Newt AU//Shopping

The car door slammed shut  as I hopped into the driver's seat of my car. Looking to my right, I see my boyfriend, Newt in the passenger's seat. I have never seen him look so annoyed. All we had to do was make a quick trip to the shops. It was actually kind of cute, the way that he made the smallest inconveniences seem so big.

"It won't take long babe, we'll only be out for around half an hour. Then you'll be back home again."

"But I don't wanna goooo!" He whines.

Rolling my eyes, I put the keys in the ignition and start the car. 


A cold waft of air hits me as I walk through the doors of the supermarket, almost making me shiver as I realise that I had forgotten to bring a jacket. Oh well, I can survive a bit of cold aircon.

Walking through the aisles, I spy a sign that reads 'Chips, lollies and party foods'. Just what I was looking for! A smile on my face, I start heading towards the chip *(or crisps or whatever you call them)* section, and grab my favourite flavour of chips. Newt, in turn, picks out his own bag with a groan, emphasising his wish to leave now that we have what we want.

"Ok. Let's go." I say.

"Yay!" He says excitedly. He rushes ahead of me, turning left and out of sight. I quicken my pace, not wanting to lose my boyfriend in a huge store like this. I reach the end of the aisle, and, turning my head left and right, I scan the area for my boyfriend. But, of course he is nowhere in sight. Sighing in an aggravated matter, I start heading left, to  the area that I saw him go towards.

Realising that he wasn't there, I begin to panic. Where on Earth could he be? Newt was smart, but sometimes he could be as childish as a small puppy. Of course, things like this had happened before, but I still panicked every time. I decide to head the checkout, to check if maybe he was already there, waiting for me to come so we could leave.

Deciding to go to a self checkout, I place my bag of chips on the scanner and bring out my credit card to pay. Suddenly, I hear three successive 'bings', notifying me that they were putting a message out over the speakers.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), we have something of yours. Please come to checkout 1 to collect your child."

Utterly confused, I take my chips and look for Checkout  1. I see a few of the store workers, including the manager, standing next to....Newt?

He must have gotten lost and asked them to put out a message for me. And here he was, pouting that I'd lost him. He was so cute!

Sighing and laughing happily, I walk over and take his hand, leading him over to the checkout so that he can but his chips and leave.

"I'm sorry" I mutter, laughing.

"No, I'm sorry!" He says in a child like voice "I was just excited to leave."

Chuckling, I get on my tip-toes and peck his cheek. We both grin at each other as we walk out of the building, knowing that we'd cherish this cute experience for a long time.


Thanks for reading! I got this idea from a something I saw on Instagram, so I hope you enjoy this little one-shot.

I'll see if I have time to update soon, but if I don't, I'm sorry.

Until then, have an amazing day!

-TMRfan06 ♥️
