirteen~

I don't have any more solo pictures of nightmare saved- AHH I failed you all, so take ships I found like errormare and crap like that for the chapter's pictures

After a day or so of running and hiding from the skeleton I later found out was named blueberry. I found this old building that was all beat up but still standing, goop covered guards stood around all the doors so I knew I found the right place.

I crouched by a big bush with berries on it that stood near one of the entrances, I had that, along with a whole valley of trees and other plants to run to if I got caught but I was being careful. as I got closer to the building I could tell it was where nightmare was, I was scared and anxious just being close to it.

As I got closer to it I saw that the building was much older than I thought, the metal plates that made up the walls were rusted over all over the place, with holes and old vines and plants growing into it as if its been left alone for decades and any second now it would fall over and collapse. I grabbed a rock near my shoe and threw it off into the woods away from where I was sitting, hoping to get his attention over there but he didn't move. I threw another one but no reaction. weird that always worked in the movies..

I looked around in the woods and found a fallen tree limb and figured this would work, it wasn't much bigger than me but I could lift it just fine. I ran up to the guard and as he heard me running he turned and swung his sword that I just now noticed at me and cut my tree branch in half. I jumped back and grabbed a rock and threw it at him, it only got caught in the liquid that covered his body and sunk in, he grabbed my arm and dragged me inside by force. I guess I got in so that's good..only now I was a prisoner in the back of the building where they kept the weapons, they had a huge sword that hung on the rusted metal wall, I'm not sure how they got the nails in the wall without breaking the whole thing down but that wasn't important, they also had knifes, guns, bows and arrows and even armor that would only get covered by black goop so god only knows how many of them are wearing armor and how many weren't.

I was tied up by this annoying rope that gave me rope burn on my wrists and had one guard in the room with me, making sure I didn't do anything but he stood completely still and lifeless until I would move which caused him to go into full battle mode and attack me until I stopped moving. After a few boring hours of that I heard yelling that sent pure fear into every bone in my body "WHO DARED TO GO WITHOUT MY PERMISSION AND ATTACK THE CITY?! WHOEVER DID IT WILL BE CAUGHT AND WILL SUFFER ENDLESS TORTURE UNTIL THE END OF THE MULTIVERSE!!" the voice boomed through out the entire room and my guard was shaking in his boots. I guessed either everyone was scared of it as much as I was, or this guy was the guilty party. either way someone was doomed for endless torture.

"was it you" I asked and he turned towards me, I flinched expecting to get hit but he only nodded, I'm not sure if he could talk or not but he seemed scared out of his wits. "then go, untie me and go! I promise if you untie me I won't tell him where you went!" I lied, I am SO going to tell after the amount of bruises he gave me. maybe endless torture will teach the guy some manners! but he believed me and untied me, then ran for the hills and left me alone. not long after he left I went to open the door to look around and was met face to face with the one I came here for... nightmare. and he wasn't too happy to see me.
